I'm A Worthless Girl Or So I Am Told


I slowly walked into the house looking towards the ground. No wanting my father to see the bruises already starting to form on my face. No wanting to feel pain a second time.

I walked into to hear shrill crys coming from the kitchen. I walked in and saw my mothers fragile, and limp body laying on the floor with my father hitting her and kicking her. I watched for seconds with tears in my eyes.

I couldn't take it any more. I had to stop him. I was not going to let him hurt my mother any more. I ran into the kitchen screaming. My father was mad and I could see it in his eyes. He looked at me with hatred. With ashment. He started to hurt my mother again when I got involved.

I stood infront of him taking the blows ment for my mother. "You fuckin bastard!" I yelled not caring about the fact he was my father. "Fuck you, you fuckin slutty bitch!" he yelled. "Why are you doing this?" I cryed tears streaming down my face. "Because your mother is a slutty bitch! She deserves every bit of this! This is her punishement!" he yelled.

"But why, why, why?!" I cried reciving every punch filled with anger ment for my inocent mother. "Move out of the way bitch!" he screamed. "No fuckin way!" I cried. He stopped for a second. Forcefully trying to move my body away from my mothers. "Move now or you'll regret the day you were born!" he yelled drunken rage dripping from every word.

"I already regret the day I was born! The only reason why I stay in the hell hole is because of Aiden and I have to protect my mother from fuckin scum like you!!" I yelled rage dripping from my words. "Oh is that so?" he yelled slowly moving towards me. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" I cried fear taking over my body. "No way slut." he said now only inches from me.

I backed up into the wall closet to me. I was afraid. Afraid for my life and my mothers. I dodged his reaching hands and ran. Ran for the door. Ran for an escape from my drunken father. I fidgeted with the door. It was lock and couldn't get it to budge. He advanced on me. I backed into the wall. "Can't escape me now, bitch!" he called.

His echoing evil laughter filled my ears. It made me cringe againest the wall. "G-g-get away from me!" I said trying to keep the fear from shaking my voice it didn't really work though. His evil laughter again filled my ear drums. I cringed once again againest the wall. He reached for my waist. There was nothing I could do.

I just let it happen. He grabbed my and headed towards the stairs. I tried to scream, kick, make any motion or sound at all, nothing came out. A silent tear rolled down my cheek as we reached his room. He took me and and layed my down. The tears starting to come harder now.

My sobs wracking my body. Making it hard to breath. Making it hard to do almost anything right now. He reached for my shirt and ripped it off. He took off the rest of my clothes. I could do nothing but sob. Wracking my body harder as he slowly peeled off my under garments. He did the same.

I could do nothing as he slowly took advantage of me. I felt numb. I could do nothing. He left the room fully clothed. Laughing at the fact he had just raped his own 14 year old daughter. I felt sick. I felt dirty. I felt vialated. Infact I just had been vialated.

He just took something from me I could never get back. Something I was planning on saving until I was married. How could he do this to his own daughter? I had to get away from here. I had to. I re-dressed myself and walked out of the bedroom. Making sure my so called father was not around.

I ran into Aidens bedroom. He wasn't home so I waited for him to return. He came back a few minutes later. He slowly entered his room looking at me. I started sobbing as our eyes met. The sobs wracked my body.

Sending my shivering. He slowly wrapped his arms around my vigarously shaking body. He held me close as I cried into his shirt. Soaking it with my salty tears. He just held me until I was ready. Ready to tell him what had happened to me.

He whispered sweet nothings to me. Every word making everything a teensy bit better. I slowly begain to stop crying. He held me. He looked down towards me. I poured my heart out to him. He was someone I could trust and count on. "Whats wrong my sweet, Nicole?" he asked me.

"Aiden, dad has done something horrible." I started. "What is it? Oh no, please not this." he said. I just nodded knowing he understood what had happened. "How could this? Why? I coud've." he started. "Aiden please its not your fault." I said barly above a whisper. "But." he started.

"But nothing. Its not your fault." I said. "But." he stated again. "Aiden please don't beat yourself up about it." I said. He nodded. I laid my head againest his chest. He rubbed my back. I looked up and said "I need to take a shower to get the feeling of his skin off of mine." "I will make sure he doesn't do anything." he said a bit of rage seeping from his words. "Thank you." I whispered.