So Gone (JoBro's Fan Fic)

New Jersey

“Lexi, this house is huge compared to the last one.” I shouted to my twenty year old sister as I lugged my suitcase up the stairs to my new bedroom.

I would unpack but I don’t know how long we will be staying so what is the point. I threw my bag on the bed and looked around the room. It was pretty. The royal blue walls when well with the black silk sheets and black and blue striped curtains. The government workers must have done this when they moved us again. This was just one of the many houses my sisters and I owned all over the country.

“Cole me and Anna need to tell you somethings so come down here.” my sister called to me. I let out a sigh and slowly walked down the steps. I sat on the black suede couch next to my eighteen year old sister Anna. The whole house was made to look comfy but to me it was just another place we stayed in until we had to go again.

“What you need big sis?” I said still looking around.

“ Well I have to tell you guys a few things before I can let you roam around town. So first things first. Cole I think it will be okay if we use our real names for once but our last names have to change again. This time around it will be Jenkins. Okay? Good. Next, you guys have to go to school.” I cut in this time.

“What but I already graduated! I don’t want to sit in classes with a bunch of idiots who have more than they deserve.” I said before my sister could say it too. Anna and I both graduated high school already. Only she did it when she was sixteen where as I did when I was fifteen. I am sixteen now.

“Look I know okay. But it would be weird if we didn’t go Cole, and we can’t draw attention to ourselves. Now hear Lexi out will you” Anna said looking sad.


“Thanks Anna. Now two more things and I promise that’s it. Cole, Anna you’re not get your cars until next week but my car is the black SUV parked in the driveway. Oh! And I got you guys new I.D’s.” Lexi handed out our new picture I.D’s. Mine said:
Nicolette Marie Jenkins.
I6 y/o
Black Hair
Blue Eyes
Anna said:
Annabelle Jane Jenkins
18 y/o
Black Hair
Green Eyes
Lexi’s said:
Alexandra Viola Jenkins
20 y/o
Black Hair
Gray Eyes
After we finished comparing Lexi said there was one more thing she had to tell me.
“I got you a job working at my new record store so people won’t be suspicious of us. But the bad news is that you start in about twenty minutes.”
Great. Just great.
♠ ♠ ♠
next chapter will be up soon.
messages make me happy!