Wolfbane Heart

Revelations All Around!

Jude rocked back on her heels in front of the woods, hesitant to follow after Scott and Stiles. She pulled down on her shorts nervously, before finally running after them, trying to avoid lethal-looking branches on the forest floor. She trailed after Scott, as he seemed to have a better idea of where his inhaler was. Scott didn’t seem to be much help, as it was obvious that he was just daydreaming about the new girl. Jude had never seen Scott like this before, but she was happy that he found a distraction from his attack. She kept her eyes on the ground, trying to keep a look out for Scott’s breathing device.

“What color is this thing again?” She asked, making him turn around with his eyebrows raised.

“You’ve been friends with me for ten years and you don’t know what my inhaler looks like?”

“You’ve only had to use it, like twice,” she retorted, placing her hands on her hips.

“Try twenty,” Stiles called over his shoulder, picking up a big rock to look under it.

“Stiles that rock has been there for at least ten years. What makes you think Scott’s inhaler rolled under there last night?”

“You know, as much as a help you guys are being right now, I think we should keep on-AHHHH” Scott’s yell resounded through the trees, making Jude’s head snap in his direction. There, leaning against a tree in front of Scott and Stiles was a tall man wearing a leather jacket. And, under further inspection, she gathered that he looked extremely pissed off.

“This is private property,” he growled, making Jude raise her eyebrow. Who growls?

“Oh, well we didn’t know that. We’ll just be on our way, not getting murdered by tall men in leather jackets,” Stiles rambled on, making Jude come up behind him and smack his head.

“Who are you?” Scott asked, making the man cross his arms and stare him down. Jude pushed past Scott and Stiles, ignoring their protests to not get near the man.

“Come on you guys,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Tall dark and brooding? This is Derek Hale!” She said, gesturing to the figure leaning against the tree. Derek’s eyebrow went up a bit, impressed that she knew who he was, before it went back down and his face became impassive again.

“If you guys are done trying to figure out puzzles, it’d be great if you could get off my property,” he said, his husky voice making him sound even more dangerous. Stiles nodded, slipping his arm around her waist and pulling her back despite her protests that she could walk on her own. “One more thing,” Derek called out, making them turn around. A red thing whizzed through the air before landing in Scott’s outstretched hand. It was his inhaler. Suspicious. Jude thought, narrowing her eyes at Derek, who seemed to feel her stares. He leveled his glare at her, before turning around and probably heading in the direction of his house. Stiles quickly grabbed Jude again, pulling her in the direction of the car, where Scott was already seated in the passenger seat. Once Jude climbed into the backseat, Stiles sped out of the forest as fast as he could.

“We just had a run-in with Derek motherfucking Hale!” Stiles yelled, making both her and Scott roll their eyes. The three of them learned about the Hale house fire many years before when Jude’s dad had tried to tell them a scary bedtime story. Needless to say the three kids couldn’t sleep for many weeks, and spent an entire night laying out escape plans just in case any of their houses caught on fire. The moms weren’t too thrilled, and Jude’s dad had to hide from all of them for about the same amount of time that the kids had nightmares.

“It wasn’t really a run-in Stiles, no one got hurt or anything,” she pointed out, making Stiles turn around to look at her.

“Really? Because I’m pretty sure I just peed my pants.”

“Derek Hale is the one who burned down his parents house, right?” Scott asked, making Jude scoff.

“He didn’t burn down the house,” she said, glaring at Scott.

“Yeah, okay Jude,” Scot retaliated.

“Why would he just pop out of no where all of a sudden? No one has seen him for years” Stiles asked, obviously trying to break the tension. Jude shrugged along with Scott.

“No clue.”


Jude once again found herself glaring at her calculus textbook, hoping that it would spontaneously burst into flames. She had finished the all the rest of her homework due the next day, but AP calc was biting her in the ass majorly. And Stiles wasn’t much of a help. He was all jacked up on Adderall and typing away furiously on his computer.

“Holy shit,” Stiles exclaimed from his perch at his desk. He spun around in his chair and wheeled over to where Jude sat on the floor. “Holy shit,” he repeated. Jude raised her eyebrow at him, closing her calc book hesitantly.

“What? Did you just read the spoilers for the end of the Sixth Sense? Cause I’m pretty sure Scott and I ruined that ending for you in about sixth grade.”

“No, that’s not it. I mean, yes, you did ruin that ending for me and I hate you forever, but that’s not the reason for my ‘holy shit’.” Jude nodded her head, motioning for him to continue.

“Scott’s a werewolf.” Jude looked at him for a moment before walking over to his dresser. Stiles watched her walking, his face contorting to show his confusion. “Uh, what are you doing?” Jude looking up from rummaging in his shirt drawer, and motioned towards his dresser.

“I’m looking for that Adderall you took today to check the side affects. I know that headaches and dizziness are on the list, but does it make you mentally insane?? ” She asked, throwing the shirt at his head.

“You know,” he said, standing up, “that was a lot of work to deliver one punch line.”

“Yeah, well I really had to prove an important point. You’re convinced that our best friend turns into a hairy beast on full moons and is the arch nemesis of vampires!”

“Well actually, I’m pretty sure vampire hunters are the arch nemesis-“ Stiles cut off when he saw Jude’s glare. “Okay! Okay! Come look at this website.” Jude walked over to the desk and plopped down in Stiles’ lap, scrolling down the page on werewolves.

“Really? You spent all of this time going on sketchy websites about mythical creatures?” She asked, turning around to look at Stiles. He shrugged.

“You’d be surprised what Adderall does to some people. Anyways, I’m not crazy. You didn’t see Scott today at school. He could smell Alison’s perfume down to the last ingredient,” Stiles said, his eyebrows going up for emphasis. Jude shrugged.

“So? I can usually tell what type of perfume a girl is wearing.”

“You don’t understand, she was across campus,” he said, making Jude’s jaw drop.

“Excuse me?” She asked, spinning around fully on Stiles’ lap to look at him fully.

“And he heard the phone conversation she was having while she was outside and he was inside our classroom. The windows were closed.” Jude slowly slid off of his lap and onto the floor, leaning her back against his desk.

“Well, shit.”

“Yeah, tell me about it.” She quickly shot up, making Stiles stumble back in his chair in shock. “Yes?” he asked, watching her shove everything into her backpack and scramble to put on her Keds that she had been wearing earlier. After she got to Stiles’ house she had changed into yoga pants since her shorts became to cold for the nighttime weather.

“I just realized that my aunt is home tonight and I told her I’d have dinner with her,” she said, lying quickly. She hated lying to Stiles, because he believed her so easily. He nodded and turned back to the computer, trying to find out more about werewolves. She glanced down at her tank top and grimaced. “Can I borrow a sweater for going home? I know I have my car, but I get cold super easily.”

“Yeah sure, you know where to find them,” he said, waving her off. She quickly dove into his closet and picked up the smallest sweatshirt she could find. It was dark green and it was Stiles’ from seventh grade, and she knew it made her green eyes pop.

“Thanks,” she called over her shoulder, jumping out his window and onto his roof before scaling the wall of his house.

She could have easily went through the front door, but it was much more fun this way. Jude unlocked her car door and jumped inside before peeling out of the Stilinski driveway.

“Time to visit the big bad wolf,” she muttered, taking off for the woods.