Fine Line Between Sweet and Sour



I can feel the warmth of the sunlight on my skin. I pull the blanket up to cover my face. But then a good smell of something creeps into my nose. I try to open my eyes but I don't want to ruin my weekend by waking up so early. But the smell of it just gets stronger. The smell of bacon. Wait, bacon?

I position myself to sit and place my legs on the coffee table. I rub my eyes and place my pillow aside. That's when I finally notice that I was sleeping on the couch and some stranger is sleeping in my bed right now. I reach into my pocket, grab my cell phone, and check what time it is. It's already 8 AM. I look around to find out how in the world there can be a smell of bacon in my house. Suddenly, a girl comes out from my kitchen, approaching me, while bringing a wooden tray with the classic full english breakfast on it.

"Good morning," she says, "sorry for bothering your sleep. But, here, I made you a breakfast," she continues, placing the tray on my lap.

I look at the delicious dish on my thighs, then at the girl in front of me. She smiles sheepishly, then bites her bottom lip. I catch a glimpse of the shirt she is wearing, while sticking my fork to the bacon.

"You like Bowie?" I say, eyeing her shirt. "This is Major Tom to Ground Control," I hum the lyric, trying to tickle her brain.
She looks rather confused. Then she seems to notice what my eyes are on. "Oh, David Bowie?" She says, tugging the front of her shirt, "nah. My father gave me this long time ago. I don't know much about Bowie, but my father once said that he's great."
"Righteous," I say, still munching the meal, "I figure that you're not a Bowie person," I mumble, looking up at her.
Then she takes a seat beside me, seemingly interested in the conversation.
"Yeah?" She mutters. "What kind of person is a Bowie person?" She says playfully.
I try to think of the right answer, but the only thing that comes out is, "a person like me?" I chuckle.
She smiles before standing up. "I'm gonna go shower now and then I'll go home."
"Yeah, I'll drive you home." I say, finishing the last bite of my breakfast.


The drive to my house only takes 10 minutes. It's near from his house. I get out of his car and stand on the pavement in front of my house. I wait for him to get out too after he's done parking his car.

"Thanks for driving me home, and also for letting me to stay last night," I say.
"No biggie," he smirks. "Oh yeah, your suitcase." He says, before grabbing my suitcase from the backseat of his car.
I take the handle of it and tilt my backpack to my back. "And, uh, my name is Heather." I say, offering my hand to him.
"John," he says, shaking my hand, "alright, I gotta go now."
"Uh, yeah."
"Ok, see you sometime, Heather." And with that he gets into his car and starts the engine. He sets forth right away.

I sigh as I turn to look at the front door. I can only imagine how my mom and my sister are going to react when I tell them what's just happened to me. I brace myself to dial my sister's number to tell her that I'm outside. In less then a minute, she opens the door for me. She looks at me strangely when she sees that I have a suitcase and a backpack with me. She doesn't say a word, just looking at me weirdly, making me feel more uncomfortable than I already was.

"No welcome hug?" I say, trying to break the silence.
She gives me a quick hug then pulls away, "explain to me why the hell are you bringing those things here?" She says, pointing at my backpack then my suitcase.
"I'll tell you later, but now, please just get me some water."
"No water until you tell me."
"You're a mean person." I say, pursing my lips.
"Okay, fine," she says before hastily grabs a bottle of cold water from the fridge then hands it to me, "now tell me."
Instead of giving her what she wants, I walk to the living room and place my belongings on the couch, then I take a seat on the armrest.
"Tell me!" She demands.
"Easy there, tiger," I say, crossing my legs, "I and Blake are no longer together." I take a glance at her, she's only looking right back at me dumbfoundedly.
"Meaning, I'm single now!" I say, faking the excitement.
That's when her jaw drops. "What?! Why? How? Spill!"
"He cheats on me with some chick named Amelia, uh, no, not Amelia. I forgot her name. But yeah, he cheats on me."
"Jesus christ! So it was really him..." She says, lowering her voice.
"What do you mean?"
"I think I saw him with some girl at a mall few weeks ago. But I didn't believe my eyes, and I thought I was wrong, so I didn't tell you," she says, taking a seat on the couch, "ugh, that prick. I should've told you earlier," she continues, looking rather mad. "Shrug it off! He looks a bit gay anyways." She laughs.

Not long after that, I hear my cell phone rings. I look at the screen and see that Ella, my bestfriend is calling. I answer the call only to hear her screaming at me.

"Heather, goddamnit! Why didn't you tell me that you've broken up with Ken?!" She shouted at the phone. Ken is the nickname she made for Blake. Because she said that sometimes he dresses up way too much, so he kinda looks gay. She's on the same page with my sister about Blake.
"How do you know?!"
"I went to Blake's house only to see a half naked half-mexican girl opening the door for me. But, you're fine, right?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied.
"Well then, now tell me the details!"
"Details what? Ken cheats on me with bratz. That's that." She laughs.
"You owe me the whole story, ya fool. We better hang tomorrow!"
"Where at?"
"I actually met some nice guy at the bar a couple of days ago, and he wanted me to go to his concert. He's in a fuckin' band, okay? And... that's- that's it. I'll tell you the whole story when you tell me yours too," she giggles, "I want us to meet at his band's concert tomorrow."
"Fair enough." I reply, scrunching my nose.
"Alright then, I'll text you the address to the venue. Bye!"
"Yeah, leave me alone, ya creep." I chuckle.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heather's outfit (Bowie)
Heather's outfit

Sorry for taking so long to update it. I bet you can already guess a half of what the next chapter is gonna be like. Sorry this is short. And, since english is not my languange, I apologize for all the grammatical errors. Tell me your thoughts!