Status: A work in progress

Story of A Broken Girl


"I'm fine, I promise." Kris mumbled to her mom, who sat at the foot of her bed. Her mom shook her head before making eye contact with her daughter, giving her a stern look. "Kristine, you haven't left your room in what seems like days. It's Christmas Break, at least go hang out with your friends. You're starting to worry me." her mother pushed.

Rolling her eyes, Kris plopped her head back onto her pillow and groaned. "Mother, you know damn well why I haven't been leaving my room. Get it through your head, for the love of Christ! You don't feel the way I feel about what happened..." Kris nearly yelled at her mother.

It was true though. Her mother didn't know how she felt about what happened only 5 years ago. Her mom didn't know what it felt like, and Kris just wished she could put her mom in her shoes for just one day- the day that her father left Christmas day, without a goodbye. Yes, Ms. Hansen knew what it felt like for her spouse of 20 years to walk out on her and her children, but she didn't know what it was like to lose her father. That father that was your hero when you were a child, and you looked up to for years, and then that same man walks out the door, throwing it all away.

Kris' father wasn't a good father, to say the least. He was a deadbeat dad, and treated the whole family poorly, but he was someone's husband, and someone's father, and it didn't matter how poorly he treated them, they loved him.

Well, Kris did love him. The day he left, she fell apart. She loathes the man with a passion. She can't stand to hear his voice, see his face, or even hear his name nowadays. But as much as she hated him, she still wished she had a dad. She always told her mom though, "if he's the only dad I can have, I don't fucking want him". She tried to move on without a dad, but as the years went on and Christmas time would near, Kris would fall into a deep depression. She hoped that as time passed, it'd get easier.

She was wrong.
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Just a prologue. Comments are very much appreciated. Don't be a silent reader. xx