Status: I'll update as fast as I can

Zone: Apocalypse

Day II

While walking down the hall to the cafeteria, we met two guys. Dylan Shipley and Lewis Knight. Dylan didn't seem too nice and was pretty much the opposite to Lewis. Dylan had blond, shoulder long hair, Lewis had short, black. Dylan wore baggy jeans with a chain while Lewis got skinny jeans, Dylan got a large hoodie and Lewis got a plain white shirt under a dark orange t-shirt. Lewis talked a lot, Dylan kept quiet, with the exception of a few rude comments. ''What Zone are you guys from?'' Billy asked. ''50. You?'' Lewis looked over at us before he complimented my Dark Side Of The Moon t-shirt. ''14 here. And thanks,'' I replied and opened the doors to the cafeteria. Lewis and Dylan waved at us and walked to the table where the Zone 50 teens sat, and Billy and I sat down by our table. ''Who's those guys?'' Blaize asked, nodding towards the guys. ''Dylan and Lewis. They have the room right next to ours,'' I replied.

Zephyr walked out of the kitchen and coughed to get everyone's attention. ''You're going to be shown around today,'' he announced and gave his minions a gesture, showing them to go to the different tables. The red and white haired girl walked over to the table closest to the cafeteria, a girl with rainbow-colored hair visited the table in the middle of the room, a brown-haired guy walked to Lewis' table, and a guy wearing all black came over to us. His hair was jet black, just a little darker than his shirt and shorts. ''My minions are gonna show you around. First off, Alessa,'' Zephyr declared and pointed to the girl with a boyish haircut in black and red. She nodded and brought the eight people by her table outside. ''She'll be on the first floor, so Rayna can introduce her bunch to this floor,'' Zephyr looked over at the white and red haired girl, who went outside right away, followed by her 'bunch' of teens. ''I'm Tyrian. The doctor,'' the guy by our table told us. I noticed Horizon reacting to the name, or perhaps the voice, but when I looked over at her with a something-wrong?-look she just shook her head.

Once Rayna and Alessa had come back, us from 14 and those from 50 could go, leaving the group lead by the girl with the rainbow-hair as the only ones not being shown around. Tyrian showed us his office, I recognized it from yesterday, Zephyr's office and the restrooms and showers. We had a pause by the stairs, waiting for the other group to come up.

First floor had fewer bedrooms and more places to hang out. Right by the stairs and to the left was the entrance to the library, to the right was nothing but walls and a single window. Next to the library was a gaming room with arcade games by the walls and air hockey in the middle of the room. The whole first floor was pretty dark, the only light was the rays of sun shining through the window. Around the corner was the exit, locked up with heavy metal chains. The whole side where the exit was located was nothing else but walls. First by the end of that hall, around the corner, was the next room. Located right above the gaming room was the exercising room, filled with objects I couldn't even name because of my lack of gym visits. The rest of the floor was filled with bedrooms and one room where Alessa would clean our clothes and bedsheets. Tyrian, who had his back against us most of the time, turned to us to go back. His eyes glowed yellowish, and they reminded of a cat's eyes. Nobody mentioned this, although I was pretty sure I was not the only one noticing.

Back in the cafeteria, I found out I was right. After Rayna had served us our food, pancakes with maple syrup, Lucas asked if we had also noticed Tyrian's extraordinary eyes. ''They look like cat's eyes,'' I said and put another piece of syrup-coated pancake in my mouth. ''Well, he is a mutant, after all. Maybe he's part cat?'' Lucas poked his pancakes with his fork. It made sense, which was, of course, typical for everything Lucas said. He was the clique's genius, followed by Billy. They usually worked in a lab together in Lucas' backyard, often using me as the test object. ''Or... not cat. 86 seems too advanced for using ordinary cats. I suppose some other cat-like creature. Lynx, jaguar, panther or something,'' Rayna walked to us right as he finished his sentence. ''Are you guys done?'' she asked. ''Done? Uh, yeah,'' Lucas nodded and pushed the nearly empty plate towards her. The others at our table, including me, also nodded. Rayna stabled our plates and asked Horizon if she was sure. After Horizon had nodded once more, Rayna left with our plates.

''Judging by the way he looks and dresses, I would say a black cat-thingy,'' I told and leaned against the wall. ''Black panther? Maybe,'' Billy stood next to me and kissed my cheek. ''What'cha talking 'bout?'' Lewis asked and walked to us. ''Tyrian. We're trying to figure out what kind of animal he is. You know, partly,'' I explained. ''And how come this is related?'' Lewis seemed confused. ''Didn't you see his eyes? Glowing yellow and just like a cat's,'' when Billy said that, Lewis seemed to understand it better. ''It makes sense,'' was all Lewis said before Tyrian approached us. ''Guys, you're not allowed to just stay in the hall and talk. Visit other's room's fine, sitting in the library is fine, but not halls. Okay?'' He smiled when he said it, as if he knew we just hadn't been informed. ''Sure. But we have a question... If that's okay?'' I stuttered. Tyrian told me to ask, and I did. ''Well, that's an easy answer. Yes, I'm a black panther. Now go somewhere,'' he said and left. Lewis, Billy and I agreed that we should go to the library.

''This is weird. I mean, they got books here published way after 2004. Plus, if they tried to make or keep the patients sane, why would they have a whole row for Stephen King?'' I asked and picked out the book Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King. I had borrowed a copy of the book from Billy once; one of the best books I've read (also one of the few I actually finished reading within a month). It looked like it had never been read. ''You're right. I believe those who picked out the books for this place really liked him. It's not the only author here with his own tag, though,'' Billy told me and read through the titles of the books in the bookshelves. ''I don't get it. Why would a place closed seven years ago have books published only one year ago?'' I asked and put the book back in place, between two other paperback books by the same author. ''Not to mention the beds. I did not expect to sleep in a comfy double bed with my boyfriend in a place like this. I doubt the patients here had any lovers,'' Billy walked back to us with a book in his hand. ''I won't complain. I'm just saying no history books, records or video games tell about this kind of furnishing.''

I agreed with him and asked about the book. ''I want something to read,'' was Billy's answer. ''As long as you return it, it's fine,'' Lewis shrugged. ''I know. Anyway, I think they re-decorated for us,'' Billy walked out of the library, followed by myself and Lewis. I didn't feel like saying it out loud, but one thought bothered me the rest of the day. We hadn't done anything wrong, I was pretty sure about that. Not so wrong we would end up in an asylum. Or had we?

May 19th, 2012
We were shown around at Clearedge today. Tyrian, the doctor with glowing cat-eyes, showed us around. I don't get this place, though; We got a freaking gaming room and a library full of books written way after 2004! I hope we'll get an explanation soon, or I'll go crazy. A legit reason of keeping me here, I guess. -Edwin
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I'm back! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I managed to crack my computer screen, and it came back today. I hope you like it, and I'll try to update more often! Oh, and happy new year!