Sequel: Helping Terra
Status: Holy shit, it's done!?

My W Unit

An Unfortunate Event...

Two night cycles after W Unit 27, or the Lapsyn Pack, joined us, I approached Alpha Lapsyn. "Alpha Lapsyn?"
The Alpha stopped punching the bag before her and turned to face me. "Yes?"
"May I do a physical on your unit? I tried looking through your files and gave up. Your files are worse than Zane's." I shook my head in disappointment. I fucken computerized their files for gods sake. "I would be computerizing them so they are more organized and legible."
"Do you think the doctors will pay attention to your computerized file?"
I grinned, "Oh yes, they'll have to."
She raised an eyebrow, but I remained silent. "I will grant you permission to do so as long as you start with me."
"That's fine. Once you have informed your pa-unit, just find me in the infirmary." I bowed my head and headed back to the infirmary and got things ready. A few minutes later, Alpha Lapsyn arrived at the door. "Come on in and shut the door please. It's going to be a boring regular physical."
"I know the files probably are not the greatest, but do we really need to go through another physical when we just had one before coming aboard?"
I scoffed, "I don't trust those doctors as far as I can kick them. Now, questionnaire time." The physical went on like any normal one. There was the questions, the sight test, the physical itself, and the 'is there anything you'd like to tell me' or what have you. All very boring and stereotypical and she was out in a half an hour. By the end of the day I had seen four out of the eleven pack member and would probably see more tomorrow; hopefully finish.
Much to my pleasure and their relief, I finished two days later. After finishing up with the last pack member, Alpha Lapsyn came by to ask about the paper files. "What are you going to do with them now?"
"It was an unfortunate event." I held up their files and ignited my lighter. "They, through my carelessness, somehow disappeared," I lit the paper on fire and dropped them into a nearby trash bin. "In the incinerator. Oh darn, now the doctors will have to use the computerized version. By the way, here is your copy of the files. They'll automatically update if something is added to them through the mainframe. Take good care of it." I handed her a small chip.
"Why did you do all this for us?" The confusion on her face was genuine.
I shrugged, "Paper copies infuriate me. They're a fucken mess, at least this way you can't get food droppings on them or smudge the ink."
"You're a strange one, Dr Rai."
"So I've been told." I smiled and she took her leave.
A week later I woke in the middle of the night from a nightmare. I placed my hand over my rapidly beating heart and groaned; it's been a while since I had one. Knowing I wouldn't be getting back to sleep anytime soon, I got out of bed and washed my sticky sweat covered face. In bare feet, I walked the hallways for a little while before ending up in the dining hall. I wasn't hungry, but I wanted to be productive so I found some ingredients and started baking. I wasn't a great cook, but I was a pretty good baker.
With the few ingredients I had, I decided to make cookies and a cake. I kept my music low as I worked so I wouldn't wake any of my crew mates. I finished baking and decorating around 5:15am Earth time, left a note so the others knew they could have at them, and then wandered to the infirmary to read. A few hours later, Rory and Deklyn found me sleeping on my desk with my face on my book.
Deklyn nudged me gently as he called, "Raaai. Raaaai. Time to wake up or you'll screw up your sleep cycle."
"My sleep cycle is already screwed up." I slurred, "Let me sleeeeep."
"Sorry darling, can't do that, Zane wants to see you." Deklyn prodded my side.
"Jeeeerk!" I cried. "I'm up, I'm up." I stretched in my seat. "Change or no change?"
The two wolves looked at me and replied, "Change."
"Awesome. I'll be back." I sauntered out of the room and headed to my room. I passed Zane in the hallway and he called to me.
"Rai, after you change, meet us in the training room."
"Will do." I waved and entered my room. I quickly changed into sweats and a workout shirt and headed to the workout room. Everyone was already there and stretching. Zane waved me over when I stayed at the door unsure of what to do.
"I want you to train a few times a week with us. I need you to be able to at least get away and possibly incapacitate your werewolf opponent if Deklyn or one of us can't help you."
"Okay." I shrugged. "What will I be doing mostly?"
"Defensive maneuvers. I don't want you to engage a werewolf, but I need you to be able to survive and get away."
"Alright, I can learn that. Well, more like further my learning." He gave me a questioning look and I rolled my eyes. "I AM military personal, I do know how to fight. Not necessarily a werewolf attacking me, but I do know the basics."
"Good, now go stretch."
"Aye, aye sir." I grinned and walked over to the corner where I began stretching. After about five minutes of stretching and then another five minutes of jogging, I joined the rest of the unit. Zane partnered me with Rory and we began the exercises. By the end of the training session I was covered in bruises and sore. After the last pin down, I laid on the floor for a moment.
"You alright?" Rory asked apprehensively.
My eyes shifted to his and I replied, "Yeah, just sore." I held out my hand and he helped me up.
"If it's any consolation, you're holding your own pretty well for never doing this before."
"That's not 100% true, every once in a while I'd spare Jay. He'd kick my ass, but it was fun." We began the cool down stretching as we talked.
"Really?" He cocked his head as he leaned sideways.
"Yep, most of the time he'd end up suspending me in the air before I'd actually hit the mat."
"Great older brother." He chuckled.
"Picturing me flailing in the air?"
"Oh yeah." I rolled my eyes and finished my cool downs. "I'll see yeah later, going to talk to Krynos to see how Myrra's doing."
"See yeah later." I waved and headed out the door, as I was about to step out he called, "By the way, cookies are delicious." I put a thumbs up and walked out.
I took a quick shower and headed downstairs. "How's it going Krynos?"
"Pretty good, Miss Rai. How are you?"
"Sore, tired, but not too bad."
"That's is good?"
"Yeah." I chuckled, "How's Myrra doing?"
"Fine. She finds it interesting to have two W Units on her and is happy they have not tried to kill each other yet."
"I'm happy about that too. Do you need me to fix anything?"
"Not at the moment."
"Okay, call if yeah need me."
"I will Miss Rai." As I was heading up to the first floor, I passed one of the Lapsyn wolves. She glared and growled at me until I walked up the stairs and was out of sight. Things were going to get interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠ -work out

It's snowing out and beautiful... but not when I'm walking in it for classes.