Maybe We'll Pretend Right Now

I Wanna Hold Your Hand So Tight

The following week went by slowly. I considered calling Jessica again, just to talk, but I couldn't make myself do it. I also couldn't get her off my mind.

"So who's this girl you're seeing tonight?" Casey asked. It was finally Saturday, and I was at the In-N-Out Burger getting lunch with Casey and Mike. Apparently Vic had already told Mike the whole story, but Casey didn't have a clue yet.

"She's just a girl I met last weekend at Jamba Juice. Short, brunette, funny, and really cute. She's just coming over to my place for dinner and a movie. Nothing special, though. We're just getting takeout."

Mike butted in, with a smirk and a shake of his head. "Jaime, she asked to come to your place. Have you no brain? She likes you, dude. She wants you."

I scoffed and took a bite of my burger. "Calm down, Shakespeare. She just wants to hang out. You know, like friends. She isn't that type of girl."

"We'll see about that," Mike teased, reaching over to steal one of my fries.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I bit my lip in confusion.

"Nothing," Mike said, "it's just that, I know a little something about girls. You, on the other hand, aren't exactly Romeo."

I rolled my eyes and took a drink of my soda. Mike obviously didn't know what he was talking about.

Around six o'clock that evening, about an hour before Jessica was supposed to arrive, I decided to start getting ready. I wanted to look much better than I did when I first met her.

I showered and then pulled on a red plaid fleece shirt and dark jeans. By the time I had finished straightening and gelling my hair, it was time for Jessica to arrive. I decided to sit on the couch and wait for her.

Just on time, I heard a knock on the door. My stomach tied up in a billion little knots, I was so nervous. It was stupid of me to be so nervous but I just couldn't help it with her.

I got up to open the door, fixing any little flaws in myself on the way. I took a deep breath and turned the knob.

"Hey," I said with a grin, obvious tension in my voice. Jessica smiled and stepped into my apartment.

"You look beautiful," I choked out. She did look amazing despite the little thought she probably put into it. Her hair fell over her shoulders in tight brown curls, and she wore a light purple sweater with jeans.

"Thanks," she smiled, "so do you."

I led her into the kitchen where we talked about what we would have for dinner. After we both decided on pizza, I called Pizza Hut and ordered a large pepperoni.

"So what movie do you want to watch?" I asked, sitting next to Jessica on the couch.

"I don't know, what do you have?"

"Everything," I threw her the TV remote, "I have Netflix."

She began scrolling through the choices on the screen while I rambled on about something that I don't even remember. I always talk a lot when I'm nervous.

"Here we go," she said, setting down the remote. I didn't see what movie she chose, so I just waited for it to start.

"It can't be," I blurted out when I saw the Pixar lamp hopping around on the screen. Jessica looked at me funny, but I just stared at the screen until my beliefs were confirmed.

When the camera panned to an animated child playing with toys on his bedroom floor, I let out a squeal, embarrassing myself immediately. Jessica just laughed and shook her head.

"Sorry," I chuckled, "this is just my favorite movie. I can't believe you'd pick it!"

"Really? It's my favorite too!" Jessica said just as the doorbell rang.

I hopped up and walked to the door to get the pizza. I payed the delivery man and carried the box over to the couch, setting it down on the coffee table.

It was about fifteen minutes into the movie and we were each eating our first slices of pizza when my annoying mouth starting talking aimlessly again.

"This pizza's good, isn't it?" I took a bite.

"Yeah it is," Jessica nodded.

"I usually don't go for Pizza Hut, but you know, what the heck. It's closer to my house than anything else and easiest to have delivered. But I really like this one place up at the mall, Anthony's, I think it's called. They make the best meatball subs, too. I went there with my friend Tony the other d-"

I was cut off by Jessica's lips on mine. I just sat there for a moment, unable to move. It took a few seconds for me to shut my eyes and melt into the kiss.

It lasted for about two minutes, my mind floating around in heaven. She was an amazing kisser and she definitely took me by surprise. When she pulled away, I found myself immediately wanting more.

"W-what was that," I stuttered, still in shock.

Jessica smiled and winked. "You wouldn't shut up. I'll admit, it's super cute, but not during my favorite part of Toy Story."

I felt myself turn red all over and I set down my pizza. My stomach was far too nervous to eat anything else.

The rest of the night was full of laughs, and, maybe a little cuddling. The awkward faded pretty much right after she kissed me, which I was thankful for. By eleven o'clock I wan't such a nervous wreck.

"I should get going," Jessica said once the second Toy Story movie ended. I agreed and walked her outside to her car.

"I had fun," she said, digging her keys out of her purse.

"So did I, we'll have to hang out again," I agreed.

Jessica nodded and stood next to her car, staring into my eyes. I felt the nervous feeling return to my stomach. It was definitely something I'd have to get used to.

"Well, I'll call you tomorrow," I said, "maybe we could get together again one day this week or something. I have a pretty open schedule, nothing really going on. We should go to the mall or something. Maybe you'd like to meet my friends. Well, you kind of already met Vic, but that doesn't count really..."

Jessica just laughed quietly and shook her head, looking up at me.

"Sorry, was I rambling again?" I asked shamefully.

She nodded and took my hand in hers. "Don't worry, I like it," she reassured me.

I felt myself blush again at that comment.

"Call me tomorrow, okay? I'll see if I can squeeze you in," she winked.

I nodded and bit my lip once I realize how close we were standing. She was still holding my hand, messing around with my fingers while she stared up at me.

I got caught up in the moment and leaned down to kiss her. She willingly kissed back, and we stood there like that for a while, just taking in the feeling of each other.

I pulled away this time, and she smiled, stepping away and unlocking her car. "Tomorrow," she reminded me, shutting her car door.

I waved my fingers at her car while she drove away.
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sorry this chapter is pretty short but i just wanted to write it while the idea was fresh in my mind ok