Anything But Ordinary

Chapter One - Birthday Woes

I reached across the small, slightly crowded table, touching my boyfriend’s arm. “Jace, I’m going out to get some air.” I told him, momentarily distracting him from the band onstage.
“Okay,” He started to stand. “I’ll go with you.”
“No!” I said, a little too hastily. I hadn’t told him about my nasty new habit and had the feeling he wouldn’t like it. I didn’t even like it. After a pause in which Jace stared at me, making a blush creep its way onto my cheeks, I smiled sweetly and tried again. “No, that’s okay, babe. Watch my drink?”
“Sure thing, birthday girl.” He said, leaning forward to kiss me quickly. “Hurry back.”
I grinned. “Will do.”

My fingers fumbled around in the carton for a cigarette. When I had found what I was looking for, I threw the empty box straight upward and then thrust my hand out in front of me, my unusual power making it soar into the dumpster across from me. Smirking, I put the carcinogen-ridden stick between my lips and sparked a lighter. When I had it lit, I leaned against the grimy brick wall, pushed my hair out of my eyes, and looked around the dank alleyway. It was closed off from the street, so that the only way in or out was through the club in which my birthday celebration was going on without me, and the whole of it was composed of the same blackened brick. I seemed to be alone, so I relaxed a little against the wall and allowed my mind to wander. As usual, my thoughts turned quickly to what had happened four years prior… the events that had led to the unraveling of my elder and only brother’s mind.
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I'm Katie, but you can call me KT. Welcome to my story! All of the chapters (six total) are fairly short.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!