Status: This was orginally posted on by myself.


Chapter one

Chapter one

Syed Asra, the 20 year old girl who prefered to be called Park Hana, was pacing back and forth around her room - her door was wide open. Her long, red hair, which was naturally curled at the ends was bouncing as the tall girl walked here and there, gathering her things. She wasn't to worry about anyone barging in, as she was very close with her members. She was like this for a few days now, in her room, just pacing around, thinking of a concept. It was finally time that she thought of cleaning up her room. Her phone vibarated for the nth time, and she sighed, picking it up.

"KyungHyun, Manager? Need anything?" Hana questioned, picking up the dress on the floor.

"Hana! I was calling you for a while now. Why didn't you pick up!?" He sounded annoyed and angry, yet didn't scare Hana one bit.

"I didn't notice it - I guess." Hana lied, in a bored voice.

"Anyway, how are the concepts coming up?"

"Not very well, KyungHyun."

"Need help?"

"Yeah. I'm just waiting for HyunMi to arrive back home, then I'll plan it with her."

"Okay, just get them done by next week, or SooMan wouldn't be so happy."

"Anything else?"

"Yeah, I'll be sending someone over - I think you know him."

"Can I get his name?"

"It's Choi JongJi, 23. He's a new concept-maker in SM - so if he doesn't do well, send him back to me, ne?"

"Ne, KyungHyun. Anneyong!"

"Anneyong, Hana." He closed the call.

It was just a month that she was released from the hospital, into the loving and caring arms of her group. She's been busy ever since - she barely had time for her love life. But, her boyfriend, Kim Jae Hun, who was the same age as Hana, but just slightly younger, was still there for her. Oh, how she loved him.

Another comback was to be planned for them, and Hyuna had to think up the concept. Even Hana herself, had to think up the solo concepts. Her phone rang again, except this time, it was a different ID - she wasn't in the mood to check it, and she just thought it would be one of her group members.

"You need anything?"

"Eonnie, I'm coming back in a bit, okay?"


The call ended there. Pulling her hair in a loose side ponytail, she slipped on her flats. She looked at her full-body mirror before exiting the room. As she did, the doorbell rang, thinking that it would be her friend, she quickly went to open it. As she opened the door - anger bubbled in her, she wanted to destroy the person standing.

"Hana!?" The girl exclaimed, "You're alive!?"

Hana nodded once, she was trying not to ball her hands into tight fists. The girl, who seemed to be 16 walked in, talking on and on about how much she missed her, thought she was dead, and all the other things Hana didn't care about.

Hana groaned, "Shut up!" she loudly yelled, finally losing her tolerance.

"Eonnie, are you okay?" The girl, Kim SunHi worried over the older, and gently grabbed her hand.

Hana harshly shook away the younger's hand, "Leave."


"I said leave."

"E - eonnie?"

"SunHi, dear. Can't you hear properly? I said leave."

Suddenly, the door bell rang again, and Hana left the girl as she was to open it. But, as she did, Joo Hyun Ae, 19, who prefered to be called simply Joo, stepped out of his room, to see her open the door. A tall man stood calmly. His hair jet black, his figure was very well built.

"Ah, I'm Choi JongJi. The concept maker, I was sent here by your manager." He bowed, and polietly introduced himself, smiling.

Joo gave him a weird look, "How can I know you're not just a stalker?"

"Um .. well, I have my SM officials card so .." He took out a very familiar pink card, which confirmed his identity.

The card contained his information - and Joo carefully studied it. Choi JongJi, 23, Concept Maker and Graphics Manager, working at SM entertainment for 3 years.

"Very well." Joo stepped aside, and allowed him to enter the house.

As Hana caught a glimpse of the male, memories flushed her mind. That face was so very familiar, but he soon disappered into the group's meeting room. Joo guided him to the room - while Hana rushed the other girl outside the house, ignoring all excuses that she sputtered. The girl rushed to her room, bringing out her concept files. Standing outside of the room, Hana could feel her heart race. She entered the room, with a quiet sigh.

The room was cold, large, and well-lit. There was a long, black, marble table in the middle of the white tiled floor, and next to the table were about 10 chairs, all of metal handles and feet, but with black leather seats.

"Anneyong Haseyo, I expect you're here for the concept, yes?" Hana bowed, and took a seat near the male.

"Ne. Hana-ssi."

And so, they began doing their work. Discussing posisble sets, costumes, and everything that was possibly needed.

"Hana-ssi, if you don't mind me asking - when did you leave Pakistan?" JongJi questioned, as the two took a break from their work.

"About .. 10 years ago, I suppose. I visited it from time to time again, why do you ask, JongJi-ssi?" Hana replied, still going through her files.

"You seem familiar ... Even your names are the same." JongJi explained to her, "She had a twin, HwaYeon. But she liked to be called HwaYoung, didn't know why, though."

He even knows her real name.. Hana thought, slightly trembling from the inside.

"Their parents died in a car crash - along with their grandmother."

I knew that face was familiar.

"She was really nice, used to pick flowers from her garden, then set it on her table. She was only 9 at that time. Whenever she lied, she'd look away. But, whenever she talked, she made straight eye-contact. Oh, and she hated strawberry flavoured ice cream, too."

He knows my habits, and dislikes, too..

"You're really similar to her."

"How do you know so much about her?" She looked into the male's eyes.

"Ah, she was a very good friend of mine. But, I'd always get her and HwaYeon mixed up. Then I realised her eye color was a little lighter than HwaYeon's - and she was much more stubborn." He chuckled at the memories, "She was quite fond of cameras, and dancing. Whenever we'd do something, she'd always take pictures of it. She'd place them in a box rather than an album."

That's what I used to do, too.

"She spoke a bit of English back then, too. I wonder where she is, though."

"Your birth name isn't JongJi ... is it?"

"No, infact it isn't." He was quite surprised at her question, but replied anyway.

"It's Adam, yes? Syed Adam?"

"How'd you know?"

"Because .. I'm Park Asra."

She was searching around the room, before finally finding what she was looking for. She smiled when she found a large box, of a rather fallow color. It was titled 'Gems', written in a cursive writing. Hana knew that the writing on the box wasn't of her pre-teen years, surely it'd be of when she was 15. She lifted the lid of the box - and was greeted with many kinds of things.

Pictures of many kinds, a polaroid camera, some old candies, which were probably expired by now, a perfume or two, some jewellry, a small pouch containing other things, wrappers, and many more things. There was one picture that especially caught her attention - it was her and her old friends, a photo that HwaYoung took. A few lyrics she wrote when she was younger caught her eyes aswell.

But, what grabbed most of her attention was a USB placed in there - it seemed to hold a few Gigabytes - so she grabbed her laptop, which is always resting on her bed, no matter what, and plugged it in. She was greeted by many folders, each titled with the event it was taken at.

She clicked at one named 'A7 @ Sweet Ice Cream'. She was greeted with many goofy, silly, fun and childish pictures. She was 13 back then - and the memories were still vivid in her mind.

Hana could see the members of her group, JongJi being one of them. Xi Jia Fang, and Byun Jae Byeol were the two girls, in the group excluding Hana. The rest were males - Jong Ji, Li JiaHeng, Park JaeSun and Lee JoonHo. Hana noticed that most of the photos were group photos, she wondered who took them.

She was grinning without noticing, and could see how happy she was back then. If only she was happy now, she'd be grateful. Even though she wasn't as happy, she knew what would make her absoultely jubliated.

She looked through other things in the box, looking here and there while the idea remained in her mind. She saw a lavender journal, which was quite thick, and idn't have a title. She tried to open it, but realised it was locked. Hana looked deeper into the large box, and found the key. It was some-what rusty, and shaped like a heart at the top. She unlocked it, and was quite surprised.

The book opened itself at exactly the middle, and on both the pages, there was blood.With a razor attached. She suddenly heard a few ghostly whispers, encouraging her to pick up the razor and slide it across her skin. But she couldn't - she promised herself, and JaeHun that she'd stop it.

But the temptation was far too much for her to handle.

She stood up, and locked her door. She changed into her pajamas, and grabbed the razor. She made sure to wash it with water, then clean it with alcohol and sanitizer.

Next morning, there were a few blotches of red on her pajamas and bedsheet.