Status: It's an idea o:

Forever Together.

Chapter 3

Stay professional, come on big man! This is a job! This is your dream job! Don't mess up. Stay good.

Mike sighed, he didn't know how hard this job would be. He was only supposed to keep her company, keep her happy. Oh, you better bet your bottom dollar that he wanted to do more than that, damn straight he did. He just had to stay professional, eight hours left. It was hard for him, Charlie was beautiful. Mike really wanted to see her smile. Most of all he wanted to take her in his arms and hold her until all her problems went away.

He went to check on Charlie who said that she'd be right with him. He found the bathroom door cracked and heard the water running. He pushed the door slowly and couldn't help himself from rubbing her back. She jumped at his touch. He could see the hurt in her eyes. This time he couldn't help himself, he pulled her into a hug. Somewhere in his mind he thought it would be a good idea to tell her about his family issues. Maybe to help her know that she isn't alone? He didn't know. He did it anyways, and afterwards it paid off. It was an emotional speech he gave, but it was worth it. Mike felt her hug back, and in the back of his head he knew that he should be professional. He knew that if he messed up on the job and the fire chief revoked him, his dad would be furious. Ever since his mom died his dad had been even more strict, expecting the best out of Mike.

Mike had always known that it would be hard to impress the devil, be he try his hardest.

Mike's heart ached to kiss away Charlie's tears, he knew that him crying had made her cry as well. He fought to not kiss her head, or to not kiss her in general. It was difficult. Why was he getting these feelings for a girl he's just met? This isn't normal. Was he just mistaking lust for love? No, he couldn't love her! He just met her!

What is going on, Mike's mind was in turmoil. He felt as though he was a robot. Doing actions against his will, having someone control his every move. Keeping sure he didn't mess up his career. What's more important though? A job, or love? It wasn't just his job, that's the problem, it was his father as well. Mike couldn't hurt his father anymore than he had already been hurt. That would crush him.

As for now, Mike had to be professional. He couldn't let down the last of his family. His dad was all he had left, his dad's happiness was a lifetime goal.
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OHHH NOOOO! o: How's it going ladies and gents? This isn't the best chapter, just an insight to what goes on in mr. Dude's head.