Status: Chapter 1 in progress, hope you enjoy the intro:)

The Beginning of the End



Austin Geller’s blue eyes shot open at the sound of his alarm clock’s shrill cry piercing the silence of the dark night.

He pulled of the covers revealing his already fully dressed body, as the silver glow of the moonlit night trickled in through the gap in his curtains.

He rubbed at his eyes sleepily trying to keep himself awake before he could no longer resist the temptation to close his eyes and fall back into the blissfulness of dream land.

He needed to get out of that house, and he planned to do that tonight, there was nothing left for him there, nothing left there to cause him to even rethink about getting out of there.

At ten years old he had lost his father James Geller to prostate cancer. Since then his life had just all went downhill, his mother Madison Geller started drinking heavily and became a full blown alcoholic, she blew all the hard earned money his father had earned on alcohol, she became neglectful and abusive towards her only son to the point Austin decided to get a job and try to earn his own money, he wanted to make enough money to get out of there. He could look after himself, he didn’t need to stay in that house and take all the crap he was given just because his mother had ran out of money to buy another drink and had to go home, or if she’d stayed over closing time and had to leave, or if the barman refused to give her another drink.

When she came home she’d slur at him and scream about how useless he was and how he couldn’t get a decent job, so she wouldn't run out of money when she wanted to buy another drink.

Sometimes she didn't come home at all, and sometimes, as awful as it was he wished she wouldn’t come home at all! Basically, Austin wanted out.

He grabbed his pre packed suitcase and quickly and silently pulling on his coat snuck down the stairs in a bid not to wake his drunken mother.

He threw his suitcase in the car and made his way towards his car. Austin had finally made enough money from his two jobs to afford a small bed set apartment on the other side of the city, as far away from his mother as he could possibly get.

As he pressed his foot down on the accelerator, he raced forwards towards his new beginning.
But Austin didn’t realize that no matter how hard you tried, you can never truly leave your past behind you…
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Hey everyone this is my first Original Story so I hope you enjoy:)