Status: One-Shot

Alone Forever More

One of One

She's gone.
Gone to a place where I can never reach her and never will. Why? Why does this always happen to me? Does Fate love watching my heart get torn out again and again? Watching as I crumple to the ground in a ball of agony and despair? Yeah, I bet she's having a swell time, sitting on her golden throne, dictating how my life is going to be lived. I think that crown might be getting to her head because I've had my fair share of pain and heartache and it still seems to keep coming. Sometimes I wish I could just end it all. Just turn my dagger against myself and fade away. But I know that I could never do it; I could never do that to Meghan. I love her too much to ever put her through that kind of pain. But it's painful; It hurts to know that she's there with him in a place that will kill me if I ever step foot in there again. I would have become human, if it was for her. I would have gone to the ends of the earth and back all for her.(Though I kind of did) And yet, she chose him. He who was our enemy. Don't they know? Summer and Winter can never be together. I've learned this the hard way. I guess I partly to blame for my pain. I was stupid to believe that we could rescue Ethan then go back home where life would continue and we would be together. I was stupid to think that she wouldn't fall in love with him if they met. But, or course she fell for him, because Fate gets a kick out of watching my heart break into tiny pieces. But as if Fate just had to add to the pile, she made Ice-boy leave Meghan, who then in turn came to me; hoping I would fill in the void left behind. I, of course was stupid enough to fall for it, thinking one little kiss would change anything. Silly me. So here i am, Back home in Arcadia. I should be happy but how can I? How can I when I know that what I fell for her would never be returned, no matter how hard I wished. If I could, I would turn back the hands of time, make it so none of this ever happened. I would have protected her brother better so he would never have gotten kidnapped. Then, she would still happily be living a lie and maybe she would have been mine. But I know it probably wouldnt have turned out well. Fate would have found another way to screw things up and make me more miserable because hey, it's not like she has anything better to do than laugh at my poor excuse for a life. Maybe I should just give up on love; I seem to be destined to never be happy so why not quit before I get damaged anymore. I can feel my heart breaking in my chest, shattering into little pieces. Or maybe it had already cracked a long time ago and the fragile hope that had held it together had fled and now the pieces were falling to the ground like they should have done by now. But she's happy, happy with her knight, her Ash. And if she's happy then I'm happy no matter how empty I feel. Because I am Puck, her best friend ever since we were little. And I will always be there for her, even if I feel cold as the snow she chose over me. Even then and forever more. Maybe Fate will take pity on me, the glorious being that sits on the throne of the world. But until then, if Meghan is happy, the I will gladly stay as I am. Even if it means that every look, every touch she gives him cuts me like no ice blade ever could.
Even Then
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So, i honestly dont have a clue where it come from and i know it probably doesnt follow the prompt but its too late now. This is based off of the book series The Iron Fey by Julie Kagawa. Its a really goos series; you should read it.