UC Berkeley "college" dictionary

UC Berkeley "college" dictionary


pl. bal-co-nies
adj. bal-co-nied

1. A platform that projects from the wall of a building and is surrounded by a railing, balustrade, or parapet.

2. A gallery that projects over the main floor in a theater or auditorium.

3. A Space for doing drugs and acting cool, for sitting and drinking and looking down at the courtyard and down at the jungle of red shingles and eucalyptus.
From the italian balco, meaning scaffold or beam, a rail, a pillar that holds a structure, or a story together

1. All the kids on the balcony are so fucking cool and they hang out and they smoke cigarettes and they throw glass bottles into the courtyard and smile and tell jokes and they smoke weed and shoot up and light things on fire and do drugs and fuck each other and in their heads there is a chemistry of infinity and in their eyes there is a truth and an innocence that contrasts with the grey and glassy iron in your own.

2. You will sit on the balcony and you will not give a single fuck and you will be stars and drugs and if you can play guitar, fucking play your guitar and if you have read Nietzsche, talk about that fucker and revel in the closeness of your death. You will smoke so many cigarettes, until you lungs are black and your voice becomes gritty and sexy and people will know you are dangerous and you will do so many drugs and vomit in trash cans and spit ulcer blood into swirling tripper hands not knowing if it’s real and you will throw bottles and break windows and swear and you will find someone who thinks they are as cool as you and you will fuck them and then never talk to them because you are fucking cool and you will look for the one who is truly better than you, who can teach you and take care of you and forget you if she wants to, and you will lie there, waiting like a snake in the grass and you will find her and you will have her and you will subsume her soul.
See: her


adj. the possessive form of she

pron. the objective case of she

1. Used as the direct object of a verb: He saw her on the balcony

2. Used as the indirect object of a verb: They gave her a wide berth when she began to scream and throw knives at wall

3. Used as the object of a preposition: Nothing he did really mattered to her

4. Informal, used as a predictive nominative: It’s her

5. Nonstandard; Used reflexively as the indirect object of a verb: She got her ass a big ass set of titties!

From the Old German Heo, the female of he, while he enjoyed a relatively smooth transition from Germany to England, when heo meet Hera and her invincible son Hercules somewhere in the northern wastelands of northern italy the “o” took a dip for the latin “ra” and the feminine word for the possessive of she became empowered with her own word and godly identity.

1. You will see her on the balcony one morning. The light will shine in over the bay and plays tricks across her face through the balustrades. It will occur to you that she is the saddest girl you have ever seen, and in that moment you will want very desperately to make her smile, she is so pretty when she smiles.

2. Her voice is cracking at the peaks of her screams and she is laughing at you and calling you names. You are sick from drugs and puking off the balcony. It is three in the morning and somebody wakes up and throws a bottle at you, tells you both to shut the fuck up, you both explode in a torrent of drug addled anger, Spew profanity like a river of shit and bile exploding at their window. You find a recycle bin and empty its contents at the object of your collective ridicule. You stop to vomit again, sticky puke dribbling down into the ceramic floor and she turns to yell at you some more. The membrane of her nostrils flare, sporting a milky white halo of cocaine crystallized in mucus. she looks so tired. You throw your head back let loose a last arching convulsion of puke in her direction clutching at the railing, knowing it will make her angrier. she finds a flowerpot and hurls it at you but she is so tiny, such a pretty tiny pink lace girl with a cocaine habit and daddy issues and giant boobs, and so, has never learned to throw something at someone with the intent of hurting them, and that’s what you scream at her as you easily catch the pot and throw it back at her, narrowly avoiding her head as it crashes through the window behind her. She spits at you and storms off to do more cocaine. You stare at her ass as she walks away, heart stopped, head swirling trapped in the insane twisting half light of the campanile *
See, Breathless



1. Breathing with difficulty or pain; gasping from desire or agony or both: You gasp breathless as you cum inside her, your lungs grasp for air but all they find is a long raspy strain of orgasm white your lips shake and a long slow moan of agony or ecstasy escapes finally, your throat, whichever you do not care.

2. Marked by the suspension of regular breathing, as from tension or excitement: you listen, breathless, to her recitation of Baudelaire, “be drunk” she says and your face melts into downey belly and you are and you listen and you are.

3. Causing or capable of causing the suspension of regular breathing; tense or exciting: You wait, breathless, Naloxone depleted needle clenched in your fist, buried in her forearm, waiting for her breathless body to show signs of life.

4. Not breathing, dead see; definition 3

From old English Braed meaning odor, scent, stink, exhalation, vapor, the breath of life, one’s essence, their soul
1.That moment when, after wanting her so much for so long, you find yourself drinking tea in her apartment, listening to old folk tunes, and of course, find yourself confessing your infatuation with her, how you fantasize about the mole above her lip and her tiny feet, how you purposely walk a mile out of your way on Thursdays just to “run into” her in the park near her work. Before you can finish she leans across the table and kisses you. She smells like lavender and and her lips taste like the cinnamon in her tea, you breathe in her scent and exhale, breathless.

2. She makes sure you see as she strokes his hand, stares deeply into your eyes after placing her hand on his face. The balcony is full of people and the party has swelled to a throbbing crowded mess but she stares at only you and you know she is trying to break you. “She wouldn’t” you think to yourself, she is just trying to make you jealous for that other night that other girl, that thing you said, you will apologize, you will make it right, she will know, but later she is missing from the party and doesn’t answer her phone. You see her leaving in the morning, her dress is on crooked she is carrying her shoes.
See, Bliss


1. Extreme happiness; ecstasy, ecstasy

2.The ecstasy of salvation; spiritual joy.

Phrasal verb:

“blissed out”: to take drugs and drink and fuck yourself into a state of ecstasy.
Etymology: from the Middle English Blithe, in modern english blithe retains only one of its original meanings, “Lacking or showing a lack of due concern” losing’s it’s other half “Carefree and lighthearted” in the fifteenth century when it disowned its etymological offspring “bliss”

1.You both lay, naked in bed watching cartoons and smoking cigarettes. She tells you of the courtship rituals of the indigenous people of Papa- New Guinea and the reproductive habits of Manobo monkeys, that humans are the only mammals with no penis bone. In turn you talk about the places you’ve been most especially about New Orleans, which infatuates her, so you drag out the telling, elaborating on the gas lamps, cable cars and streets full of music. Afterwards she promises to visit you there one day.
“Watch out for the smoke monster John Locke” she gasps and grabs your arm, you bravely protect her. You sing her a song you are writing and you can’t help but smile as she taps her tiny feet to the beat. For a minute the world is very small. How could this ever end?
See: love

1. A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness, a losing of one’s self in an ocean of an emotion a drowning in the essence of another.

2. A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance, a need that will not go away if ignored.

a. Sexual passion.
b. Sexual intercourse.
c. A love affair.
d. a fuck

4. An intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object, a baby or a lost puppy.

5. A person who is the object of deep or intense affection or attraction; beloved. Often used as a term of endearment, “my love”, or “love would you pass me that tudor? I simply can’t snort this cocaine without it ”

6. An expression of one's affection: “send my love to the filthy whore you’re off to fuck” she will scream as you storm out of her apartment at four a.m.

a. A strong predilection or enthusiasm: “a love of sex and drugs.”
b. The object of such an enthusiasm: “The freedom of youth is her greatest love.”

8. Love Mythology Eros or Cupid whose diagnosis and demands for love were as inescapable as fate itself.

9. Sports A zero score in tennis.

love, lov-ed lov-ing

1. To have a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward (a person): We love his shiny cock. I love my friends and my friends drugs

2. To have a feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person, to become inexplicably crazy for no apparent reason.

3. To have an intense emotional attachment to: “loves himself”.

a. To embrace or caress, to hold and to touch to be embraced by and be inside of.

b. To have sexual intercourse with, to fuck

5. To like or desire enthusiastically: “loves fuck and winning”

6. To thrive on; need: I love you like a flower loves the sun, like a fish loves the ocean, like a vein loves a needle.

From the cold and distant german lufu, meaning simply sterility to have affection for or to care about, at some point this nothing word adopted nearly twenty important meanings, an age of memories one thousand manuscripts one million ballads, a parade of songs and dances and movies and poems.

2. Fuck


4. FUCK!


See: Regret


1. To feel sorry, disappointed, or distressed about, to tear out your hair to scream into a pillow, to stare idly out the window to try and forget.

2. To remember with a feeling of loss or sorrow; mourn, obsess


1. A sense of loss and longing for someone or something gone, to miss a person like a part of
your body

2. A feeling of disappointment or distress about something that one wishes could be different a belief that one could have changed the past

3. regrets A courteous expression of regret, especially at having to decline an invitation. “I regret to inform you, you are under arrest.

From the ancient Germanic gretan, to weep

1.Your hands shake in the morning until you’ve had a cigarette and a beer. At work the sound of the boss’ voice makes your shoulders squeeze together and your butt hole clinch tight. You throw up in the bathroom during your break and you see blood mixed in with the bile. Your ulcer is acting up again you haven’t eaten anything but ramen for a week because you decided to pay rent this month instead of grocery shopping and now you are wondering how much it will cost to go see that doctor so he can tell you that you need that surgery again and that you should eat papaya again and to drink lots of water again. When you get home you try and remember that song by that band what was it, how did it go? You try and find the chords on the guitar but your hands are shaking and your voice cracks you are so tired from working the double shift that you just quit and you crash on your tiny mattress. By three in the morning your exhaustion overcomes your insatiable hunger for cocaine so you can fall asleep.

2. It is the middle of the night in Providence and it is snowing furiously when the phone rings. You have not talked to her since she started her fellowship at Tulane a year ago. There is a silence on the line and in those long seconds you remember how incredibly light her body felt in the warm water at the beach, how soft she felt Rolling in the grass on ecstasy at the love parade, laughing and laughing, that sad hurt look in her eyes as you slammed the door in her face the last time you saw her. That she was really, really beautiful, that you never really had her the way you wanted, that she is really, really, gone now. You listen to her breath on the line and your heart breaks for the thousandth fucking time, and you wonder if you will ever live a normal life free from her memory until she finally whispers,
“I’m sorry”
So you say,
“Yeah I’m sorry too,”
And then the line goes dead.

* Campanile:

1. A bell tower, with many bells that collectively can play large orchestral pieces.


From the Italian, meaning “little bells”

1.One day, for reasons you can’t really explain you find yourself walking through campus underneath the campanile and listening to the little bells hearing them for the first time in twelve years. Instantly you are taken back, you are lying on the grass listening to the bells tripping balls with some other girl, who by the time you met “her” you have forgotten about completely. You are tripping balls listening to this girl go on and on about something, you don’t remember what, but thinking she is so smart, that you are so in love with her and then you are back in the present and you are thinking that you will always be falling in love and you will always be getting over love and you will always be old and cynical and happy and young and stupid and alive, and you are listening to the bells chime and chime and chime, and you are squinting up into the hills and from there you can almost see the balcony.