Leto's Rose

Childhood Friends

Unknown P.O.V

As I stood in front of the tall mirror, my eyes scanned every inch of my body. I wore a beautiful white dress, with lace lining- a long train. I spun in a slow circle. I looked at myself again. I touched my mother’s pearls hanging on my neck.

Okay. I can do this.

“Hello?” Someone knocked on the white wood door.

“Come in.” I didn’t turn around.

The person made their way slowly into the room.

I still didn’t turn.

My best friend came and stood behind me.

He gently reached his hands out to tighten the ribbon around my waist, but left his hands there.

I put my hands on his and looked down.

“Why are you here?” I asked quietly.

He took one cold hand and ran it through my dark hair, “I wanted to see you before they took you away.”

I closed my eyes, “Won’t you stay?”

He kissed my neck and said sadly, “I can’t do that.”

A tear ran down my cheek, I had known this is what would happen. But still I question. “Why not?”
He placed a gentle kiss behind my ear, “I cannot interfere with your life any more than I have, my princess. I have to go and set you free.”

I still did not turn, “Will I see you again?”

He didn’t answer me.

I swallowed a lump that had formed in my throat, “So this is goodbye?”

He turned me to face him now. I took in all of his features, his pale hair and perfect face. He was quite tall, something I loved about him. His soft hands- and muscular arms. But it was always his eyes that captured my attention, those violet eyes I loved so much. At the moment I could see all the pain etched into those breathtaking eyes.

Finally he touched my face with his left hand, “Yes. Tonight as you are wed your fiancé I will take my own life. So you can live happy in peace.”

My sobs rocked through my body as I clung onto him, “Please don’t! Don’t do that!”

The man that I loved wiped away my tears, his large hand held my face, “I can’t go on living, and don’t you see? I am a shadow, not human. I’m a creature not meant to be. It has to be this way.”
And for the last time Cassius, the shadow, gently pressed his lips against mine. I kissed back as his hand caressed my face. But too soon he pulled away and looked deep into my eyes.


11 Years Earlier

“Delilah!” A little girl with pale hair and blue eyes ran towards a slightly taller darker headed girl of the same age.

Delilah squealed with delight and ran up to her best friend, “Farren!”

The two children currently played in an open flower field, full of daisies and other wild flowers, not too far off from the forest they were not allowed in.

After the two embraced they fell to the ground to play with the beautiful wild flowers.

“Hey who’s that man over there?” Delilah asked her friend Farren who was plucking the petals off a blue flower.

Farren looked up and over to where her friend was pointing, “What man?”

Delilah stood up quickly, “Right there! He has blond hair, and he’s real tall.”

Farren stood up too, to get a better look, “Oh, I see him now. Maybe he’s lost?”

“Let’s go see.”

The two innocent girls made their way over to the strange man. Not knowing that this decision will change their lives forever.


“Hello mister!” Delilah chirped. Farren stood behind her friend always being the more shy of the two.
The man simply stared at her, not saying anything.

She took a step forward, “Are you lost? What’s your name? Maybe we can show you the way home.”
The young man suddenly sank down onto both knees, now eye level with the girl, “I am Cassius. I’ve been watching you.”

Farren tugged on Delilah’s sleeve worriedly, “Lilah, we should go. He’s kind of scary!”

Delilah took a step back towards Farren, “Are you going to hurt us Mr. Cassius?”

The strange man named Cassius let out a small laugh and smiled, “Absolutely not. I’m simply here to be your friend. Will you be my friend?”

Farren shook with fear, “Delilah I don’t think this is safe!”

Delilah wanted to believe her friend but something about the blond man with violet eyes drew her to him.

Finally she answered, “I don’t know you well enough maybe we can talk another day?”

Cassius stood up, “Of course I will always be right here whenever you need to talk.”

She nodded quickly and ran off with Farren in tow.

“Delilah please promise me you won’t meet him again!” Farren shouted to her friend.

“I won’t,” Delilah knew she was probably lying to her friend, and felt guilt eat at her heart. But then she thought of the man again and thought to herself, he’s much to interesting to pass up. I must meet him again.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I should be updating this on Fridays from now on. :) Thanks for reading!