Status: This was orginally posted on by myself.


Chapter Three

Chapter Three

Tonight, we gonna party like we're out of time

Tonight, we'll live it up under the city lights

Tonight, as if the night sky is splitting

Tonight, tonight, oh, running out of time

If you are ready to take responsibility of your heart, tonight

The girl's were finally recording their comeback song - 'Tick Tock'. Although it was supposed to be for Axiomatic, which was JaeHun's group, the girls got it instead. But, as Jaehun helped Minji with writing the song, his group got permission to preform it along with Lucifer after they've debuted, at some special concerts.

"Finally - it's over." Xi Yuri, 17, smiled, throwing the arms in the air, smiling joyously.

"Not yet - we still have solo filming for the next three days, before we get the official choreography - and then the actual filming for the next week once we learn it." Kim Minji, 18 notified the girl of their jam-packed scheduele, and groaned.

"You need to stop bursting the poor girl's bubbles, Minji. Live a little." Joo Hyunae, 19 jokingly shoved Minji's shoulder out of affection.

"Still, it's time to be realistic, than still live in fairy-tale land or whatever it's called."

"Neverland." Yuri corrected, "Speaking of which - why don't we go there?"

"Oh for the love of pancakes - Neverland is fictional you idiot!"

"Not in Korea it isn't."

"Yeah, wasn't it an amusement park here?" Choi Hyunmi, 18, supported Yuri.

"It's called Everland!" Minji exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air out of frustration.

"No, it's Neverland." Yuri argued.





"Both of you - shut up!" Hana yelled out of frusturation, putting a stop to the annoying argument and capturing everyone's attention.

"Eonnie, is it Everland or Neverland?" Yuri questioned.

"... Everland." Hana answered in a low voice, and Minji jumped out of her seat out of joy.

"See! It's Everland!" Minji exclaimed, and danced around the room.

"If we don't leave this place within 5 minutes, we're gonna be late for dance practice." Hana informed standing up.

"Geez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." Minji murmured under her breath, but Hana heard it.

Being the leader, Hana was told by the company to not tolerate this kind of behaviour - in order to keep her public image. Hana was mostly viewed to be cold, indifferent, mysterious, and hard-working. Even though she was really rather caring, loving and open. But, being in her image for too long, made her indifferent and mysterious. She wasn't too happy about that - nope, not at all.

"Come on, guys." Joo stood up, gathering her papers, making the other girls follow suit.

Hana inwardly smiled. Joo was always there for her - always. Sure, Minji and all the other girls equally stood up, but, Joo was something special. Also, Hana was the only one that could call Joo by her real name, and Joo was the only one that could call Hana by her real name casually.

"Thanks for backing me up there." Hana whispered to Joo as they walked to their dance room, passing by the numerous pictures of the SM family pasted on the walls.

"You're welcome, eonnie." Joo smiled, as purposely bumped into the girl as a sign of affection.

Hana bumped back, smirking slightly. This continued for a bit, until when Joo bumped into Hana, instead of bumping back, Hana grabbed her from the waist and moved her closer.

"No fair!" Joo slightly pouted.

"Whatever." Hana smiled, enjoying the warmth.

The girls reached their dance practise room. The girls' were already in their practise clothes, and they just needed to warm up. But soon enough they were done with that. Hana, being the lead dancer, had to stay in the middle the whole time. She was really not in the mood for that, but who was?

After a long period of time, the girls scheduele was finally over. Joyously, they went back to their dorms. But, unfortunately, their manager informed Hana and Minji of an emergency meeting.

That worried the girls a bit, as it was very rare that their manager called an emergancy meeting, after their schedueles, too.

"This better be something serious." Minji groaned, as she picked some clothes, since she thought other SM artists would be there too.

After a bit of preparing, the girls were ready for the meeting. The two of them, dressed in black and white. The meeting room was very large, and had a large black marble table in the middle, and silver chairs against it. The room was cold, probably because of the air-conditioning. Only a few SM artists were there, and that included some members of f(x), and some of Girls' Generation. After a while, BoA and The Grace showed up aswell. Hana noticed that only girls were there.

Everyone was chatting amongst themselves, except for Hana, who remained quiet for some unknown reason.

"Hey - you okay?" Minji sat down next to Hana, putting her hand around her shoulder.

"Yeah." Hana nodded, looking into space.

"You don't seem like it." Minji joked, but then returned to a concerned expression "Seriously - what's wrong?"

"Nothing, really. I just have a bad feeling about this. SM never calls us for a meeting unless it's urgent or something serious. I just can't help but feel that this little 'event' won't end with all smiles." Hana admits, sighing.

"Hey, it'll be fine, okay? Don't worry over nothing."

"I know Minji." Hana frowns a little, looking down at her black sleeves "But, I just can't shake off that feeling."

"I know how that feels. But, smile a little, I'm sure this will pass by smoothly."

Hana smiles, appreciating Minji's constant efforts, "Sure." Hana finally let's out a smile.

The room falls to a deep silence, as the CEO of SM entertainment steps inside the room. The girls straightened thier posture, and bowed to the CEO, greeting him.

"Good evening, girls. I expect that your schedueles were over, yes?"

The girls nodded in unison, and the CEO lowered his hand, signalling that they could sit. The girls sat down in chronological order, and a few murmurs were heard here and there. The CEO cleared his throat, and everyone turned to look at him.

"You all must have been wondering why I only invited the girls here. The reason is - we are kicking some members out of the group."

A few gasps were audiable in the large room. Some lowered their heads in shame, while others had a frown. Minji gripped Hana's hand tightly. A hand was raised in the air - it was that of Kim Hyoyeon, the dancer of Girls' Generation.

"Why?" The blond-headed girl asked, looking as if she was on the verge of tears.

The CEO signalled with his eyes for the girl to sit down, which she did. A few more mumurs were heard, and they lessened after a few minutes.

"Because they will be put in a sub-group."

There were excited noises which were obviously heard in the room. The girls hugged each other and jumped for joy. Hana's doubts were slowly fading.

"Allow me to continue girls." The president's voice broke through the girlish squeals, and everything turned into complete silence.

Minji's grip on Hana's hand tightened.

"As I said before, the girls gathered here will be put into a sub-group. But, you will be put in a sub-group, in another compnay."

Silence. Pure, utter silence. Moving to another company meant that you weren't good enough for the biggest company of Asia. Moving to another company meant that you weren't 'idol-material'.

The other words just flew past her ears. Hana didn't pay any attention.

Because moving to another company, meant leaving this group, and so, so much more.

"How did you know this was going to happen?" Minji was out-raged.

She pulled Hana to the side of the path, harshly shaking her shoulders to grab her attention.

No reply.

"I'm asking you something, Hana." Minji questioned the girl again.

No reply.

"Park Hana!" Minji yelled, gripping her shoulders harder, "Tell me, did you know of this!?"

"No." Was the reply, and Hana shrugged off Minji's shoulders, running away.

Hana ran off into the darkness. Where was she running?

She didn't know.

She just ran where her feet took her. Hana very well knew where she'd end up. Surely, she'd end up at the Han River.

Or in Jongji's arms.

Nah, the Han river had much more of a possibility. Oh wait - where were we?

Ah, yeah. Hana ran, tears overflowing, muscles aching, and her breathing hitching.

She finally stopped to check her surroundings. She was surely at an very well known neighbour hood. She scanned the area - A large road, a few houses painted in pastel colors, a large front-yard for some of the houses, large back-yeards for others, trees planted here and there next to the roads, and in the middle of them, acting as a seperator. The sky was painted a shade of violet, with splashes of orange and red.

Her heart warmed at the sight of the sky, reminding her of so many things...


17-year old Hana walked through the hallway of her school, earning smiles from everyone as she locked arms with Choi Haeeun, 18. The day has ended, and everyone is collecting their belongings from their lockers. Hana grabs her customized red-colored notebook, which has white wordings on it. Some wordings in Urdu, the other in Korean - giving it a very customised and unique look, and the other things she needed to take home, and shoved her in her somewhat large bag, also in the color of red, striped with darker shades of red. She and Haeeun joined their other friends, Kim Jaebyeol, 16, and Jung Yonhae, 17, and high-fived each other.

The six of them walked down the streets of Karachi, enjoying the fresh sea breeze blowing against their bodies, as the girls laughed and chatted. One of them, namely Yonhae, took out the keys to her car - a black Cultus, which was just big enough to fit in all of the girls. She, and the other girls gathered up money in order to buy the mean of transportation, and it would be better if it was called 'their car', rather than 'Yonhae's car'. They all seated themselves inside the Cultus - Haeeun at the drivers seat, Hana on the passenger seat, with her bag placed on her lap, as she fiddled with her mobile phone, while Jaebyeol and Yonhae were seated at the back seat, along with their and Haeeun's bags.

The girls soon reached their shared apartment bought with their own money, which contained 5 rooms - two bedrooms, each containing a personal bathroom, a lounge, a small kitchen and a store room. Although most of the 'chairs' were beanbags, and their 'beds' were either plain materesses or futons, the house had a nice look, and was decorated well enough to be appreciated. They all shared a large closet, which was one of the bedrooms and all the girls shared one room.

"Hana, where's my blue cardigan?" Yonhae questioned the girl, searching for the cardigan.

"I don't know. It was Haeeun who did the laundry last time." Was the reply as the girl brought out her own clothing - A fawn colored sweater, black jeans, light brown boots and a cute bow accessory to add the girlish feeling of the outfit.

After 30 minutes, Hana and Jaebyeol were back in the cultus, with Jaebyeol at the wheels. Yonhae was going to drop off Hana at Jiaheng's place, where Jiafang, Jasesun and Jongji would be at aswell. After another 30 minutes, they were infront of Jiafang's house. It was expected that there would be others, too, but only Jongji and Jiaheng were there. So, the four of them decided to stay outside in the evening sky, which looked so much like what Hana was seeing in the present. Jiaheng and Jaebyeol left to prepare some snacks, leaving Jongji and Hana alone, sitting on the bench located in the middle of the large frontyard, containing jasmine and rose bushes, sprinkled with colored leaves of the elderberry black lace, chiangmi and riversii.

"Soo.. I hope you've stopped cutting." Jongji accidently spurted out after the greetings were done.

"What?" Hana questioned, staring at him dumbfoundedly, tearing her eyes away from the sky.

"I hope you've stopped cutting." He repeated, thinkingtat now that he had already asked the question, it was better to follow along as if he planned to say that.

Oh, he was wrong.

"How the hell did you know that!?" Hana was surely shocked, but angered.

"W - well that day when you c - came for coffee a few months back? I - I saw some of your cuts..." Jongji timidly replied, rubbing the back of his nape awkwardly.

"How many did you see?" Hana demanded in a firm voice, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Like .. two or three. I don't clearly remember." He sighed, putting his palms on one other, resting them on his lap, he spoke once again, "I'm sorry, Hana. I didn't mean to."

And the rest, was a big blur as tears blocked her vision.

Hana was unconsiously walking around the neighbourhood - without a cover. She looked horrific - her makeup was almost gone, but she still had mascara trails, though she was still glad that all the SM workers were to live in a specifed neighbourhood where no-one was allowed to enter unless they had permission or such. She passed by the dorms of the other artists - Sonyuh Shidae, Dongban Shinki, SHINee ... She counted them one by one, until she reached L U C I F E R's dorm. Minji's car was parked there - signalling that she had already reached.

She was in trouble. In deep, deep trouble. Hana sighed, stuffing her hands in her hoodie. Her thoughts were interuppted by a familiar voice.

"Hana!" A deep voice called.

Hana groaned, but still did not recognize the voice. She turned around, to be greeted by a girl who looked to be about 18.

"Gosh, you look horrific." The girl exclaimed, placing her arm around the girl.

Hana removed the girl's arm by moving away, "Who are you, and why are you here?"

"Ah, you haven't changed a bit. Still have that attitude, tsk tsk. I'm Hayi! Remember? Lee Hayi, your cousin?"

"Hayi? What in the world are you doing here?"

"Well, I got accepted, so I'm a trainee now!"

"Good for you. I have to go now, Hayi. Call me, okay?"

"But I don't have your number." She held out her phone, giving it to Hana.

Hana added her number to the phone, "Here. Don't hesitate to ask me for anything you need, yeah? And make sure that you pass on the phone number to Haeyi."

"Sure! I'll text it to her. Anneyong, eonnie!" She happily bid goodbye to her older cousin.

"Bye, Hayi." Hana walked away, towards the door of their dorms.

She pushed the door open, only to groan as it was locked. She pulled out the keys from her pocket, and opened the door. Hana stumbled inside the house. If anyone was to see her, they'd think she was drunk.

Well, she planned on being so tonight, anyway.

Hyunmi was sitting on the couch along with Minji, discussing the matter. Yuri was sprawled out on the floor with her laptop in one hand, and her phone in the other. While Hyuna was sitting on a beanbag, bored out of her mind with her phone in her hand. Hana caughed, causing everyone to look at her.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that you guys have already heard the news, yes?" Hana asked, and everyone nodded.

The atmosphere turned dark, and it was only a matter of time before they started yelling at one another.

"Fuck this." Hana cussed loud, as she entered her room, slamming the door shut.

She angrily picked up her phone, and noticed a text. She opened it - it was from am unknown person, it read 'Hey, Asra. Or should I call you Hana? Anyways, this is HaeYi. HaYi gave me your number - I hope you don't mind I texted you. Anyways, I'm in Korea today, wanna go out?'

Hana saved the number as the girl's name, and replied 'Sure. How about clubbing?. If that's okay with you, that is.'

The reply came fast, 'You read my mind. I'd love to come.'

Hana replied joyously, 'Do you want to meet up at a point or something?'

'Nah, I'll come pick you up. Just come by the gates of SMTOWN, I'll be outside.'

'When are you gonna pick me up?'

'Hm, about 9, or so. Can you meet me then?'

Hana glanced at the red wallclock, it displayed 8:00 PM.

'Make that 9:30, please. I have some business to attend do before I can come. Is that okay?'

'Of course. I'll leave you a message or something when I come there. See you then.'

'Okay.' Hana closed the conversation, and looked through her closet for a suitable dress.

To Be Continued...