Love at First Sight

Laying under the stars

We all started to walk to the park, when I was still talking to Niall.

“Hey Sonya, you never sang to me earlier.”

“Niall, I'll sing to you when you sing to me or we can both sing, okay?”

“We can both sing, let's try it.”

“Okay, but what song?”

“What's your favorite song of ours?”

“My favorite song? What makes you beautiful, of course! But I love One Thing and Live while we're young because you have a solo in both.”

I shyly smiled at the ground. We start to sing What makes you beautiful and the rest start to listen in on us singing.

“Don't need makeup to cover up,”

Niall pulls up my chin and sings.

“Being the way that you are is enough.”

“Is it my turn now? Please don't make me sing by myself! Please sing with me!”

“No problem, love.”

We start to sing his part for One Thing.

“Now I'm climbing the walls, but you don't notice at all.”

Then he points at me to sing the next line, so I happily do.

“That I'm going out of my mind, all day and all night.”

He starts to clap and gives me a hug. I wanted to kiss him so much because the moment was set just right but he was only my friend, nothing more and nothing less and plus, I had a boyfriend already. We finally got to the park and laid down in the grass, my dress getting all dirty but I didn't care, because I was on a date with Niall and I was happy I was by the guy of my dreams. Our hands by each other, nothing going on and I couldn't do anything, so I didn't. My heart beats a mile a minute whenever I'm around Niall and I don't know if that was a good thing, or a bad thing but all I knew, was that I loved Niall a lot.

“Hey Sonya, I have a question for you”

“Ask away, Niall.”

“Why do you like me? Besides me being in One Direction, of course.”

His eyes looked back up at the stars.

“Do I have to say? You'll laugh and think it's corny.”

“No I won't, just tell me Sonya.”

He grabs my hand and this time, I don't blush.

“When I was in the 6th grade, I always thought of my dream guy and finally pinpointed who it was. It had to be a guy with blonde hair, blue eyes like the sea, love me for who I am, will be athletic, loves to walk on the beach with me and be like me at least a little bit but I already have someone like that. He's a total jerk but I love him more then anything in the world.”

I put my head down, and sigh. I hated to mention my jerk of a boyfriend around cute guys I like but Niall wanted to know, so I told him.

“You have a boyfriend? Those are the reasons you like me besides me being in One Direction?”

“Yeah I have a boyfriend but like I said, he's a total jerk who treats me like dirt. He's coming to enroll at the college tomorrow so we can spend some time together and yes, those are the reasons I like you."

“If he's a jerk, then why go out with him?”

“I can't get any other guy and he says I'm nothing without him.”

“And you actually believe him?”

“Of course, I have to do what he says or else, I'll face the consequences.”

“Consequences? He hits you?”

“Yeah, he does”

It was silent between Niall and me except for one thing, Niall looked at me.

“Sonya, do you even want to be with him anymore?”

“No, of course not but like I said, no one will ever love me for who I truly am. No one except you, Niall. You're the only one who truly loves me for who I am."

“Maybe that should change then. Maybe I can change that for the better and not so much for the worst.”

“But how, Niall? How can you change it, how can you make me feel better without any-”

Niall puts a finger over my lips. Niall comes closer and closer to me to where I can feel his breath on my face. He smelled like chocolate from the sundae and I didn't care anymore. The space between our lips got smaller, our heads getting closer until he sealed the deal with a passionate kiss. Great way to end the night as I talk about my boyfriend who's a jerk. I know what I must do now. I have to break up with my boyfriend to go out with Niall. Maybe he did feel that way about me and at least he could admit that though.

“You do like me.”

“I told you in class today I did, Sonya.” “No you didn't. You said there might've been a future between us as a couple.”

"Yeah, in the future, and that happened tonight, didn't it?"

"I guess so. You really like me though?"

He rolls over to face me from looking at the stars.

"If I didn't like you, would I have told you that you are beautiful no matter what and kissed you?"

"I guess if you didn't like me, you never would've done that. Oh god, I just realized something."

"What's that? And yeah, exactly."

"I'm technically a cheater now!"


"You kissed me and I think I love you but I've loved you before my stupid boyfriend!"

We both get up off of the ground and he gives me a hug.

"You love me?"

"Ever since I knew who you were from One Direction, I've loved you for sometime now and couldn't hold it in anymore."

"What are you going to do then?"

"I just need to tell Jake it's over between us tomorrow when he comes. I'll probably call him tonight so he doesn't have the waste the trip to go to college to walk around and see his ex-girlfriend."

"Okay, but can I ask you something?"

"Sure Niall, what is it?"

He grabs for my hands.

"Don't ever change yourself for a guy, not even me because I'll always love you for who you are." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek before we started to head home. We were two 19 year olds who were in love but was it possible with each other? Niall says he'll see the boys at home later and says bye to the girls and that it was nice to meet them before we start to walk home. Zayn still had two girls on his arm but I could tell he liked Kaci, and not Alicia. He always stared into her eyes with a smile on his face while Kaci just smiled back.