Leto's Rose

Once upon a time, in an enchanted forest full of beautiful weeping trees, roses of every color, the most rare and delicate flowers, lived a man and a woman who were deeply in love. They lived in a small house the man built himself when they were just seventeen. It was painted white with big windows and a wraparound porch. Just has she had dreamed of. The man loved her so much; he brought her a white rose freshly picked from a nearby field every day in the afternoon when they would sit together for tea and freshly baked biscuits. Every day. But one day he came home to her, to give her the rose, and found her dead on the floor, her blood surrounding her, staining her white dress and blond hair. The rose fell to the ground staining itself red in her blood. For days he laid next to her staining his cloths red in her blood and cried. He promised her he would never leave her side. After a while he laid her in a pile of wood with a white rose in her delicate hands and set her on fire. He stood and stared. Stood and stared. His heart filled with anger. He vowed never to feel again. He lived in the house for thirty years until he set it on fire and let himself burn with it. It burned to the ground. It is said his soul still haunts the forest to this day.