Status: It's an idea o:

Forever Together.

Chapter 2

Mike was just standing in my front room grinning like a fool. I sure as hell don't have anything to say. I walk into my living room while Mike and his dog trail after me.

"Charlie, do you have any movies? Oh and I'm ordering take out, what do you want?" He looked at me smiling with one hand subconsciously petting his dog.

"Yeah, in the cabinet by the TV. It's hard to miss. I don't care, it's up to you." His dog wandered over by me and nearly sat on my foot, I started petting its ears and kissing it's nose. "What's your dog's name?"

"Oh she isn't mine, she's the station's. Her name is Missy, I've taken a huge liking to her. She's like my best friend..." He trailed off still looking through the movies. "You up for a romance?" He wiggled his eyebrows in an awkward way, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah romance is cool. Hey, how old is Missy?" Missy kept licking my hand before she laid down.

"I think she's a year or two.. I'm new to the job and technically shouldn't be working until I'm eighteen." He looked kind of guilty, I wanted to give him a hug. Instinctively Missy got up to go comfort Mike.

"How are you a fire fighter then? If you don't mind me asking.." I twirled my fingers around each other.

"Well my dad got me the job because I've been a fire ranger for the longest time. He fought and said that I was just as qualified as the rest of them." He noticed the look on my face when he was talking about his dad. "I'm sorry... I already suck at this job."

"Hey, no its okay! You're doing great, although you forgot to order take out." I stuck my tounge out at him as his eyes got all big. He ran for the house phone and quickly ordered pizza. "Seriously though, I know I'm not going to get over my parent's death in a day, but if I don't think about it, it doesn't hurt as much."

"I see what you mean by that, sorry for bringing it up." He looked so upset. I couldn't fight it anymore, I had to give a reassuring hug. Mike looked at me funny for a second before hugging me back.

"So how old are you? I thought you were in your twenties." I feel so stupid, but he doesn't seem to think I am.

"Nah, I'm seventeen. You're lucky that its summer time though."

"Why is that?" I raised my eyebrow at him and he laid his hand on mine.

"Because, dear, you would have been stuck with someone boring!" He laughed and walked into the living room to turn on some romance movie.

I laughed as well and sat down at the kitchen table. I can remember all our big family meals here, the most recent being Thanksgiving. I guess I wasn't thankful enough for my parents, until now. Now I wished that I would have been the best daughter they had ever wanted. I wished that I could tell them I loved them, one last time. I couldn't believe that I wouldn't ever see them again. My dad wouldn't run into the house after work asking where his little angels were. My mom wouldn't be in the kitchen making dinner when I get home from school anymore. Everything I've ever known is gone. Except for me. Why couldn't I have gone with them? Been in that car?

"Charlie?" I wiped the tears from my face and looked over at Mike, who had a look of concern. "You want to watch the movie with me?"

"Uh yeah, I'll be right there." I got up and went into the bathroom and washed my face. I almost screamed when I felt a hand on my back. I turned and Mike pulled me into a hug.

"I know this is going to be hard for you, I know. I also know that I'm a stranger and that we just met, but I feel like I can be there for you if you need me. My mother and sister died two years ago in a bank robbery. Ever since then I've never been able to go into a bank. I know how it is to want to grieve, but can't. My dad is still a wreck, but somehow we've learned to move on. I hope you can too. It's heart breaking to see a pretty girl cry." He hugged me so tight and I felt tears on my neck, he was crying too. This was such an awkward, yet lovely moment.

"Thank you," I whispered. "Want to go watch the movie now?" I smiled at him.

"Shall we?" He said dorkily holding out his arm for me to take. I took his arm and he lead me out to the living room. Just as he sat down the door bell rang indicating that the pizza was here. I laughed as he groaned to get up.

He came back in with a big box of pizza and paper plates.

"Cheese or pepperoni?"

"Cheese, please!" He giggled at my rhyming.

"Cheese it is! Can you push play on the movie while I put the box in the kitchen?" He stood up and went into my kitchen. I pushed play and saw what movie he put in.

"You like Sixteen Candles?" As I asked him he walked back in with a liter of Dr. Pepper.

"Uh, yup! I'm a fool for the eighties." I pretended to swoon, which made him laugh.

"I love the eighties. Best generation in my opinion. I wish I was born then."

"Thank you, I'm not alone on that anymore." I laughed. This guy is pretty cool. He helped me not think about my parents. Too bad he only gets to stay a night.
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My dad killed the internet again. DEAR LORD. Well, thank you mysterious subscriber :D You uh made me happy :D

I'll try to write more if I'm not busy later.