Status: Work in progress. I write in a notebook then copy it onto the computer, so don't blame me if I don't update for a while cuz I get really lazy with this stuff.

That's How Long It Took

Nine Days.

That’s how long it took for me to find something other than human suffering that brings me joy.
I heard a scratching at my door this morning at some time around two-thirty, and naturally went to investigate.
There was a fluffy white cat sitting there. She must have belonged to whoever used to live here.
I picked her up and brought her inside. I fetched her a can of tuna, having bought about twenty cans of it before realising that I hate the stuff, and she meowed when I set it down in front of her, as if to say thank you before she began to eat hungrily.
I watched her, pleased that I was finally making someone happy.
It felt strangely enticing.
♠ ♠ ♠
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