Wolfbane Heart

Midnight Escapades

Jude tripped over another branch, cursing as it snapped and hit her calves. The three of them had been in the woods for a while now, and the excitement of finding half a dead body seemed to have worn off.

“Hey Stiles?” Scott’s hesitant voice rang out through the creepy woods.

“Yeah?” Stiles answered, distracted by a vine that seemed to have gotten itself stuck on his pant leg.

“Do you know if they found the girl’s killer?” He asked, making Jude’s head snap up immediately. She hadn’t thought of that.

“Not that I know of, why?” He asked, still distracted by the vine. Jude marched over and smacked him upside the head, making him yell out in pain. “What was that for?”

“What was that for? For being an accomplice in our deaths you asshole! A deranged serial killer is on the loose and you’re making us wander around the forest with only flashlights and an inhaler for protection!” She said, nearly screeching towards the end of it.

“Now what makes you think that this guy is deranged?” Stiles asked, diverting his attention to the slightly shorter blonde who looked like she was going to implode at any second.

“Maybe because, I don’t know, he fucking cut a girl IN HALF?” Stiles went to answer, but was cut off by dozens of flashlights shining near them, and police officers yelling.

“Oh shit,” Stiles cursed, noticing his dad making his way towards them.

“These two belong to me officers, hold your fire,” Mr. Stilinski said, walking up to her and Stiles, crossing his arms. Jude furrowed her eyebrows. Two? What about Scott? She looked around, but Scott seemed to have disappeared while her and Stiles were arguing. “Where’s the last installment of your troublesome trio?” Mr. Stilinski asked, making Stiles look like he wanted to shit his pants. Before he could ruin everything by answering, Jude butted in.

“It’s try-outs tomorrow, so most likely doing pull-ups and push-ups until his limbs fall off. I swear he’s trying to make up for the muscle definition that Stiles never had,” she said, shaking her head and making Stiles whirl around to face her.

“Hey!” He shouted in defense, and Mr. Stilinski laughed.

“Just get in the back of the cruiser and I’ll deal with you at home,” he said, pushing them in the direction of the other cops and away from where Scott potentially could be. Where the hell was that boy?


Stiles and Jude walked into the parking lot the next day, trying to keep an eye out for their missing friend. They almost got to the school steps when Jude squealed and ran towards Scott, who just smiled at her. She jumped on him, wrapping her arms around his neck and making him wince. She pulled back, noticing that something was wrong.

“What is it?” She asked, her green eyes looking up at him in concern. He looked around at the rest of the school before slowly lifting up his shirt, revealing a big white bandage. Jude and Stiles both gasped, and Jude lightly ran her fingers over the bandage. Scott shivered a bit at the touch and dropped his shirt.

“I got lost in the woods last night, and something attacked me,” he explained, making both of his friends’ eyes widen considerably.

“What was it?” Jude asked him softly, dropping her voice so that other people in the courtyard couldn’t hear their conversation.

“It was a wolf.” Both Jude and Stiles raised their eyebrows at him, shared a glance, and then looked back at their best friend.

“Bud, wolves haven’t been spotted around here for, like, sixty years,” Stiles said, making Scott’s eyes harden.

“Yeah Scott, maybe it was a coyote or-“ Jude began, but Scott cut her off.

“It was a wolf, I know it.” He said, making her nod.

“And this wolf, it bit you?” She asked, gesturing towards his stomach. He nodded and Jude cringed.

“Well, I don’t know how I’m supposed to deal with a werewolf as a best friend,” she said jokingly to Stiles, making Scott finally laugh and punch her in the arm lightly. Stiles grinned at them, throwing his ams around both of them as they walked into the school building.

“Oh, and guys?” Scott said timidly, making them stop and look at them expectantly.

“Please don’t say you’re running away with a vampire boyfriend,” Jude pleaded, making him punch her arm again.

“No, I left my inhaler in the woods,” he said, making her eyes widen. “We have to go and get it.”

“I would have preferred the vampire,” Stiles muttered, making Jude laugh and Scott glare at him.

“Wait, what do you mean vampire boyfriend ?” He asked, stopping and looking at her shocked. “I’m not gay!” He yelled a little louder than necessary, making some people in the hall look at him weirdly. Jude burst out laughing and Scott rolled his eyes at her before pushing her into a locker and continuing down the hall with Stiles, who looked like he was taunting him as they walked to class.