So Gone (JoBro's Fan Fic)

Little Minx

“Hey, Nick. What’s going on?” I said trying to be casual even though he was making me really hot. He was wearing a blue shirt with black skinny jeans and a pair of beat-up blue converses with black skulls on it. A little emo you know but still hot all the same.

“Hey ……Cole isn’t it? Well yeah I haven’t seen you since you gave us the disguise tip. Thanks for that by the way.
How did you know it was us?” Nick was so close to me that I could see the gold flecks in his eyes from the reflecting window next to us.

“Well it wasn’t hard. If you took away the hair and facial structure and your body type I hardly would have recognized you.” I said with a laugh. He laughed too.

“You laugh is really cute.”

“Thanks but I really should get to class I don’t want to be late on my first day.” I was trying not to let it show that I was blushing because of his comment. I started to walk away when I noticed that Nick was following me. I turned to face him with a smirk on my face and raised my eyebrow.

“You need something Jonas?”

“Nah I was just walking to my English class. Why?”
“Because this is my English class!” I said looking at the door then taking his class schedule from his hands.
I looked it over and laughed. Or at least I would have if I thought it was even remotely funny. The son of a bitch was in every single one of my classes with the exception of P.E which by the was still in the same period just a different field. I sighed and handed him back his card. The last thing I need right now is distractions from hot curly haired rockstars. I pushed past him and filed into the room. (Cole is kind of moody if you didn’t know) I sat down in my seat just as the bell rang. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that there were only two seats available in the classroom. One of them being right next to me and the other behind a particularly nerdy girl with huge glasses. Don’t get me wrong. Its not like she wasn’t pretty, but she looked like a total bookworm. Anyway, Nick saw this and made a beeline to the seat beside me. Quick as lightning I swung my tote into the seat next to me just as he reached. He looked at me with a look of confusion and hurt in his eyes.

“Um….is this seat taken or something?”

“Yeah actually.. By my bag!” I said with a sweet smile on my face. Before he could respond the teacher swept into the room. She looked at Nick and then at me before taking the list of names from her desk.

“ You! With the bush head! What is your name young man?”

“Nick Jonas, maim.”

“Well mister Jonas, feel sure that just because you are a celebrity of sorts does not mean you will get preferential treatment in my class! Now if you are finished disrupting the class, there is an open seat next to Ms. Bresslyn over there in the back.” She pointed to the nerdy girl with the high pony tail and big glasses that I mentioned earlier.

“Yes miss.” Nick said leaving to go sit in the back. But not before shooting daggers at me. I chuckled to myself as I watched his walk away. Mmmmm. That boy has one cute ass.
Miss Portman, she told us her name later, said that we would have assigned partners for the rest of the year to work on our short film. The project was to count for about 95% of our grade so it was mandatory. She ran down the list rattling off names, pairing up by last name. And since I have had SUCH great luck in my life guess who I ended up with? Go on now guess. The cute alt guy in the back? No. The pretty artsy chick in front of me? No. the aforementioned nerdy girl? Ha I wish! No I end up with Nick Jonas. You get it? Jonas. Jenkins. A crime isn’t it. And its all Lexi’s fault. She could choose something like Michaels or Hanson? But no. she chose Jenkins. Damn her. We broke into our groups and took seat where ever. Well since I had to work with the boy all year AND he was in like all of my classes I figured I had to be at least hospitable.

“Hey Nick!” He glared at me as I said this.

“ Oh so now you want to be nice? No thanks.”

“Look I’m sorry okay I’m just kind of off today. But don’t take it personally. I just have a hard time showing people that I like them.” Wait?! Did I just say that? Man I need a filter or something. Please tell me he didn’t hear that. Please God, I’ll never ask for anything, promise!

“You like me?!” Damn God I knew you didn’t like me but that was just cruel. You suck.

“Yeah I guess. When you’re not being a jerk.” And that was the end of the conversation. At least for that moment.
Nick and I we getting pretty close throughout the day. We even had lunch with Anna, Joe and some of their senior friends. Now we were walking to fifth period Bio together. I walked in the door laughing at this joke Nick had just told me when my entire aura just changed. Okay, have you ever felt that you hated someone right away with even knowing them? Yeah that’s how I felt about this guy. Mr. Keller. The Bio 2 Honors teacher. He looked me up and down right of the bat and gave me a wink. I shuttered in disgust under his gaze. Nick, seeming to notice my sudden silence turn to look at my pale face and then followed my stare to the teacher’s eyes. Nick put his arm around me and pulled me into a kiss in full view of the class and the teacher. I KNOW RIGHT?! But what the hell right. I put my arms around him and kissed him back. We were interrupted by someone , MR. KELLER!, clearing their throat rather loudly. Nick was the first to pull away.

“Sorry, man it’s just that me GIRLFRIEND is so hot that I can’t keep my hands off of her!” Nick said smirking. Mr. Keller looked livid as we raced to our seats in the back. He put in the film for the class to take notes , turned of the lights, and walked back to his seat. When we were out of earshot of the perv I smacked Nick in the back for the head.

“Why did you kiss me freak?!” not that I minded but he wasn’t going to know that.

“Well the dude was totally checking you out so I thought I would help, plus you lips looked really appealing at the time.” Nick whispered licking his bottom lip and making a cute face. I wanted to be the one to bite his lip right now.

“Well thanks. I really owe you.” Nick leaned in and kissed me.

“There now we’re even.” I smiled and tried to pay attention to the film we were watching but the only thing I could think about was Nick’s soft lips on mine.

“Miss Jenkins, can you please come to my desk.” Mr. Keller said. I rolled my eyes at Nick and walked to the desk.

“Yes sir?”

“Well it seems that you like that Jonas boy. I just wanted to let you know that you have other options.” He said with that same creepy wink. I mean he was only 23 and really hot but he was a teacher and that’s just wrong.

“ Um…no thanks. I’m fine with Nick.” I turned to go but he gripped my arm.

“ Listen honey, I’m gonna get in your pants one way or another.” he whispered in my ear. I turned and slapped him as hard as I could. He fell backward and yelled something but I was too busy running to hear him. I kept running even though I heard someone calling me. Probably the principal or something. I got to the roof of the school and broke down crying. I had already been raped by a mobster, and believe me I didn’t want to go through that again. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I turned to look up at Nick but it wasn’t him at all. It was Mr. Keller!!!! I tried to scream but he covered my mouth. He tore my shirt of revealing my lacy black bra.

“ Oh! Someone’s a little minx.” he laughed heinously. He started tearing at my pants. I tried to push him away but he was to strong. I closed my eyes as the tears began to pour. Please no. Not again. Just as I was about to give in I felt his body thrown of me. My eyes flew open. Nick was standing of Mr. Keller’s body with a murderous rage in his eyes. I looked to see the body of my teacher out cold on the floor. Damn Nick was strong. He ran over to me and enveloped me in his arms.

“Everything is okay. I’m hear now.” He kissed the top of my head as I sobbed in his chest.
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I'll explain the rape thing later.
comments make me happy!!!
Jess xoxox