Leto's Rose

Tall Stranger

Unknown P.O.V

I walk at a quick pace along the sidewalk where the ferns grew in the old park. I sniffled a little as a few salty tears ran down my face.

This is stupid.

I shouldn’t be here at this hour.

I shake the thoughts out of my head and continue walking.

A rustle in the thick leaves of the forest caught my attention. Curiously, I walk a little to find a path, picking up the hem of my white dress along the way.

Walk, walk, walk…

I search a little but find nothing.

Search and search…

Something is up ahead of me.


It is then I see it. Big and tall and black as night. What is this creature?

Run, run, run, run, run…

Farren’s P.O.V

Today my fiancé, Sam Watson, was supposed to take me out to a picnic. Although, those plans got cancelled when he had to travel to London for a business meeting. I guess I didn’t mind too much.

I knew I didn’t love him the way a woman should love her fiancé. I never had and I always felt terrible when he’d tell me he loves me. And I’d always reply back, “I love you too.” I always like something was missing.

Aside from that I decided to go to the park today.

It is a park that I always visited since I was a small girl. I’d visit with my mum and two sisters. I was the youngest in the group.

She and both my older sisters would always warn me, “Don’t go off into the woods. There is evil in there.”

I had always passed it off as just some story some parent came up with to keep their children from wondering off into its dark trails. I had always seen it as a place of beauty, with its vibrant colored leaves and many rare flowers. I don’t think it had ever scared me as much as it had intrigued me. Through I had never ventured off into it.

So why not today? I did like to explore, and this is all new.

I took my first step into the forest and breathed in its fresh dewy air. I must have walked for a while until I stumbled upon a small house in the very center a large clearing.

I slowly looked all around me. “Where am I?”

Suddenly I was knocked down by a strong force.

“Oh! I’m so sorry.” A deep voice rang out. “Here, let me help you up.”

I was quickly picked up and set back to my standing position. I was so shocked, I didn’t even know how to reply.

Before me a tall man stood. A white button up shirt covered his broad shoulders and dark jeans covered his legs. His muscles were well defined. Then I looked to his face, a straight nose with a strong jaw, and a perfect set of chocolate brown eyes all framed by a mop of black hair.

He screwed his eyebrows together and touched my forehead with one hand. I let out a hiss as it stung. “Hmm, you’re bleeding pretty badly. Would you let me clean it up for you? It’s the least I can do from knocking you over.”

I touched my forehead with my own fingers and brought them down to see blood covering them. I simply nodded.

With that he swooped me up into his arms and carried me toward the white cabin.

I let out a squeal and clung to his neck. “What are you doing? I can walk you know!”

He smiled, “I couldn’t just let a pretty lady like you walk around with a head injury. You could very well fall and injure yourself further.”

I blushed madly and looked away.

Soon enough, too soon maybe, the mysterious man had my head all cleaned and bandaged up.

He stood back as he finished, “There all patched up.”

I bit my lip, “Thank you…”

He laughed, “My names Leto. Leto Michaelis. What’s your name?”

I giggled, “Thank you Leto Michaelis, I’m Farren Ameer.”

I brushed a strand of my pale hair back, “You have a very beautiful name, very suiting for a beautiful woman.”

I bit my lip again and looked down.

“What wrong, my lovely?” He strokes my cheek.

“I have a fiancé.” I blurted out. It sounded like a curse on my tongue. “And you’re giving me too many compliments.”

He kneeled in front of me, “You don’t seem to be too worried about it. Are you not enjoying yourself?” This is wrong.

I stood up quickly, “I have to go.”

“Ok, but please come back for some tea and biscuits sometime. Would you?” He asked as I walked out the door.

I turned around and thought for a moment, this was so wrong, “I’d like that. I will.”

With that I turned back and went back to the park, away from the one actually exciting experience I’ve ever had in my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
:) The first meeting.