Love at First Sight

I'm on TMZ!

Sonya's POV

As Bailey said yes to Harry's question, everyone in the room had started to clap and whistle that Harry finally got the girl, and I was so happy for Bailey.

She used to say that she was forever alone, just like me, but now she has Harry, but I'm hoping that for Bailey's sake, Harry won't cheat on her with another girl.

I looked to find Niall, but he was no where in sight. I finally got the clue that he was hungry, so I went in the kitchen, and found him making everyone breakfast.

“Who wants scrambled eggs, and who wants dunker eggs?”

I sneak attack him from behind with a huge bear hug.


He pretended to be scared, and was acting so silly this morning.


I started to laugh, but then I somehow ended up being lifted into the air, onto Niall's shoulders.


“Not a chance, beautiful!”

He had finally put me down, and continued to what he was doing.

“Oh. My. God! SONYA!”

I dashed into the living room quick.

“What is it?”

My sister turns on TMZ, and saw that I was on TMZ with Niall!

“Do the boys of One Direction have girlfriends now? We have a photo to prove that Niall Horan of the British boy band, is in fact, dating a girl, but her name is a mystery to us all, except for one guy who gave us the scoop last night.”

I looked at the picture, and sure enough, it was Niall and I, holding hands as we walked home last night, but then they went to one of the people who had interviewed someone about me!

“Yeah, I know who that girl is. Her name is Sonya Barren.”

I looked at the TV in horror.

It was my ex-boyfriend, Jake who they had interviewed.

“Crap, not this asshole. Want me to turn it off, Bean?”

“No, it's okay, sis. I want to hear what he is going to say.”

My sister puts the remote down, and we all look at the TV to see what was going on.

“And how do you know Sonya?”

“Well, she's my ex-girlfriend. She was my girlfriend last night, but she dumped me.”

“And did she say why she dumped you for?”

“Yeah. She said she dumped me for that pretty boy, Niall Horan of One Direction.”

“Ah, I see, and you think that maybe this is your fault?”

“No, but I know one thing for sure.”

“What's that?”

“That when I find them both, they are dead! You hear that, Sonya?!?!? I'M COMING AFTER YOU!”

Alicia shuts the TV off quick, and looks at me.

I couldn't talk.

No words could help me right now.

I just stuttered, walked away from them, went into Niall's bedroom, and shut the door behind me so no one could hear my cries of despair.