Status: First story, I'm trying. No set releases.

The Californian Sun

Out of The Blue

"John! Phone for you!" A disembodied voice split the darkness, waking him from his sleep. He groaned and responded.
"Who the fuck is it?" He stuck his hand through the veil of curtain, waiting for the phone to be placed in it. There was the sound of footsteps before he felt the weight of the cellphone. Pulling his hand back in, he put the annoyance to his ear.
"Jonathan Cornelius O'Callaghan how dare you use that language within my earshot." He groaned again.
"Sorry ma. What's up?"
"Well I know that you should be in California now, and that you've got a few days off there. And I know how badly organised you all are with accommodation, so I organised some for you." This was too much to compute at this hour.
"What? Ma, what time is it?"
"It's 3pm, Jonathan. Anyway, I've sent through the address so you can go after your show tonight. Lovely place.." He rolled out of his bunk in search of cigarettes. As his feet met the ground, he noticed a pair of worn jeans under his toes, with a squashed pack in the front pocket.
"Good enough," he mumbled, realising his mother was still chatting in his ear. "Mum is this costing you money? There are five of us!"
"Oh not at all! She's the daughter of Olive, Olive Rogers. You remember my old high school girl friend? We had so much fun. Anyway, this girl, her name is Jade.. She has this beautiful home in San Luis, right on the beach.." He lit up and exhaled out a window.
"Mom, San Luis is kind of out of our way."
"You drive the whole country but can't drive to San Luis? Trust me! Would I ever set you astray?"
"No, but you've tried a few times to set me up." They had just pulled up next to their venue for the evening and the guys were getting ready to go out for food, Jenny was still chatting away in his ear.
"So, what would it hurt to have a girlfriend with an estate on the Californian beachfront?"
"Look mum I've got to go, I'll think about it and see what the guys think.."
"Great! I'll tell her you're coming."
"No, mom," But the line had gone dead, John groaned as he flicked his cigarette away.
"Hey guys?" A chorus of 'what's' and 'yeahs' responded to him, as the guys began to collect in the front lounge. John grabbed up the nearest T-shirt and threw it over his head before grabbing the jeans from the isle and throwing them on too.
"My mom's fixed us a place to stay for our off days. It's up in San Luis, right on the beach. It'll be like a mini holiday.."
"Yeah dude, I'm fine with that" Jared responded. Garret nodded in agreement.
"The beach!? Okay!!" Pat nearly screamed.
"Will there be girls?" Kennedy asked.
"It's California, there are always girls" Jared responded.
"Yeah, and there's this one chick who owns the house apparently. Some daughter of an old school friend of my mothers."
"Is she hot?" Kennedy asked again, desperate.
"I don't know dude! It feels like she's my cousin"
"What's her name?" Pat asked, balancing a laptop on his knees.
"Um, Jade, well, I assume her last name is Rogers, that is her mothers last name."
"Try Jenny's mutual friends" Jared interjected.
"You have my mom on Facebook?"
"You don't?" Added Garrett.
"Okay there's a Jade Rogers Farrell" Pat said, engrossed in my mother's Friends list.
"Well she can't know more than one."
"Yep! She's living in California, this is her." Jared added.
"What's she look like? Pull up a picture!" Kennedy said, almost knocking the laptop off Pat's knees.
"Oh dude she's a model." This piqued John's interest, he moved over to the congregation of boys to get a look at the girl his mom was trying to set him up with.
She was tall and thin, with blonde hair in a short bob that probably fell no lower than her jaw. Her lips were a light pink and her eyes a piercing green. She had some curve to her body, and legs that never seemed to end. He didn't believe it.
"Are you sure this is her?" He asked.
"Positive" Pat and Jared said together, no one taking their eyes off the screen.
"San Luis it is, then."


"Thank you California! We've been The Maine, and you've been beautiful!" We ran off stage, I headed straight for the shower while the guys started to pack up their things. It was nine in the evening, and they had a four hour drive from Sacramento to San Luis ahead of them. His mother assured him the place was worth it and he hoped she was right.

♠ ♠ ♠
Um I'm new. I've been writing myself, and reading fics for yonks. I have a habit of slipping in and out of present and past tense, hopefully it isn't too confusing (if not in this chapter, may become prevailent later on). I wrote this on my phone, sorry if it's short.
