Status: Updating as much as i can c':

This One's for You

"When did you read goodnight moon omfg"

-Back to Gloria's point of view-
I woke up with light shining into my bunk and my head pounding
What the fuck?
I don't remember getting into my bunk
I don't remember a lot of things from last night
Only that I got drunk as fuck and everyone was twerking
I stumbled down the hallway of the bunks and into the front lounge
"Well well, Drinking beauty's up" Alan chirped
I glared at him
"Shut the fuck up, Ginger fuck"
"Woah woah woah, no insulting the princess" Austin said
"Tell him not to be such a quirky asshole" I scoffed
"Okay, c'mon Austin, Lets leave her be" Alan commented and walked out of the bus
"Take some tylenol and feel better" Austin whispered and kissed my temple
He walked out of the bus, hollering at alan
I took some tylenol and sat on the couch
"Good morning" Tino whispered while coming out of the bunk area
"Good morning" I whispered back
"How you feeling?" He asked quietly
"Like shit. What did i do last night?" I asked
god forbid i told him my feelings for him
I tend to fuck things up while drunk
He laughed
fuck what happened
"Well, you drank a lot. I was in bed and I heard a noise and I came into the front lounge and you were cleaning up a broken bottle." He said
I nodded
"I cleaned it up and put you in your bunk" He said and smiled
I smiled
"Thank you, if I tried to get into my bunk, I would probably eat shit" I chuckled
He laughed and nodded
Why do I feel like something bad happened last night?
Tino's point of view
I woke up to Gloria and Alan arguing
"Shut the fuck up, Ginger fuck" Gloria said
Well shit
Someone's feisty today
I stayed in my bunk until i heard Austin and Alan leave, probably to walk around town or something
"Good morning" I whispered, knowing her head must be pound
"Good morning" She whispered back
Some how, with a hangover, sleepy eyes and hair everywhere, she was still lovely
"How you feeling?" I asked quietly
"Like shit. What did i do last night?" She asked
she must not remember what happened
What if she didn't really have feelings for me
I chuckled with no humor at that thought
"Well, you drank a lot. I was in bed and I heard a noise and I came into the front lounge and you were cleaning up a broken bottle." I said
She nodded
"I cleaned it up and put you in your bunk" I said and smiled
She grinned
"Thank you, if I tried to get into my bunk, I would probably eat shit" She chuckled
I laughed and nodded
Still Tino's point of view
"Great sound check boys" Our manager hollered
I jumped off stage and walked around the venue
I glanced over and saw gloria setting up merch
She was wearing white sneakers, black thigh high socks the complimented her skin, gray shorts and a white sweater with a print that made out the eyes, mouth and nose of a cat. She was also wearing a gray backpack.
why would she need a backpack?
"Todd!" She yelled for our manager
He turned around and yelled to her
"Merch set up?"
"Yep!" She hollered
"You're free to go until 5:45" He yelled
She gave a big thumbs up
"Glo" He hollered
She turned around
"Be back at 5:45, or you will be on the next plane to huntington"
She nodded
"Tino, you staring?" Austin asked as gloria walked out of the venue
I looked over at him
"He has love in his eyes" Alan squealed and put his hands to his face
"Shut up" I groaned
Gloria's Point of view
"You're free to go until 5:45" He yelled
I gave him a thumbs up
"Glo" He hollered
I turned around
"Be back at 5:45, or you will be on the next plane to huntington"
I nodded and walked out of the venue
I walked to a park and sat down
Ahh fresh air
where are we
Fuck if i know
I took my phone out of my backpack and took a picture and posted it to instagram
"And the girl was surronded by her favorite things, peace,serentity and a lot of trees"
I look through my pictures,seeing if i took pictures
I found some
Austin and Trotta dancing
Phil and Alan wrestling
Jillian with a wine glass reading "Goodnight moon" To everyone
oh my fucking god
I selected it and texted her
"When did you read goodnight moon omfg"
A few minutes later I got a text back
"HAHAHAHA. I read it when were plastered omg."
I replied quickly
"What happened omg did i make an ass of myself to ub?"
I sent it and walked to a local coffee place
fuck i need coffee
I walked inside to find the customer with big plugs
"Nice plugs" I said
He nodded
"What would you like to drink?" He asked with a soft smile
"Vanilla latte please" I stated
He nodded and pressed a few buttons on the cash register
I notices a bracelet
It was gray and had yellow writing that said " of mice & men"
"3.79 please" He said
I nodded, grabbing the money out of my bag
"Nice bracelet" I stated while handing him the money
"You like of mice & men?" He asked
"You could say that" I said while nodding
He nodded and smiled
"Name for order?" He asked
"G-Ashby" I said
"Ashby? You an Alan fangirl?" He asked
I laughed
I shooked my head
he was confused oops
"You going to the show tonight?" I asked
He nodded whil writing down my name on my cup
"I took an extra shift today for extra merch money" He chuckled
"THOMAS I HEARD THAT" Someone in the back yelled
"SHUT UP DAD" He hollered over his shoulder
"Yeah, get some merch, the merch this tour is bad ass" I stated
He nodded and handed me my finished drink
I thanked him and sat down at a booth
I got my phone out and saw a text from Jillian
"Nah, but Young fuego and You were cuddling when i read goodnight moon"
I almost spit my drink out
I took a picture of my coffee and put it on instagram
"Got fucking plastered last night, needed some coffee. haha"
Jillian texted me back
I giggled really fucking loudly
"Really? was I like "hey lets cuddle?" OR?" I sent
"No omg, you kinda leaned on him and he wrapped his arm around you and cuddled up to him AND HE WRAPPED THE OTHER ARM AROUND YOU OTP"
I blushed hardcore
My phone went off
in a empty coffee shop
The ringtone?
Alan screeching "pound da alarm"
I quickly answered
"What do you want?" I asked
"Can you get us some coffee?" Alan pleaded
I sighed
"What do you want?"
I sat at the merch table as the boys played
I thought, about last night.
Slowly my memory came back
Tino cleaned up the bottle
Oh my fucking god
I told him
I think i told him
I thought harder
I hope i didn't
We were all back on the bus and everyone was pretty drunk
The alcohol caused me to have confidence
I got up and walked over to tino, music was blaring, so i decided to dance with him.
Our bodies rocked together with the beat
I pulled him to the back lounge and locked the door
I woke up to a body cuddling mine
I smiled when I looked over my shoulder and saw tino
I got up and looked down
Why am I naked?