Status: - complete c: -

I'd do anything to hold your hand.


After Tony had left, the two of you went back into your house. Vic sweetley kissed your lips.
“Everything’s going to be alright, I promise. I’m sure Tony is just hurt. At least I hope so.” He said, scratching the back of his head. You hoped for it too. You didn’t want to be the reason that the guys were fighting. You didn’t want them to hate on eachother. That could mean the end of Pierce The Veil and you wouldn’t just let that happen. No way. Vic and you just spent the rest of the day on the couch, watching movies and cuddling. But Tonys words wouldn’t leave your head and it really started to annoy you.
Did you do the right thing? Or was it wrong to just dump Tony? Maybe it wasn’t his fault that he couldn’t show love that good. Maybe he just needed some more time to open up completely. Haven’t you been patient enough with him? Did you treat him the wrong way? All these questions wouldn’t leave your mind and you completely spaced out, looking at the ceiling of your living room. Vic noticed and looked at you, worry shining in his eyes.
“Honey, are you okay?” He asked and pecked your lips.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You faked a smile and went back into your thoughts.
Maybe you should talk to Tony. Like, really clear everything up. Maybe all of this was just a big misunderstanding. Anyway, you were with Vic now. You couldn’t just leave him after he has been so nice to you. And you really had feelings for him.
“I need some time to myself, I’m gonna go taking a walk.” You said and kissed Vic, then got up.
“Uh, alright sweetie, be safe.” He said and kissed you back.

You walked around, not having an exact goal. You looked down at the ground and bumped into someone.
“I’m sorry!” You said quickly and looked up, just to see Tony. Oh, the irony.
“Y/N? What are you doing here without the wonderful Victor?” He asked, sarcasm drenching his voice.
“I needed time to myself, for, y’know, thinking about things.”
“For example?” Tony asked, raising an eyebrow.
“For example the thing that happened this morning.”
“Ah. I see.” He said and smirked. “So it doesn’t exactly leave you cold, does it?”
“Fuck you, Tony!”
“Oh shut up.” He said and smiled. Why did he smile? This wasn’t making any sense at all. Before you knew it he grabbed you by your waist and pulled you against him, kissing your lips passionately. You tried to push him away but he was stronger than you and didn’t let go. He just kept kissing you until you began to move your lips against his. Tony smiled and let go off you after a little while.
“Tony, what the fuck, you know I’m with Vic!”
“Yeah, I know but that’s going to change. You’ll see.” He said and pecked your lips before he simply walked away.
“Don’t you dare and just leave right now!” You screamed after hip and he turned around a bit.
“You’re so cute when you’re getting angry!” He shouted back and chuckled. He just left you standing there in shock and confusion and you silently started walking back to your house.
When you came home Vic was grabbing his keys from the table and put on his jacket.
“Vic, where are you going?”
“Home.” He said, sounding cold and distant.
“Vic, what’s wrong?” You asked, concerned.
“Nothing, I’m just tired, is all. And I need to look after Mike, I’m sure he’s still hung over.”
“Oh, alright. Well… see you soon?”
“Of course.” He said and pecked your lips halfheartedly. You were confused to no end. Have you done something wrong?
Vic left you standing there all alone by yourself. You didn’t know what to do, you felt like breaking down every second. Your legs felt like jelly so you sat down on the stairs. Then you started crying. You didn’t stop for what seemed like hours. Eventually, you made it up into your bedroom, everything smelled like Vic and it hurt you even more. You changed the sheets and layed down. It took you three hours to fall asleep that night.

There was a knock on your door the next morning. You groanend and got out of bed, looking in the mirror. You decided that you looked awful. You brushed your hair quickly and put on a shirt and shorts, then went down the stairs to open the door.

“Tony?! What are you doing here?!” You asked, already getting angry again.
“I just wanted to see you, I told ya’ I’m not giving up on you. I won’t let Vic take you away from me.”
“So it’s a thing about who gets the girl, yeah? It’s about winning, isn’t it? You don’t even love me, do you? You just want to prove to Vic that your’re better than him, am I right?” You asked, your voice getting louder. Tony just stepped in and pinned you up on the wall.
“No. No, it’s not true, Y/N.” He said loudly. “It’s not true.” He whispered and kissed your lips again. You began to cry and he pulled away and wiped the tears away.
“Don’t cry please…” He begged and you just hugged him and held onto him for dear life, not wanting to let go. You just needed someone to hold you right now, to protect you.
“I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore. I’m completely losing my mind. I’m going insane, Tony. I can’t do this anymore, it’s too much, I can’t take this, I can’t bear this, I just can’t…” Sobs racked your entire body as you gripped Tonys shirt. He held you tightly against his body.
“Shush, it will be okay… It will all be just fine, believe me.” Tony whispered into your ear then kissed your cheek.
“No, no, it won’t be. I don’t know what to do. You know, you actually put me through hell and back, I didn’t know what to think of you. One moment your were so sweet and caring and the next you just pretended like I was nobody to you. I just felt worthless and Vic actually made me feel good about myself again. He really pushed my self-esteem up and you just keep pulling it down…” You whispered and let go off him, rubbing your eyes and wiping your tears. You completely forgot that the door was open and as you turned around Vic was standing there. You looked at him in complete and utter shock.
“See Tony?! Do you see what you’ve done to her?! Just look at her! She’s desperate! Just leave her alone!” Vic shouted and stepped in, pulling you into his arms, holding you protectively. He then took your face in his hands and looked into your eyes.
“Listen, Y/N. I know I was being cold and distant yesterday. Y’know, I was so worried for you when you left so I followed you. I saw you and him kissing and I thought… Well, I thought you were back together and I just couldn’t believe you’d do this to me, I was so angry and disappointed so I left. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Please don’t tell me that it’s over. I don’t want to let you go, I love you too much.” He whisered and you leaned in to kiss him. He kissed you back and then he pulled away looking at Tony. He let go off you and stepped towards him.
“Tony, hey. I’m sorry if I somehow hurt you. You know you’re one of my best mates. I really don’t want to lose you either but I saw that you didn’t treat her the was she deserved. I wanted to see her completely happy.”
Tony looked at Vic and his look softened.
“Yeah, I guess she’s happy with you. Y/N, as long as you’re happy I’ll be happy too. I’m sorry I hurt you so much. I’m sorry I was so blind though. I’ll leave you two alone, well, I mean, I’m okay with you two being in a relationship. I’m happy for the both of you. Because I love you both, maybe in different ways, but still.” He smiled.
Vic smiled widely, hugging him tight.
“Thank you, Tony.”
After Vic pulled away, Tony hugged you tightly.
“I’m sorry. I’m glad you’re happy now. I love you but I understand and accept your choice. And I wish you all the best.” He said softly and you could hear that he really meant it.
“Thank you so much Tony, that really means a lot, y’know…” You said and kissed his cheek. Vic was smiling. A heavy weight seemed to be lifted from your shoulders and you were so glad. You were one hundred percent sure that you made the right decision in choosing Vic.

The next day you and Vic met up with Tony and Jaime. Jaime congratulated you and Tony just smiled and pulled you in for a hug. And as Vic, Jaimeand Mike joined you two, you knew everything was going to be okay. No, better than that. Everything was going to be perfect now, knowing that you could count on your best friend and your amazing boyfriend.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah, that's it. c:
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! (:
Maybe leave me some feedback, lovelies? <3