Dark Times, Dark Tales

Death By Razor

The girl wants it, and she wants it bad. So many things are wrong tonight. She shivers as a magnetic pull to apply her only relief grows stronger. Finally her patience and strength gives out, she must have it! She reaches beneath her covers and pulls out a small box. She opens it, and inside her relief is found. She lifts it out and trembles in anticipation waiting a few moments for her heart to stop beating so fast. Then she starts to cut, slowly, blood leaks out thinly, she scowls “Not enough need more!” she cuts deeper and harder, more blood flows out, she’s reeling in ecstasy sweating, shaking, her head titled back mouth partially open, moaning as the intense pleasure flows throughout her body. She runs her finger along the edge of the razor and spreads a thin layer of blood upon her lips, and smoothly cleans it off with her tongue. She hates blood, but now it tastes, and feels so good to her. She cuts and cuts and cuts till it’s not enough finally in sheer desperation she screams and shoves the razor through her the middle of her tiny white forearm till its edge shows through the bottom. She sheds a tear and makes a fist and blood slowly curls up around the edges of the razor and the semi-rusted blade leaves its mark in her flesh, causing her arm to burn as the corroded metal intertwines with her blood. The bleeding increases steadily dripping now from the back and front of her arm, she begins to feel light headed, but still thinking about her last few minutes, she wonders why she’s done all this, and how she got here. Many times she wondered when this night would come, when she would go over the edge and do herself in, but before she leaves this world she has to do one more thing: she rips out a sheet of paper and with a shaking hand, writes three words and lays the sheet down. She’s finally ready. She takes the end of the razor and after one more tear fiercely jerks it up the middle of her forearm and then yanks it out, she screams in sheer agony and her arm splits down the center and blood spews everywhere, covering the sheets and floor beneath. In the middle of the chaos a sheet stained crimson floats in the tide of blood. Upon this paper barely visible but there, are those three words “Death by Razor”.