Love at First Sight

The boys meet me

Niall and I walk to class, hand in hand still and we finally enter the room when the teacher had seen we were late.

“Ah, Ms. Barren and Mr. Horan, late I see and on your first day, Ms. Barren. You two are holding hands? I'm going to assume you two are dating but go take your seats wherever you want.”

The teacher says, while Niall and me look at each other and turn red. We're still holding hands and don't let go until we sit down next to each other and sure enough, I saw my friends and his friends sitting next to each other and didn't even know they were sitting next to each other. I sat next to Niall and my best friend, Monica and just talked to Niall for awhile.

“Why did the teacher think we were going out?”

“I don't know but did you cringe when he said something about that?”

“I didn't cringe, I was just embarrassed that the teacher said that. Did you care that the teacher thought of us as a couple?”

“Not really, did you?”

“In all honesty, not really but I can't see us as a couple, only as friends.” I said, my head back to the floor like earlier and again, a hand pulled my chin up and yet again, it was Niall. The teacher droned on about the lesson but I was focused on Niall's beautiful blue eyes. His eyes had a certain sparkle I loved so much and couldn't believe it at all.

“You never know, we could be some day.”

“You're Niall James Horan from One Direction, why would you date a geek like me?”

“You're not a geek, you're beautiful and don't ever think otherwise.”

I felt like time had stopped and it was just us when we stared into each others eyes but I finally noticed that my friends shook me back into reality and Harry shook Niall back into reality. Niall and I would be great friends, I could already feel it and the boys would be great friends for my friends. The bell finally rang and I bolted out of class with Niall when my friends ran up to us and screamed really loud.

“Sonya, are you hanging out with Niall Horan from One Direction?”

“Yeah He's my friend now ever since he helped me this morning and oh,”

I then turn to Niall as we were stopped in the hallway.

“I have something for you for helping me out, Niall.”

“Really? What is that?”

“Come here, and I'll show you.”

His eyebrows raised, he walked closer and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. His face then turned red again.

“Wah-um..... What-”

“Don't say anything, let's just get to class before my friends scream again.”


He reached for my hand, then his hand dropped and I had wondered why his hand had slowly dropped but I know why now. His friends were approaching us and smiling.

“Hey Niall, vas happening?” Zayn says, looking at me.

“Who's the little cutie you've picked up here, Niall?” Harry says, looking me in the eyes. “

Yeah, who is she?” Louis says and now I was waiting for Liam to ask something but he never did.

“Hey boys, and watch it Harry.” Niall says, grabbing my arm.

“Why should I? Is she your girlfriend, Niall?” Harry says, stepping closer to us.

I looked at Niall, only to see him blushing and my face was turning red again.

“Oh, so you guys are dating.” Liam says, smiling. I stepped

“No we're not, I doubt Niall would date a girl like me anyway and my name is Sonya Barren. I'm new here today since this is my first day.”

My head goes down again and Niall says,

“Sonya, what did I say to you in class earlier?”

“I know what you said but look at me, Niall! I'm the ugliest girl here, and I look like a nerd!”

I throw my glasses to the ground and start to walk away but someone pulls me back into a hug and it was Louis who pulled me in for a hug.

“We weren't trying to be mean, love. We were just kidding around.”

“I know but I'm not when I said all that. I was being totally serious at this point.” I said, now wondering if Niall was okay.

“Do you want to go to dinner tonight, Sonya? Niall will be there too.” Harry asks, winking at me while I blushed.

“Sure, but as long as my friends, including my sister can come.”

“Your friends cute?” Harry says, getting smacked by all the boys.

“Yes they are but can they come?”

“Sure, no problem, love.” Louis says.

”Great, I'll let everyone know then.” I say, walking off and saying bye to all of the boys. I looked back at Niall and saw his face still red from when the guys had teased us about going out but he had a smile on his face and started whispering to the guys but I had to wonder why.

“SONYA!” Someone yells behind me, so I turn around and see who it is.

“Yeah Niall?”

“You forgot your glasses, love.”

Niall hands me my glasses.

“Thanks Niall, see you tonight at dinner.”

I walked away and later heard them whisper again.
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Had to take some names out.... GOING TO TAKE FOREVER! Msg me if there are any Sabrinas in there plz