Status: Complete



The only sounds that could be heard were that of a British comedy show on the television and the humming of our refrigerator. Iris wasn't home and we weren't working today, so I was officially bored out of my fucking mind. I had already taken a shower and gotten dressed, but once I was finished I was left with absolutely nothing else to do. I thought about going to go hang out with Harry, but then I realized him and Louis might be together today, and I just didn't want to risk it.

So there I sat, watching some annoying show that wasn't even funny, and trying to think of something to do. I was in London for crying out loud. There had to be something! Right?

I scrolled through the contacts in my phone and a light bulb went off in my head. I clicked a familiar name and waited impatiently for the bloke to answer.

"'Ello?" He drawled sleepily.

"You have to be fucking kidding me! You're sleeping at this time of day?" I couldn't believe it. Who sleeps until two in the afternoon?

"Tori? Shove off, yeah? It's my off day." He growled, shuffling around on the other end.

"Well get your beautiful blonde self out of the bed and get ready. I'm giving you thirty minutes to get here, you're taking me out." I grinned.

"Why me?" He playfully sobbed.

"Twenty nine minutes and counting, Niall." I sang and hung up the phone.

I usually hung out with Harry, but Niall was a really sweet guy and I felt like he needed a little taste of the dark side. I stood from the couch and skipped off to my room to find my studded converse to complete my outfit of the day.


"You're late." I huffed, folding my arms across my chest and glaring at Niall from where he stood in the doorway.

"Maybe by your clock, but I got her right on time by mine." He grinned, tossing his phone to me so I could check.

Sure enough, our clock was off by three minutes. I made a face and rolled my eyes causing him to laugh. "You're off the hook this time bro."

"So where are we going?" He inquired, catching his phone that I threw back to him.

"You tell me. This is your territory, not mine."

He grinned mischievously at me at wiggled his eyebrows. "I could think of a few places I'd like to visit."

I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing out loud and shook my head. "Not today you're not. Don't you know you have to buy me dinner first?"

"Looks like we're going to Nando's then." He fist pumped. "You don't have enough of them in America, so it will be a real treat."

"If you say so." I shrugged, grabbing my wallet and keys before following him out of the apartment.

He hailed a cab and opened the door for me like a true Irish gentleman. When he told the cabbie where we were headed he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and smirked down at me. "This is usually the part were I ask my date if she has any Irish in her, but you really do, so that takes out the punch line."

I snorted and covered my mouth with my hand. "You have to be kidding me. Does that really work for you?"

He grinned widely, and joined me in my laughter while shaking his quiff from side to side. "Not at all."

"Didn't think so."

He pouted at me and I rolled my eyes. "Stop doing that and I'll let you buy dessert."

He immediately stopped and started bouncing his leg up and down nervously. I licked my red lips, tasting the lipstick I was wearing, and looked up at him through my dark lashes. "Am I making you nervous, Niall?"

His leg quit moving immediately and his cheeks flushed. "A bit."

I smirked and kissed his cheek, leaving evidence behind- painted in red. His face flushed even more and I giggled. "You really have to hang around more girls."

He looked out the window sheepishly. "It's not girls that are the problem Victoria, it's girls like you."

My heart thudded against my chest and I had to shake my head to clear my thoughts. "Now, that should be your line."

A face-splitting smile erupted onto his face as he turned to look down at me. I bit my lip and tried to calm the beating in my chest. He was seriously too cute to resist and he needed to quit. "I'll keep that in mind babe."


When we arrived he opened the door and waited on me to get out before throwing his arm around my shoulders again. He lead me into the restaurant and when the doors opened my stomach growled loudly. It smelled like I had died and gone to food heaven.

I slid into the booth across from Niall and immediately snatched up a menu. "I am starving!"

"I'm always starving." He chuckled, not even bothering to pick up his menu.

"What should I get?" I inquired, tilting my head to the side to be able to see him from around my menu.

"Everything." He laughed.

"Hi guys, my name is Cassey and I will be your waitress this evening. Can I start you guys off with some drinks and an appetizer?" She beamed, pulling her notepad out of her pocket and looking at me expectantly.

I mentally noted to tip this girl an assload of money for not jumping up and down at the sight of Niall. "I'll have a tall glass of whatever you have on tap." I grinned.

"I'll have the same, and can we get some Red Pepper Dip?" He quipped.

She nodded her head, scribbling down what we said, before speeding off to put in our order. I watched her retreat, before turning my attention back to Niall who was watching me with an odd expression on his face. "So, did you decide what you're going to get?"

I bit my lip and looked back to the menu, shaking my head from side to side. "What are you getting?"

"Peri-peri chicken of course!" He acted like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I kind of want wings, but I kind of want a wrap too." I was so torn.

"Get them both, whatever you can't eat I will."

I laughed and nodded my head in agreement. "You're in."

I set my menu down and leaned back into the booth. "So Nialler, how is it you and Hazza are the only boys in the band without girlfriends?"

He shrugged. "Hazza likes his ladies. He hasn't really found a girl that he feels like he could take home to Anne, his mother. While I haven't really bothered. There have been a few girls that I have been interested in, but something always comes up, and I'm really focused on my career right now."

I nodded my head. "I think Harry could be serious about Iris if she let him."

He snorted. "I'm not so sure about that. Harry likes a chase, but once he gets the prize he is bored. She's definitely giving him a run for his money, but unless she is always going to be some sort of chase, I'm not sure Harry will settle. He likes excitement and gets bored easily."

"Really? I didn't think he was like that." I huffed, taking a blow to my ego. I'm usually pretty good at figuring people out.

"I don't buy that you haven't wanted a relationship though." I added, turning the subject around to him. He looked at me and then down to his hands that were crossed on top of the table. He opened his mouth and closed it, not knowing where to begin and my curiosity reached its peak.

"Here you guys go!" Cassey, our waitress, interrupted. Saved by the bell, Nialler.

"Thanks." Niall smiled, but I understood the double meaning in what he was saying to her.

She waved him off with a pink tinge to her cheeks and took her notepad out once more. "Ready to order, or do you need a few more minutes?"

"We're ready." Niall winked. Oh, now he was just toying with the poor girl. "I'll have the Peri-Peri chicken medium with chips."

"And I want five wings extra hot with chips and peri-peri salt." I added, loving the way Niall was looking at me like I was insane. I like hot foods. They're delicious.

"Okay, I will go and put these in for you guys, let me know if you need anything." She beamed.

I nodded and turned my face back towards the chips and salsa. I picked up a pita chip and dipped it into the bowl of red sauce. I scooped it into my mouth an moaned. "Oh man, this is so good."

He dipped his own chip in and nodded his head. "Told you."

We spent the rest of the evening talking, cracking jokes, and enjoying one another's company. Niall was a lot of fun, and he understood me better than most. I was surprised at how easy it was to just forget about everything that I had been worrying about. I was having a good time, and it was all because of the blonde boy before me. I hadn't pushed him anymore on why he doesn't have a girlfriend. I figured he would tell me in time, if it was important. I was still pretty curious, but I was trying not to let it get the best of me. After all, someone like Niall should be snatched off of the market, not left to soak.

"Spend the night with me?" He grinned, downing his fourth glass of brew.

I cocked my head to the side and raised my eyebrow at him. "What do you plan on doing with me?"

He grinned wickedly at me and I couldn't help the smirk that slid across my face. "I have a place I wanna show you."

I nodded and threw my own glass back, slamming it back down onto the table. "Let's go."

I disappeared out into the night air while he paid the bill. Even though I tried to pay my half, he refused. He said if I paid then I wouldn't ever let him convince me this was a date. Real smooth talker, that one.

I raised my hand to hail a cab when a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and spun me around. "No! You can't run off yet!"

I giggled, tossing my head back enjoying the wind on my face. "I'm just getting us a cab dip-shit, put me down."

He planted my feet back on the ground, but his hands remained on my hip bones and I didn't make him pull them away. "We're walking."

I looked at him like he was crazy. "Nigga, it's cold out here!"

He smiled at me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pushing me forward. "For once in your life let someone else take charge."

I glared at him, but did as he asked. He led me down the street with a soft smile playing across his lips. He was really excited about this, and in turn, I was excited too. "The lads and I plan on taking you and Iris out sightseeing soon, but I wanted to show you my favorite place in London."

"This is a hole in the wall." I giggled. "You sure do know how to make a girl's panties drop."

He smirked over at me, licking his lips. "I bet I know exactly how to make your panties drop babe, but that isn't what tonight is about."

I grinned. "Then what is it about?"

He swung the door open and my ears were met with hundreds of different sounds all at once. "Whooping your ass."

There were men yelling at a football game on television, children squealing, people talking, and all sorts of music playing. We were at a fucking arcade. I bounced up and down, using Niall's shoulders to propel myself up higher. "Oh my gosh! YES!"

He laughed. "Skeeball or Pacman?"

I let my eyes scan the room, before I looked up at him devilishly. "Neither."

He looked down at me, confusion drawn all over his face. I pointed to the back of the building and realization swarmed over his features, a grin breaking across his mouth. "You're so going down Moretti."

I shoved Niall and took off running towards the check-in desk. I slapped a twenty down onto its hard surface and grinned at the man behind the counter. "Suit me up and let me at 'em."

He chuckled, punching in some numbers into the computer, before depositing my money. He had just thrown my vest and gun at me when Niall caught up. He glared at me, handing the guy his money. When Niall got his vest the clerk looked at us. "The game starts in two, so you better hurry to your teams."

Laser-tag is the game of all games, and there is no way I was going to let Niall Horan beat me. I'm very competitive, and he was in for the game of a life time.
♠ ♠ ♠
We got two comments last chapter, and that is better than what we usually get, so I decided to go ahead and update. What did you guys think? Can we talk about this gif?
