Status: Just A Working Idea

All Good Fun


We talked for an hour, and my mom was appalled to hear I'd been living in the Narrows. "It's not as bad as it seems, mom, and I'm not in the really bad part of it,"

She gave a hefty sigh, "Well, when you come over tonight we can talk about new living arrangements."

"Tonight," I asked, befuddled by the news.

"yes, dear, you have to come over. Bruce is coming for dinner. It'll be splendid."


He's single, Scarlet, and quite handsome," she interrupted.

"Mom!" I shrieked, appalled. "I don't know Bruce like that, and isn't he older than me?"

"You don't have to know a guy to flirt, and he's only five, ten, years older than you at the most."

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose, "Whatever, I'm not hitting on him. What time do you want me over?"


"What? Now?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure you don't have a decent dress." That hurt a little, but was completely true. "So, we'll go shopping when you get here."

I sighed reluctantly, "Fine, I'll see you in a bit."

We hung up and I grabbed my purse. Locking the door behind me I made my way towards a changing future, and my past.


I walked up to the mansion I grew up in. Just the sight of it brought back bitter sweet memories. As I went to knock door my mother rushed out. She looked the same, her beautiful honey-blonde hair, with just a touch of grey, was swept up in a graceful fashion, and her big, blue eyes were outline with a little bit of make-up. She wore a white blouse and black dress pants.

She took me in as she spoke, " I didn't tell your father you were coming. It'll be a surprise."

I hugged her, taking her by surprise. I breathed in the all to familiar scent of Jasmine, "You look just the same mom."

She laughed hugging me back, "I wish I could say the same missy." She pulled away, and grabbed a strand of my hair, examining it. "You're going to need a hair cut. When did you last have one?"

I blushed, and hung my head like a child who had done something wrong. "Six months ago," I mumbled.

"Six months!" she exclaimed. "I thought I raised you better."

I winced. "My job pays enough for rent and food. Working SEPT Co. is not a big deal; besides, I have it up at work, and I don't go out much."

She grabbed my arm leading my to the car. "We'll fix that soon enough."


We walked out of the hair salon with bags on our arms, and my hair feel in slight curls to my shoulder. It's black color harshly contrasted to my mother's blonde hair, and her five-four stature was bit shorter than my five-nine-needless to say I got my genes from my dad.

When we got back home mom ushered me upstairs, so my dad wouldn't see me. She lead me into my old room, which looked untouched. The only difference was all the dark clothes had been taken out of the closet, making it look like a rainbow had thrown up.

She handed me my new dress which I promptly began to put on. I heard her gasp when my shirt came off and was confused, until her cold hands traced my back.

"What happened, dear?" Her voice was laced with concern.

I looked her in the eye, and said, "Jack." it was a harmless enough sentence, but a pained expression came over her face.

"H-he did that?"

I nodded. "The same night he did," I pointed to my face, "this."

"How come you never told us?"

"I was ashamed. But," I said changing the subject," I've moved on and so should you." With that a slipped on the dress . It was a black sleeveless that form fitted until it hit my waist, and feel to the floor.

"is this really necessary?" I asked, not accustomed to wearing dresses anymore.

"Yes," she said, actin like she was talking to a child. "Bruce is coming over tonight."

"But-" I was cut off by the doorbell.

My mother looked at the clock, eyes wide. "It's five already!" She rushed to door, then spun around. "Put on makeup and wait here until I get you."

About forty minutes later she came back up. "Okay, they're going into the dining room."

She lead me downstairs, and we walked into the dining room. My dad was immersed in a conversation, but when he saw me he stopped. "Scarlet," he whispered.

"The dark-haired man, I recognized as Brue, looked in my direction then. His blue eyes held mine captive, before I broke the spell. "Hi, dad," I said smiling at him. He stood, and we embraced. I did a slight curtsey to Bruce. "Good evening, Mr. Wayne."

He chuckled. "Call me Bruce."

"I'm so sorry Scarlet," my dad said, before turning to my mom. "Why didn't you tell me she was coming?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise," She said sheepishly. She looked so much like a school girl with a crush right then, and part of me wondered if I would ever find a guy I would still love like that when I got old.

I rolled my eyes at the two. "We have company. We can discuss this later."

"Of course," the two said backing away from each other. We took out places-I sat across from Bruce.

He met my eyes. "So, why did you decide to come back?"

"I got some good advice." I could have sworn a knowing smile crossed his face, but it was gone in a second.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I haven't updated this in a while. In all honesty I was going to trash it, but hail the moustache. commented saying how much she missed it. I want to thank you for still liking my story. :) This chapter was 956 words. I hope that can make up for my absence a bit.