So Gone (JoBro's Fan Fic)

Just Jonas

I got dressed and Lexi drove me down to the record store. On the sign it said Music=Life It was a nice store that was already full for just being open two days. She took me in and introduced me to the manager. He was a sweaty little man named Craig who kept eyeing my chest and winking at me. I kept telling him I was sixteen but that didn't seem to matter to him. Craig told me that my shift would be from 3-7 Wednesdays and Saturdays. Today being Wednesday he put me on floor duty which after a great deal of lecturing I figured out meant that I would work out with the customers and not in the back with the merchandise. The whole time idiotic people kept coming up to me asking if I could find things that were right in front of them.

“Excuse me miss can you help me find something?”

Oh god. Here we go again. I plastered a fake smile before turning around to see three really hot guys standing there in hoods and shades. I knew they were the Jonas Brothers right away but I wasn’t one of those girls who screamed so it wasn’t really a big deal to me. I glanced at the clock to see that my shift would be over in three minutes. What the hell. I could help some cute customers.

“What can I do you for?” Did I just say that!? How much lamer could I have been?

The one I knew was Joe laughed and spoke up.

“I actually want to get a new Fender so I was wondering it you sell those here?”
(if you don’t know a fender is a type of guitar)
“Um you know what I think we are out but if you come back tomorrow I know we will have a few in stock.” As cute as Joe was something about him bugged me. Maybe it was today in general but I had the sudden need to get away form them. I thanked them for coming to the store and slipped out before they could stop me.
I stood out side waiting for Lexi and Anna to come pick me up. Out of the corner of my eye I saw all three of the Jonas Brothers step out of the store to wait for there ride to come get them. I saw that Joe got his fender after all because he was holding a brand new guitar case with the store logo on it. Nick turned and saw me staring so I quickly turned on my I-pod and blasted the music. Five minutes later Lexi’s black SUV pulled up in front of me. Lexi hopped out and handed me a Carmel Frapacino.

“Thanks. This is just what I needed.” I said smiling as I took a sip.
Anna climbed out of the passenger seat and stood next to Lexi. Anna started telling me about the new high school we were going to when all of a sudden she stopped talking. I figured it was because she recognized the Jonas boys satnding a few feet behind us but that wasn’t it. She leaned into the open car door and turned the stereo on blast. The Jonas Brothers song “Games” had just started. I took a glance at the three guys and as soon as the song started their head shot in our direction. I groaned inwardly.
Anna and Lexi started dancing like crazy.
I'm waiting for you right outside
The place we first locked eyes
(Oh..)- Anna sang loudly (forgot to mention that Cole Anna and Lexi are all fantastic singers and musicians)
I feel like we're both loosing sight
We don't get to do this twice
And I wonder... - Lexi sang after her

Will you care
When I'm gone
And it's time
And I've really had enough
And I'm sorry
For the trouble
That’s been costing us so much
Splitting apart, its getting harder to tell what you want
So bored with these games, games
“Come on Cole you know you love this song!” Lexi yelled over the music.
I looked at the Jonas Brothers, who were mouthing the words behind us and trying not to laugh at my sisters display of craziness. What the hell.

The last time that I left these steps
Was after our first kiss
I wonder why you haven't shown
I'll be leaving here alone
And I wonder…- I sang looking directly at Nick who blushed a light red. Anna and I sang the chorus.

Will you care
When I'm gone
And it's time
And I've really had enough
And I'm sorry
For the trouble
That’s been costing us so much
Splitting apart, its getting harder to tell what you want
So bored with these games, games

I'm left in the dark
I never thought you would be breaking my heart
I'm so bored with these games, games - Lexi sang this part by herself as she looked directly at Kevin smiling the whole time.

Will you care
When I'm gone
And it's time
And I've really had enough
And I'm sorry
For the trouble
That’s been costing us so much
Splitting apart, its getting harder to tell what you want
So bored with these games, games

Games, Games, Games
We sang the last words together as Lexi did an amazing back handspring, Anna did a front flip and I did my Nick’s signature Arial with perfection. When we were done we didn’t even realize how big of a crowd we has draw.
“Time to go ladies.” Lexi whispered as we all bowed at the applause.
“Hold on a second okay?” I said as I ran over to where the guy were still clapping.
“Did you think we were okay?” I asked them.
“You guys were great.” Kevin said.
“Yeah you’re really talented.” Joe said giving me a hug.
“You’re amazing.” Nick said quietly.
We all laughed.
“Thanks guys! But can I give you a piece of advice?” They all nodded.
“You should seriously invest in better disguises.” I winked at Nick’s stunned face and walked back to my sisters.
“Ready?” Anna said as I got in the car.
“Yeah lets go.”
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hope you like this so far.
comments make me happy!