Status: Work in progress. I write in a notebook then copy it onto the computer, so don't blame me if I don't update for a while cuz I get really lazy with this stuff.

That's How Long It Took

“And that’s that,” the realtor said. “You are now the fine owner of this beautiful home.”
I smiled and shook his outstretched hand.
“Thank you, Mr. Otto,” I said warmly.
The two of us walked out the front door and into the bright daylight. Cardiff was so beautiful in the late afternoon. I was even more-so now that I didn’t have to worry about Jack Harkness anymore; the Captain had been missing for some two months now.
“You have a nice day, now,” Mr. Otto called as he climbed into his car. I waved as he drove off, then went back inside my new house.
“And now I wait.”