A Match Made in Heaven

Dreaming with a Broken Heart

Olivia drove to work next Friday in the worst mood possible. After school, her friends dragged her to the mall to buy a prom dress. Olivia didn’t see the point in buying an expensive prom dress when she didn’t even have a date to match it, but she couldn’t object; her friends were very forceful.

She couldn’t believe that they forced her to buy a $500 dress. She had to admit though, it was gorgeous… It was a long, flowy, royal blue dress with crystals embellishing the upperbody. There was a band of the same blue fabric that went around her waist and tied in the back. The embellishments formed two straps at the top and the back of the dress made a deep V-shape. It was GORGEOUS. (this is what the dress looked like: http://static.zoovy.com/img/onlineformals/W350-H490-Bffffff/la_femme_2011/lafemme_16802_12_6.jpg )

Olivia parked her car and made her way over to the front of the Kung Fu center. Looking around her, Olivia thought it was very strange that her car was the only car in the parking lot. There were usually students here already getting ready for class. She looked inside the Kung Fu center and noticed that all the lights inside were off as well. She thought that that was very strange because her boss was usually here by now and he always turned the lights on.

For a moment, Olivia thought that maybe the school was closed for the day, but she remembered that her boss texted her the day before to confirm that she was coming into the center the next day. With that, Olivia opened the door and made her way into the office to begin her pre-work routine.

When she got to the office, her boss was nowhere to be found. The only thing out of the ordinary in the office was a balloon that had a card attached to it. The words, “FOR OLIVIA” were written on the outside of the card.

Olivia was the only Olivia in the school that she knew of, so the card had to be for her. She thought it was probably some nice gesture from her boss. But instead of waiting for her boss to give her the balloon, Olivia just went and took the card. She knew it was rude, but she was extremely curious as to what was inside it.

The card read, “Olivia, a surprise awaits you in every corner, look through the office and find a recorder.” After reading the card, Olivia became very confused. What was going on? She wasn’t used to games like this.

After thinking for a few moments, Olivia tried to find the recorder. It was hiding in a drawer full of pens and pencils. She took the recorder and pressed play. It immediately played her favorite song, Dreaming with a Broken Heart, by John Mayer. No one knew of her obsession with John Mayer except for a certain group of people. This narrowed her list down to the people behind this to about five people; her 4 art friends from school, and Sean. Olivia thought that it was probably her art friends trying to cheer her up because she had been so down lately.

After listening to the whole song, a message was spoken at the end in a distorted, and somewhat creepy voice. The voice said, “I know your thoughts and feelings very well, I also know you’ve been going through hell. I want to help you out of your sadness, so go to the bathroom so we can end this madness.”

This was becoming a little too creepy for Olivia. Where was her boss? Why are the lights out? Who was doing this? All these questions were spinning in her head. Should she continue to play this “game” or should she call the police? This odd feeling in her gut told her to continue, so she did.

The walk to the bathroom normally took 5 seconds, but to Olivia, it felt like an eternity. She didn’t know what to expect when she went into the bathroom, but when she got there, she found a yellow sticky note on the mirror. The note said, “Look at the mirror and what do you see? I see a beautiful girl who has no idea what she means to me. Go to the changing room, you’ll find a box, filled to the top with many wonderful props.”

Upon reading the note, Olivia couldn’t help but shed a tear. No one besides her family had ever told her that she was beautiful. She didn’t know how to react to this. She after wiping her tears, Olivia made her way over the women’s changing room.

When she walked inside, she saw a beautifully wrapped box with blue wrapping paper that matched her dress. Inside the box was a corsage that also matched her prom dress. Olivia knew that the only people that could have possibly known what color her dress was, were her friends that went shopping with her today for her dress. She immediately suspected that they were behind this whole scheme.

Also inside the box was a note that said, “You’re beautiful its true, but you don’t believe, come into the classroom and be my prom queen.” Olivia was filled with joy; her friends were so nice! They knew how upset she had been and decided to do this for her to cheer her up, or so she thought...
Olivia was so excited to thank her friends, so she put all the stuff back in the office and made her way into the classroom very quickly. It was a lot darker in the classroom then the rest of the school, and it took her eyes a while to adjust to the darkness. She stood there for about a minute and then finally called out, “Sally? Jasmine? Heather? Are you guys in here?”

When nobody answered, Olivia felt extremely embarrassed. Of course this stuff wasn’t for her; it was probably for a different Olivia that she didn’t know about. She began to panic because she had to figure out how she was going to put the stuff back in the right places to make it look like nobody had touched them.

Just as Olivia was about to leave the classroom however, the lights in the room lit up instantly. She thought it was probably her boss finally turning the lights on at the center. Again, it took a while for Olivia’s eyes to adjust to the brightness. However, before her eyes could focus, someone put their hands over her eyes.

“Don’t freak out!” the person said instantly. Olivia recognized that voice instantly and she smiled a wide smile. “Before you see who I am,” the person said in a very nervous and anxious tone, “I... I want you to know that I like you…. A lot… and we have known each other for three years and it took me so long to tell you. I’m a wimp when it comes to this kind of stuff and I’m sorry for that…You’re beautiful and kind… and smart… and funny…”

Olivia interrupted him and said, “Sean! I know it’s you!” She lifted his hands away from her eyes, and turned around. With tears in her eyes she said to him, “I can’t believe it was you that did all this for me. This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me!”

“There is still one more surprise. I wanted to ask you if I could take you to prom,” he said while looking at her dead in the eyes with the cutest smile on his face.

Olivia stared at his friendly eyes and gorgeous smile. She found it hard to believe that someone like him could be interested in her. She smiled and said, “Yes.” That’s all she could really muster to say at this point. She was extremely overwhelmed with the whole situation. She never in a million years expected something like this to happen to her.

It was a match made in heaven and a miracle to Olivia. Her dream’s had finally come true. Now that she thought about it, prom season wasn’t so bad after all…
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Yes, its cheesy, yes its cliche, and yes its corny. But isnt that what most girls want to experiece; the corny and cute love story?

That's it guys! i hope this has helped some of you. please don't give up on love. things like this still happen!

let me know what you think! i probably won't be writing anymore stories, because i am not a very creative person... thanks again! :)