Sheep in Wolf Clothing

You Said What Now!?!?!?

I was so pissed! I have never been this angry. Okay there was this time Lester put glue on my hair and I was so angry. I chased him around the house and threatened to kill him. He told me "I don't die you idiot." I had slapped him. I hated being called names. Three minutes later I had apologized to him. Not because I had to, but because I wanted to.

"Amber." April called.

"What do you want April?" I yelled from inside my room.

"You wanna go outside? You know like a girls day out?" She asked.

"What's the catch?" I said

"Lester's coming." April said

"Ewwww! I'm not going outside with Lester!" I said horrified.

"No! I mean he's coming up the stairs with his friend Ben."

"So?" I asked. I didn't like Ben.

"He needs to talk to you."

I opened the door.

Sure enough Ben and Lester was there.

"Hi!'' Ben said cheerfully.

"Ben wants to talk to you." Lester said slightly amused by my expression.

I was glaring at Ben.

"What?" I asked.

Lester and April left. I could hear Lester laughing.

I scowled.

"Well....there's this movie...called The Mist.." He trailed.

"How nice." I said sarcastic.

" wanna see it with me?"

"Why?" I asked. Lester probably put him up to this.

"I like you."

I didn't even bat an eyelash.

"I like myself too."


Was he desperate?

"okay. I guess." I said.

What the hell was wrong with me? I hated him. Well kind of.