Status: Work in progress (: I don't write often, but now that I have my own computer it should be easier.

The Time I Met Them Again

The Time I Got my First Kiss

The rest of the concert was... simply amazing.
The rush that I got from singing with Bill was the best feeling I’d ever had, and seeing Tom play guitar like that was mystifying. I’d always wondered as to how to be so good at playing the guitar.
Everything that went on on that stage would from then on be counted as the best moments of my life.
After my one song with them, Tom managed to ask me to meet him in front of the building after the concert. Of course I was going to oblige. There would be absolutely nothing that would stop me from going to meet Tom after the show, even if I had to wait for a few hours.
So after the concert, I went on my way outside the building, along with the rest of the crowd, where I would wait for Tom.
Once most of the people had cleared out of the streets, I sat down against a wall and pulled out my sketchbook.
I was almost finished with my drawing of a castle when my phone buzzed. I took it out and saw a text message from my mother, probably wondering if the concert was over yet. Correct in my presumption, I quickly tapped out a reply, telling her that I would text her when to get me.
As I was finishing up my text, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up, as I was sitting on the ground, and saw Tom’s grinning face. I grinned right back at him. Nothing could bring me down from this high.
“Hey,” He said, trying to be cool about our situation.
I looked him over, noting his baggy jeans and his shirt that must have been four sizes too large for him. “Hey.”
There was a moment of awkward silence, in which we stared at each other, Tom shifting uncomfortably, and myself biting my lip, playing with my lip piercing, identical to his own.
“How have you been?” Tom asked me, giving me a genuine smile.
I shrugged. “I’ve gone a bit insane, but... that was pretty much expected. What about yourself?”
Tom laughed nervously, taking my statement for some sort of attempt at humour. I shrugged it off.
“I’ve been really well,” He told me. “Everything’s been pretty wonderful, what with the band taking off and everything.”
I smiled a toothy smile. “How did that happen, anyways?” I asked. “I know you and Bill always wanted to start a band, but how did it happen, exactly?”
“Well...” Tom thought for a moment. “We met Georg and Gustav at a competition-type thing, and we started playing together. Eventually, we got a gig at a local club, and that’s where we met our current manager. He’s really great.”
“What about your mum?” I asked, curious as to how Simmone was doing these days. “How’s she been?”
Tom shrugged. “She’s gotten remarried now, and our step-dad is really awesome. He’s pretty laid back actually. Not at all how you’d expect him to be.”
Another awkward silence as we both thought over some things.
I was thinking about what to say next, probably regarding his new stepfather.
When the time came for the silence to be broken, it was by both of us at the same time.
“You go first,” I told Tom, before he managed to tell me the same thing.
“I was going to say that you look good,” He said. “Like... Really good.”
I blushed. “Thanks. You don’t look too bad yourself.”
Tom smiled and then, before I knew what was going on, he was kissing me.
And that’s how I got my first kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kinda short, as was the last one, but hey I hope it's good (: Please give feedback, and I love you all!!