A Match Made in Heaven

"Hey, O!"

Three weeks passed since the start of Prom season; this left Olivia with two more weeks until prom night. There wasn’t a day that went by where Olivia DIDN’T think about prom and what would happen to her.

Obviously, no one had asked Olivia to prom, not that she was expecting anyone to anyways. Nobody at her school wanted to go to prom with the “art freak,” and it wasn’t like Olivia was attractive or anything. The only thing she had going for her was her tan skin that she inherited from her Lebanese parents. The rest of her was just… not appealing to the guys at her school. She had long brown hair that was extremely thick and wavy, with large brown eyes to match. Her eyes were covered up with glasses that she began wearing in the 5th grade. It also didn’t help that Olivia was one of the shortest kids in her grade being 5’3’’.

All of this made Olivia feel awful about herself; her already dwindling self esteem became even more miniscule, if that were even possible. To top this all off, Olivia’s friends were forcing Olivia to go to Prom with them, when they all had dates, so she was going to be the “third wheel.”

As she thought about how to get herself out of this predicament, Olivia began getting ready for work. She brushed her hair and put it into a side braid, applied some black mascara and eye liner, put on her uniform, and headed off to work.

Olivia worked as an instructor at a Kung Fu center. She was also a black belt in Tien Shan Pai Kung Fu. As soon as she walked in, she made her way to the office, greeted her boss, and asked him who would be working today; she had noticed that the usual people who worked on Fridays weren’t there, so she figured that there would be some replacements today. As soon as she asked this question however, the phone began to ring which preoccupied her boss.

Olivia sighed to herself and plopped down on a chair, watching her boss walk away to talk with the prospective student on the phone. She began examining the office, it was small, and in the most inconvenient part of the school. There was a door that led the instructors from the office, to the main Kung Fu room. Olivia got up to see if there were any students stretching on the sides of the room or getting ready for class. There were about 25 students out there and Olivia prayed that more instructors would come to help her out.

She walked back into the office and looked in her mailbox; in it, there was her paycheck, her mini weapons, and her black belt. She took out her black belt and put it on to complete her uniform. She then made her way over to the time card slots. Olivia wrote down the date and the amount of time should be working tonight so that her boss could pay her later.

As soon as she finished, Olivia looked up at the clock and saw that she had five minutes until the first class began, so she sat back down on the chair and thought about how she would be able to get out of going to prom with her friends. She knew that she couldn’t use work as an excuse because her friends knew that he boss was extremely understanding when it came to school related functions or activities.

This reminded Olivia that she had to write on the schedule sheet that she would be out in two weeks because of prom. So she grabbed a pen and began writing on the schedule sheet. She was interrupted by a pair of hands covering her eyes.

This startled Olivia and her Kung Fu instincts kicked in; she tried to flipped the person that had their hands covering her eyes, but they countered the attack by picking her up.
“Oh no you don’t! You can’t flip me that easily!” laughed the man. As soon as he spoke, Olivia had butterflies in her stomach because it was her latest crush.

“Now, I will only let you go if you can correctly guess who I am,” said the man.
“That’s easy!” Olivia said happily, “I know it’s you, Sean! And with that Sean uncovered her eyes and gave her the biggest bear hug imaginable. As soon as he let go, Olivia looked up at him. He was the perfect human being; he was tall, 6’3’’ and had incredible hazel eyes. His shirt accentuated the muscles that only swimmers and martial artists have, also showing that he was extremely athletic. And to top it all off, even though he went to a private school and was extremely well off, he was the sweetest and most genuine and down to earth person she knew.

“You guessed correctly! And it’s your lucky day because I’m working today with you!” he winked at her while the knots began forming in her stomach. Olivia and Sean couldn’t be any more different. However, they did have some things in common; they were both black belts and worked together, they had the same birthday, and they had the same music tastes.

“So how have you been, O?” he said. O was the nick name he gave her after they became really close friends.

“I’ve been pretty good,” she told him, “I’ve just been hating this Prom Season stuff… which reminds me, I need to finish writing this on the schedule sheet.” Olivia walked over to the schedule sheet again and finished writing that she would be out for Prom.

As she did this, Sean looked over her shoulder and watched her write. (AUTHOR’S NOTE: THIS NEXT PART IS INFERRED BECAUSE I DON’T ACTUALLY KNOW HOW SEAN FELT) he frowned as he read the dreaded word, PROM. Olivia was going to prom with someone else… His stomach tightened up and he began to feel a surge of jealousy. Not wanting to draw attention to this, he tried to casually ask her the dreaded question. Startling her for the second time, he said, “OOOOO! Look at you going to prom! Do you have a date, O!?”

Olivia burst out into laughter and when she calmed down, she told him, “No, no one at school wants to take me… my friends are dragging me along with them but they all have dates. It is going to be SO awkward, plus I will never get to experience everything that a typical girl experiences at Prom…”
As soon as Sean heard that Olivia didn’t have a date, he instantly felt relieved. He was ecstatic at the fact that he still had a chance. But Olivia’s words were so full of sadness that Sean’s mood immediately went downhill again. There was this beautiful girl standing in front of him who had no idea how amazing she was.

He was about to tell her something when Olivia looked up at the clock; it was 4:30 which meant it was time for the first class. She gave Sean a halfhearted smile and walked out of the office screaming, “Next class, line up!”

Sean watched her go and began formulating a plan. He would prove to her that there was someone out there for her.
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here is a long one... i think there might be one or two more chapters left in this story...

please feel free to make suggestions, leave comments, or whatever! :)