
Chapter 11


About a month has passed since the date I had with Ashley. Tour was going well for the most part. Danny and I got into an argument a few days after my date and outside of the shows we haven’t interacted much together. I had moved all of my stuff off of my own bus and onto the BVB bus. Nina, Mark, and McKenzie keep telling me that I need to just make up with Danny so that we didn’t ruin the chemistry of the band but I refused to apologize for something I didn’t do.
“You okay sweetie?” CC asked as he sat next to me on the couch. Over the past month I’ve gotten extremely close to the guys in both bands. Just about everyone except for Ashley acted like older brothers to me. I knew that Ashley wanted to be involved with me romantically and we both agreed that it would happen when we both knew each other better.
“Just thinking about some things, mainly the future of my band.” I told him lightly.
“Are you worried that it won’t make it very far?” he asked curiously.
“Not with Danny and I both in the band. We haven’t really gotten along since tour started. I don’t think we will make it past this tour” I replied.
“I hate to say it but some bands just don’t make it that far but if you try hard enough and get the right line up you could make it. It seems to me that it’s Dante who is causing problems not you or anyone else. Dante needs to learn to get over whatever issue he has with you.” CC stated confidently.
“It’s unlikely that it’s going to happen though. Danny’s way to stubborn to do anything like that. I just wish I knew why he was being this way. I haven’t done anything to him as far as I know.” CC nodded in understanding and moved closer to hug me. The instant his arms wrapped around me I felt instantly relieved.
“Getting off that subject, tell me more about yourself” CC insisted as he ran his fingers through my hair.
“What do you want to know?” I asked looking up at him. He thought for a moment and stopped moving his hand as he did so.
“Tell me about your childhood? I think that’s the only thing Ashley hasn’t been able to tell us about.” My breath hitched.
“There’s not much to tell you. I don’t remember much about my childhood. I know that Mark, McKenzie, Nina, and I grew up together and that we have always been great friends. I think Danny and I were friends as kids but I don’t really remember. Usually when I try to think about my childhood I get headaches. It’s like a cloud of fog is covering my past.” I told him softly. I tried to remember something about my childhood but the only thing I got was a fairly large headache. I clenched my eyes shut in an effort to block out the pain. I felt CC start to run his fingers through my hair again. He was trying to sooth my pain.
The door to the bus opened and the noise from Andy, Jinxx, Jake, and Ashley hit me hard. I let out a small cry and curled into CC even more; the noise stopped instantly. CC shushed me as he continued to calm me.
“Em sweetie what’s wrong?” Ashley asked softly as he started to rub my back. I just continued to cry into CC. CC shifted me so that he could pick me up. He carried me into the back room and placed me in my and Ash’s bunk.
“What happened CC?” Ashley asked quietly after CC closed the curtain.
“It’s my fault. I asked about her childhood and the next thing I know she’s crying.” CC stated just as quietly. I heard soft footsteps before the curtain opened again and someone climbed into the bunk with me. I could tell it was Ashley just by the way he smelled. I rolled over and curled into him. His shirt caught my tears as I tried to stop the pounding in my head. Ashley wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back.


It’s been almost a month since I met Emerald. I felt that it was time to ask her out like I wanted to do by the time tour started. I planned on buying her a gift to give her when I asked her. Today was our day off. Andy, Jake, and Jinxx went with me while CC stayed with Em. I had an idea what I wanted to get her but I still needed the guys’ help to pick it out.
“What about this one?” Jinxx asked pointing out an emerald necklace. It was beautiful but it seemed a little too much.
“It’s great but I think it may be a bit too much.” I told him. He nodded and moved on; if anyone understood what I was going through it would be Jinxx.
“Ashley” Andy called from his place a few cases away. Jinxx, Jake, and I walked over to him so that he could show us what he found. It was a simple emerald bracelet and I felt that it was perfect for her. I had one of the workers get the bracelet for me so I could see it.
“It’s perfect for her” Jake commented as the worker displayed the bracelet to us. I nodded in agreement. I bought it and with that the four of us walked out of the store.
“When we get back we’ll have CC come with us to grab food while you ask Em out privately” Andy told me. I thanked him and lead the way to the bus. I felt like a teenage boy getting ready to ask his crush to prom. Even when I was a teenage boy asking girls out, I didn’t feel like this. Emerald had me wrapped around her finger and I doubt she even knew it.
When the four of us arrived at the bus we walked in laughing. The instant I heard Em cry I stopped though. The boys did as well. I looked over to see Em curled into CC who was trying to comfort her. I ran over to them and started rubbing Em’s back.
“Em what’s wrong sweetie?” it took a lot to keep from calling her baby. She curled into CC more and continued crying. CC shifted Em around so that he could pick her up. He carried her to the bunks, with me following, where he placed her in my bunk.
“What happened CC?” I asked him quietly after he closed the curtain.
“It’s my fault. I asked about her childhood and the next thing I know she’s crying.” CC replied using the same volume I had. I nodded before taking my boots off. I walked over to the bunk quietly and climbed in. right after I settled Em rolled over and curled into me. I held her as she cried until she fell asleep. I wasn’t sure what happened but I knew she would tell me when she felt better.
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