The Illusions Of Nothing

Blood And Tears

I’m on my way to school just two streets away from a brief safety when I see eight feet covered in hot pink ankle boots. I automatically know who those feet belong to and I start to speed walk the other direction. Those feet belong to the Fab Four, the most popular and envied girls in school. I call them the PMS Death Squad. There are four of them, the leader, Felicity, her “BFF” Avery, and the two backups Chantal and Lydia.

I've been getting tormented by them since fifth grade. Why? It was once the Fab Five. Yes, I Robin Rodriguez was once friends with Felicity and her “clique”. I was actually the best friend.

For my eleventh birthday, I mailed the invitations to everyone’s house. Her invitation was received, but Felicity’s mom threw it away by mistake. The day of my party everyone arrived but her. I thought she dissed me, so I was upset, unaware she knew nothing about the party. The next day at school everyone talked about how my party was the party of the year and how fun it was. Felicity confronted me babbling on about how I didn't invite her after all she did for me blah, blah, blah. She didn't let me speak not once, so I thought, forget it. Felicity was never a true friend, so I didn't need her. Rumors soon went around school. “Felicity and Robin are at it again.”, “I heard her say she was going to run up and choke her.” , “No she said she was going to jab her eyes out.”. Soon those mumbles in the halls became public and Felicity went nuts. I did too because I knew none of it was true, but I was still scared for my life. I had never gotten in a fight before and I didn't want to.

Soon enough we went from best friends to enemies.

And now here I was trying to avoid the Fab Four. It’s almost time for school and I don’t want to be late. I turn around and walk past the Fab Four towards school. Well that went better than planned, is my first thought.

But then I feel the palms of someone’s hands up against my back. Those hands push me to the ground and I see Lydia’s grinning face. Great, my brand new tights are torn. Mom’s going to be upset, but right now that’s the least of my worries. It takes a minute before I get up, only to be kicked in my stomach and back on the ground. I feel Chantal’s hands grasp my hair. She lifts my head and continuously bangs it on the ground. Over and over. I feel something wet in my hair and quickly realize that liquid is blood. I try to push her off me but she’s too heavy. Avery comes and spits on me then kicks me in my side. I groan in pain. “Let’s go before someone sees us. Robin, you truly are a waste of a human life. I hope you've learned from this experience. Mess with my emotions again and I WILL make you wish you were dead.” Felicity growls at me. “Let’s take the short cut before we’re late” she says to Chantal, Avery, and Lydia as if nothing happened.

I just lay on the ground, in pain and still shocked at what just happened. It takes me a while before I'm back on my feet. Still a little shaky, I continue to walk to school.
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First chapter I know it's not too good but I would like criticism. Thanks ^.^