Status: Updating as much as i can c':

This One's for You

based off of drunk sex

Gloria's point of view
I looked at my body in shock
The sun glowing through the windows and onto my own pale,cold skin
Did we?
I wrapped a blanket that was laying over us around my body and shook Tino
He woke up and looked at me wide eyed
"Did we?" He asked
I nodded
"Did i use protection?" He asked
I shrugged
Uh oh
"What do we do now?" I asked
He patted the seat next to him
I sat down
"So that night you got drunk" He said
I nodded
"You told me you had strong feelings for me" He said
My face went flush
"I did?" I asked
He smiled and nodded
"And I told you that the feelings were mutual" He smiled
"Oh?" I asked, smirking
wow don't fuck this up Gloria
"Oh" He winked
"So what do?" I asked
"Well, I could take you on a date and we could make it official, or we could tell Alan we got drunk and had sex" He said
I snorted
"I like the first one" I said he nodded
I got dressed and walked out of the back lounge
"Sushi?" Tino asked
"Ihop?" I questioned
He nodded
"Where are you two going?" Alan asked while laying on the small worn out leather couch, covered in a body length fleece blanket with Christmas cats on it
"A date" I said and smiled
"Oh?" Alan asked, winking at me suggestively
"Just a date faggot" I said whilst putting on my black shoes
"Have fun kiddos" Alan yelled while we exited the bus
We nodded and got into the cab that was to take us to our destination
I started thinking
Tino was my first
Well at least the guy I love was my first
"So what do we do?" I asked
"Well, we both have mutual feelings. Would you like to make it official?" He asked
"I would like to be in a relationship with you, But not if its just based off of drunk sex" I said
His face got red
"Well, I am in love with you, so it wouldn't be based of drunk sex" He said
My heart fluttered
"I am in love with you too." I smiled
"So, Gloria Ashby, would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked
I giggled and nodded
"So we can do cute couple like stuff at the bus right?" He asked
I grabbed his hand over the table
"Of course" I smiled
It was about 2 months since that drunken night
The tour has been over for 2 and a half months and the boys are in uk for 3 months, and i miss them all a ton.
Everyone one was so approving of Tino and I, and I was glad for that.
I was laying on my bed when my stomach churned
I ran to the bathroom and puked my guts up.
I brushed my teeth and swished mouthwash in my mouth.
I thought of all the possible reasons why i got sick, the only one that made most sense was if i were to be pregnant. No, i can't be pregnant, can i? When was my last period?
I put my shoes on and ran to my car
I drove to my local drug store
Quickly, i ran to the feminine products and picked out a couple of pregnancy test. I grabbed a Peace tea and quickly paid
3 minutes have never been so long
I paced around the small 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment.
I looked down at my pastel colored socks
My phone went off, signalling that it was time to look.
I took a deep breath and looked.
All three,positive.
My face flushed
fuck, how am i supposed to take care of a child with a constant touring family?
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