Can't Escape This

Prologue: Year 1861

Jasper Whitlock stood before his wife, Charlotte, trying to figure out the best way to tell her he was leaving. It was the time of the civil war, and Jasper wanted to fight alongside his friends and protect the freedoms of the south. He couldn’t stand by and watch all of them die, without doing something to help them.

Jasper gently took Charlotte’s hand in his and brushed a finger through her thick blonde curls. “I’m leaving for the war,” he whispered, watching her green eyes widen in surprise.

“What?” she asked, fear entering her voice. “You know how dangerous it is. You hear everyday how many wives have become widows because their husbands are fighting in this war. Don’t leave. I can’t bare to lose you,” she begged, reaching out to touch his face.

Jasper’s brown eyes filled with sorrow as he watched his wife. They had been married for a few short months, but Jasper loved her more than life itself. He would give her the world, but he needed to do this one thing first.

“I need to go. I need to do this,” he whispered to her, hating the tears in her eyes. “I hope you’ll understand by the time I get back.”

“When do you leave?” she asked, fear in her voice.

“At first light,” he said, watching her.

She reached out and brushed her hand through his golden hair. “Promise me you’ll return to me. Promise me I won’t become a widow.”

Jasper gave her a smile and touched his lips to hers lightly. “I promise. We’ll see each other again before long.”

Charlotte seemed to accept his words, and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him on their last night together.