Leto's Rose

What Am I Doing?

Unknown P.O.V

“And I will always love you.” He said and kissed me softly for the last time.

And he left.

A couple hours later I was all cleaned and dolled up with makeup.

Too soon, I could feel my heels clicking against the cold marble floor. Here I stood in front of the doors that would take me to Thomas. I was to be married to him today, right now.

I couldn’t feel myself.

I couldn’t think.

So I ran away.

I couldn’t marry him when my heart belonged to another.

I have to find him. Soon.

I ran and ran, around our small village.

But I could not find him.

I sniffled back my tears. My heart ached.

So I found my way to a familiar part of town.

I walk at a quick pace along the sidewalk where the ferns grew in the old park. I sniffled a little as a few salty tears ran down my face.

Farren’s P.O.V

A week had passed by and Sam was now held up in California because of snow or something of the sort. I didn’t mind so much, I had time to myself for a while at least. I talked over some wedding preparations with Sam’s mother. Not that I had much of a say in it, but I was okay with that. I really didn’t even want to think about the wedding.

Don’t get me wrong, I do love my fiancé. Just, not in the way a future wife should. I just feel like something is missing. It’s a very subtle feeling, but nonetheless a nagging at my heart.

I cleaned the house, since we didn’t have a maid. I still lived with my parents, who didn’t have much money. Once I’m married I will move in with Sam. Once I’ve moved in with him I will never have to worry over money. His family is full of successful businessmen who were very wealthy. I hope it doesn’t change me. I’ve seen how power and money can change a person. I don’t want to become one of them.

I had done all the housework by noon and I quickly became bored. Remembering I had promised to meet Leto I got myself dressed slowly. I put on my favorite dress, a simple cotton blue dress that buttoned in the front. I slipped on a pair of flats and braided my pale hair. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, “Oh well.”

As I walked out my door I stopped and leaned my head against the door, “What am I doing?” I was going to meet a man, in the woods mind you, and sit and have tea with him, while I have another man waiting to get married to me!

But my heart told me otherwise. It was just once, what could it hurt? It wasn’t like I was going to kiss him or sleep with him.

Not that I would have minded.

I shivered. Okay I need to stop thinking like this. I would go and see him, but just this once. Besides I already promised him I would come.

I lifted my head from the cold door and blushed. I must have looked like a fool. What will my neighbors think of me?

Oh well.

I walked through my small town called Everfield were I was born and raised. I hoped to have stayed and grown old here, but with each passing day I know that’s not going to happen. Sam wants to live out in the country side with the tall mountains. I think I will be too cold there. But, I can’t bring myself to tell him no.

As I passed by two women I overhead their whispering.

“Did you hear about Liz?” The one in the yellow dress asked.

“No, what happened?” The one in the pink responded eagerly.

I stopped in my tracks and pretended to be looking at some rather old apples.

The one in the yellow dress looked around, “She saw the demon.”


The woman in the yellow nodded wide eyed, “She saw him when she was picking some ferns along the edge of the forest at the park. She said she saw his glowing red eyes and then she ran as far away as she could.”

I rolled my eyes and continued on.

I didn’t think much of what the two women had been gossiping about. Everyone here believed in the demon. I guess even I did too.

Soon enough I found myself traveling through the hidden trail in the forest and stumbled upon the house. I smiled and smoothed out my dress. Here I go.

I raised my hand to knock on the door but Leto beat me to it. He stood there in a blue button down shirt, a few buttons undone at the top and in dark jeans again. His black hair hung messily around his face. I blushed slightly as I looked down at the floor.

He took my hand and led me inside.

I silently looked around the house. There was only two rooms, one being a bedroom and the other I guessed was a bathroom. I looked over to the table where I sat last week as he bandaged my head, and on it sat a pitcher of tea and a basket of fresh biscuits.

He finally spoke, “I’m glad you came.”
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Soo. Hi. I know this chapter is a bit boring but it's setting up for something big in the next. I think I want the next one to be about the Unknown person. I really want to get her story out there. Well thank you for reading!