Leto's Rose

Goodbye, A Walk in the Park

Unknown P.O.V

Run, run, run, run, run…

My heart beats franticly.

Run, run, run, run…

The branches of the surrounding forest claws at my once beautiful dress, its cruel wind twists my hair.

Run, run, run…

Traitorous tears run away from my icy colored eyes. Not now I tell them.

Run, run…

I turn to look back.


I trip and fall. My hands bury into the moist earth as my body hits the ground. Only then do I turn to meet my fate.

3rd Person

A young woman and her husband casually stroll through a park. The woman with her swollen stomach wore a simple blue dress, with her pale hair pulled up into a braid wanted to go for a walk before they left the town for good. The park had a fountain sat in the middle, which lured people in to make foolish wishes there were also simple tall lights lighting up the marked sidewalk. People warned if you strayed from the path you would be washed in darkness. The woman continued on while her husband stood back to talk to another gentleman who caught his attention. She sees the children playing off in the distance and the young woman smiles and rests her small hands on her swollen stomach, but a noise from the forest catches her attention. She looks back to her husband, but he’s too much into his conversation. She turns back around and takes a few steps toward the forest, longing so much to go back, remembering all the memories she’s had there. In the forest.

She cautiously walks until she finds a tree and rests her gloved hands on it. From there she stares off into the mythical forest. She gently lays a hand on her stomach, she speaks, “Leto, where are you?”

She is given no answer and as a renegade tear runs down her face she looks down to see a white rose at her feet. She picks it up and lifts it to her nose to smell, then lifts her gaze to the hidden bushed nearby and sees a pair of glowing eyes and dark hair. She looks away for a moment and removes a simple silver ring she wore on her right hand and sets it on the ground, “To remember us by.” She says shakily as their baby kicks.

As she turned and walked away she said without looking at him, “Goodbye.”

She walks away without another glance behind her.

But with every step she takes a small crack decorates her heart. So she puts on a fake smile and holds back her tears to meet again with her husband.
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I know it's not much. Well anyway I got this idea from listening to some music and I think it should be rather interesting. :) Lemme know what you think? Thank you for reading!