Status: I'll update as fast as I can

Zone: Apocalypse

Edwin Jones lives the normal life of a 17-year old boy on the small island Meepa. That will say, until he one day wakes up in the abandoned mental hospital Clearedge. He finds out he isn't the only one there, and that 40 other teens, even his closest friends, are there with him. They quickly understand they have to obey the demon Zephyr and his minions, cause if they don't, they'll get brutally killed. One day, they find a corpse at the local beach, and they understand that there's something much worse going on than just being caught at Clearedge Mental Hospital...

(As the chapters are getting updated, you will notice some changes;
Those updated chapters will have Edwin's diary part on the bottom, not on top. So, if you're a new reader or a reader who wants to read the better version, check the placement of the diary part.)

Characters, names, places and the plot belongs to me.
Also, special thanks to Crash for brainstorming with me
© Melody Star