Status: Completed! Merry Christmas!

Tonight Our Dreams Come True


Inside Alex’s house was a Christmas tree. The same Christmas tree that Alex and his best friend Jack have been decorating since they became friends. It was a tradition for Jack to come over and decorate the tree with Alex. You see, Alex is an only child. He never had friends growing up; except for Jack. Then in high school he met Zack and Rian, and now they’re all friends.

It was 7pm on Christmas Eve and Alex sat cross legged on the carpeted floor going through the Christmas tree decorations. “Jack, we’re missing the bulb with us on it!” Alex said frantically. When they were 10, 5 years after they met, Alex’s mother took them to the mall where there was a booth to make your own Christmas tree decorations. His mother asked to get a bulb with a photo of the two. They stood there smiling, arms around each other’s necks. When the lady took the picture, she transferred it to the bulb, and they’ve been putting that at the top of the tree, below the angel since they got it. 7 years later and they’re still doing the same thing. “Don’t worry Lex. It’s right here.” Jack said, kneeling beside Alex. They stood up and started decorating the tree. They had trouble with the lights, but managed to get them all untangled.

When they were done, they stood back and smiled. Jack put his arm around Alex’s shoulders, hugging him into his side. “It looks good. Too bad your parents went out for the whole night. They could have helped.” Jack said. Alex nodded, smiling as he looked at the one bulb at the very top. “Jack, we should start getting ready for the little party.” Jack laughed. “What party? It’s just Zack and Rian coming over.” Alex shrugged, causing Jack’s arm to fall. They faced each other and smiled. “So? It’s still a party to me.” Jack giggled and tapped Alex’s nose. “Whatever you say. I’ll go grab the gifts from your room, you set out the food and drinks. They’re supposed to be here at 8, we have 20 minutes.” Alex nodded and went to the kitchen as Jack went upstairs.

Alex opened the top cupboard to crab some bowls. He opened the next one to grab the bags of chips. He placed it all on his table and went to the fridge to grab all the chocolate. He placed the 3 different kinds of chips in separate bowls, and the chocolates in another. Jack came in and smiled. “Just put everything under the tree. I’m so excited! I’ll go decorate now.” He said happily as he ran out the kitchen. Alex giggled and shook his head. Jack was so cute.

He sighed. Alex started to get these weird feeling for Jack when they turned 14. Neither boys were told it was wrong to have feelings for another boy, their parents never discouraged it. That being said, Alex never cared much for the fact he was having feelings for Jack. But he did think it was weird because they were best friends; still are. And that’s why he hates himself for loving his best friend the way he shouldn't. Jack knows Alex is gay, but not that he’s in love with him. And Alex knows that Jack is gay. But what Alex doesn't know is that Jack is in love with him too. Jack started to fall for Alex when they were 12.

Jack just knew he liked Alex. But Alex realized it after certain occasions. For Alex, it was when they were into their 3rd month of high school, grade 9. They had just met Zack and Rian and sat at the lunch table with them and their friend Eric. Eric wasn’t the homophobic type, but his friend Joe was. Whatever Joe said, Eric did.


As they were sitting at the table, Joe observed Alex and Jack. The way they looked at each other, the way they touched each other. Joe didn’t like it, and whispered to Eric, telling him that he thought they were gay. Eric shrugged saying “So what?” Joe glared at him and spoke up. “So are you guys, like, fags?” Jack’s smile faded as he looked at Joe.
“No. But so what if we are?” Joe huffed. “Well it’s nasty. And I don’t befriend fags.” Eric elbowed Joe. “Joe, stop it.” “NO! What they are isn’t right. Tell them Eric.” Eric looked down and mumbled a small “Yeah.” Jack laughed. “Well then get away from our table then.” Joe chuckled. “Telling me what to do? Nothing is going to get me away from this table, Rian and Zack are MY friends. “ Jack nodded. “So not even if this happened?” he asked. Alex looked at him confused, but before he could ask, Jack pressed his lips to his, slowly moving his lips, encouraging Alex to do the same. He did and a few seconds later, they pulled away. Eric was blushing as he watched the two of them, whereas Joe looked pissed. “disgusting.” He got up and dragged Eric with him.


Alex sighed audibly as he grabbed the 4 bowls, carrying them into the living room and placing them on the coffee table. “Need help?” he asked Jack. Jack nodded. “Okay, I just got to go grab a few drinks.” He grabbed a plastic bag and went to the fridge, putting different drinks in it. When he was done, he carried them out and took them out of the bag, placing them neatly on the table. “Okay, help me put these lights over the fire.” Alex looked around to see decorations everywhere else. He nodded and stood on the little ledge of the fire place, grabbing the other end of the lights. He helped Jack with a few more stuff before lighting a fire. “Done!” he yelled. Jack laughed as the doorbell rang. Alex went to open the door. “Hey guys! Come in!”

They all sat down by the fire, grabbing the drinks and food they wanted. Jack stood up and giggled. “I’m santa!” he said, walking to the tree, sitting on the floor there. “Okay, the first one is for Rian!” they all opened their gifts, thanking each other. Alex took Jack’s place to pass Jack his gifts. “Oh my god you guys, thank you!” Jack said, hugging everyone. “Now, let’s watch Home Alone!” they all laughed and Alex got up to put the movie in. Zack and Rian sat on one sofa, Alex and Jack on the other, cuddling into each other. Jack was between Alex’s legs, drawing invisible shapes on Alex’s right knee. Alex’s heartbeat occasionally sped up when Jack’s hand trailed upwards once in a while. Jack smiled as he watched his favourite movie, not even noticing what his hand was doing.

When the movie ended, Everyone stood up, stretching. Zack and Rian stayed to help clean up. Rian took the movie out, putting it away. He and Zack got all their stuff on and walked to the door. Rian smiled “Thank you guys, this was so much fun. And thanks for all the stuff!” Zack nodded and agreed. Jack said goodbye to them before heading back towards the living room. Alex handed Zack and Rian their stuff. “Thanks for coming, I’ll see you guys later!” hey left and Alex closed the door behind them. He made his way into the living room to see Jack sat by the fire. He walked over and sat beside him.

Jack felt Alex’s shoulder hit his as Alex sat down. “Hey Lexi.” Alex smiled. “Hey. I had fun. And thanks for the gift.” Jack nodded. “Me too. Best Christmas so far I think.” Alex yawned and Jack looked at the clock. 11:54pm. He looked behind him and smiled. He stood up and put his hand out for Alex to take. Alex took his hand and stood up. Jack’s heart was racing as he walked a few feet and stopped. “You coming? You’re tired. We should get some sleep.” Alex giggled and walked over to Jack. “Well? Are we going to move then?” he asked.

Jack nodded slowly. “But first,” he said pointing up. “Mistletoe.” Alex looked up and smiled. Jack grabbed Alex’s face and slowly inched closer to Alex. “Merry Christmas Lex.” He slowly pressed his lips against Alex’s. Alex gladly returned the kiss gently. They pulled away smiling. “Merry Christmas Jack.” They hugged each other for a few seconds, then pulled away. “Alex, I have to tell you something.” Alex nodded for Jack to continue.

“I love you. I have for a long time, and I’m honestly sick of hiding my feelings. I love you so much.” Alex smiled and leaned up to kiss Jack. Jack kissed back, sliding his tongue along Alex’s bottom lip. Alex let Jack’s tongue in, inviting it with his. They made out for a little bit, tongues dancing, hand roaming, hearts beating. Alex pecked Jack’s lips once more. “I love you too. Ever since the first time you kissed me.” Jack laughed, remembering the event. “I remember that.” He said. He looked at the clock seeing that it was now 12am.

He took Alex’s hand and dragged him upstairs to Alex’s room. They took their clothed off, boxers remaining and got under the covers of Alex’s queen sized bed. Alex rolled over to lay his head on Jack’s chest. Jack put his arm around Alex. “Goodnight Lexi, I love you.” Alex nuzzled his face against Jack. “Night, I love you too.” Jack reached over and shut the lamp off before cuddling with Alex. And they went to sleep in each other’s arm, thinking about their future together.
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Merry Christmas everyone! Okay so I was sitting there and then it hit me. IT'S CHRISTMAS IN 1 HOUR! So I thought I would write a Jalex story. So thanks for reading, and thanks to those who comment!