Sheep in Wolf Clothing

You have GOT to be kidding me!

"Amber dear, we have something to tell you" my mom says carefully.

"Yeah mom? What's wrong?"

"Well you see.." my dad can't go on. He looks at mom for support.

Alright, let's back up a bit so you know what's going on. I'm Amber Melania Giovanni. French roots, but lives in America. New York City to be exact. I know some French, Spanish, Hebrew,Italian,Chinese,Japanese,and a lot of English. My parents are vampires. And so are my siblings and I. Deal with it. We aren't the bloodsucking-changing into bats vampires. Well except for the bloodsucking part. We don't burn in sunlight, we do drink blood and are very pale, crosses don't scare us, and the changing into bats? No way! And the stake through the heart? Any normal person can die from that.

Back to the present.

"Mom,Dad what's wrong? Is everything okay?"

"Well you see, you aren't exactly...." Mom leaves from there.

"Exactly what? A girl?" I asked confused. I had girl body parts.

"A vampire" Says Lester my obnoxious brother. He's 15 and girl crazy.

I laugh. "Yeah right"

April, my oldest sister is 17 years old. "It's true" she says a bit sadly.

"Right. So if I'm not vampire, then what am I? Werewolf? Super girl? A hero from X-Men? Am I Sonic?" I asked. I was frustrated.

"Actually Amber sweetie, Lester and April are right." Dad says.

"Stop joking! Mom tell me the truth!" I scream. I'm really angry now.

"Well..." she says hesitantly.

"Oh my god! If I'm not a damn vampire then what the hell am I?"

"A human" says Lester watching my face carefully.

I scream and run up the stairs. I'm panting for air because I'm so mad right now.

"Amber!" my mom yells.

"What? You wanna tell me that you're not my real family? You wanna tell me how I'm special and you still love me?" I yell.

"Well, yeah" Dad , no fake-dad says.

I scream again and go to my room.
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yippee. first chapter!