Status: Ongoing :D

One Story, Four Lives, and the Thing that Changed Them All

The Big Silver-Plattered Question

Ever since I was three I could play the piano. Then, I would just sit down and play anything I wanted to, because I could. But lately I would run my hand over the keys, not making any noise, just touching it. It was something I had been doing a lot lately: sitting on the bench, staring into space, completely oblivious to everything around me. Because then, it was one of the last moments I had free to myself. Soon senior year would start and my life as I knew it would change completely. At the time, I was sure I had been overreacting. If only I knew then how wrong I was.

If you're wondering what I'm talking about, well you'll find out soon. I don't really want to scare you though so bear with me for a bit. You see, after the next few days, like I said, I would begin my last year of high school, and honestly I wasn't completely sure if I was ready for it. This was the last year I would be... dependent. Not have to worry if I fucked up a bit because, well, my dad could pay off whoever I offended or hurt or whatever. At that point I didn't care what my friends would think, but to tell you the truth I felt like they were doing the same thing.

My brother, Spencer, his bes friend, Aiden, and my ex, Vinny, were all going to be on the soccer and football team this year, all hoping to get scholarships from it. Although, they had already been doing that all of high school. They were the stars of both sports, all the guys at the school wanted to be them. So you could say they were pretty popular bringing soccer and football together into one group.

Avery had been playing volleyball for three of the four years we had been there. She was one of the best ones on the team, but to me the best because she was my best friend and honestly I never really watched anyone else at the games. So she was pretty popular too, in a different group until we all started hanging out again.

I did something that will probably make a majority of you puke and gag and not want to listen to my story anymore. But it has little to do with anything that happens. I was a cheerleader, so I was also inserted into the popular group except I wasn't a bitch. That was Tori's job, at least she thought it was. And she succeeded at it. Everyone knew she was jealous of me. It wasn't that hard to see. But unlike me, she was a hardcore bitch. Like it was branded to the name or something. I was also the sister/best friend/girlfriend, that went to every game with signs and yelling at the top of their lungs, along with Avery.

Me and Avery were the best friends of all best friends. Even closer than Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat, if you know who they are. They even tell us themselves. But that comes in later. We both had amazing grades and were there for everything, but Avery never had to work as hard as me; it kind of just came to her.

So I guess you could say when you looked at who had the best grades of the seniors, it was always us four battling for number two, because of this girl named Grace who we were no competition to. It's not like we're nerds or anything with the backgrounds we came from, we had reasons to want to be on top, and if you were to choose someone to pick which one of us deserved it the most, I'm sure they'd happily take their life before having to decide.

Amity came from a home where nobody wanted her, so she was using her grades to try to get away. So don't be all surprised when she doesn't mention going home, because she never does: she practically lives at my house.

Vinny was being slowly crushed under the heavy pressure of his parents, both graduating with over 4.5 GPA and going to the best colleges and expecting their son to do better. He had no choice but to excel.

Me and Aiden, we both came from parents who were never home, and to see them home was honestly like seeing a pig fly. They didn't care if we passed or failed or even went. I don't know about Aiden before all of this, but me and Spence rarely showed up for school.

Here comes this scary part, which a lot of you won't be surprised about, because of all the supernatural shit that has been going around. I'm...a pixie, I don't really do anything cool so don't go expecting me to have wings and be the size of a water bottle. I'm practically human, except I can jump back and forth in age. It just takes me that long to get there. If I wanted to suddenly be 25, well I'm seventeen, so I would have to wait 8 years, and if I wanted to be seventeen again, then I would have to wait 8 more years. Pretty lame I know. But I get to do all Benjamin Button shit, so totally worth it.

So that brings me to today, the day of the big question. Which for the record, I was never formally asked. It was handed to be on a silver platter, like everything else in my fucked up life. Excuse my French. This would ruin everything thing for me, my future plans for my life, my future career, my future home, my future husband.

So then there's Aiden, who's currently passed out in my brothers room after a long night of only the Lord knows what. We really don't like each other, which sucks because of everything that's about to happen.

I woke up that day like any other usual day that summer, about 9 because for some ridiculous reason my body didn't allow me to sleep in. I got up out of my warm fluffy bed and picked an outfit out then headed for a shower. I lost myself in my thoughts, probably about what I would do that day or what I would eat when I decided to make an appearance. Only god knows how long that shower was, although I remember it being a long one it could have only been ten minutes. But when it's summer time and you have no specific time limit on things, it doesn't really matter.


I got dressed in some jeans and a random tank top, running a brush through my hair and then padding down the steps into the kitchen, looking for something that sounded delicious to eat.

I looked around for a good 10 minutes before deciding on some cereal and cut up fruit. I sat on the breakfast bar we had, watching Lost waiting for my extremely mocha coffee to finish. When it had finished and I had sat with the cup in hand, I was within seconds Lost into Boone's sexy eyes (geddit? Badoom-doom-chhh). The door to the kitchen was pushed open as someone walked in, the person taking my cup from my hands. I looked up at a smirking Aiden. I glared hard at him as he chugged the scalding liquid.

"Mmm, my favorite." He paused looking at me. "Wow...somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, seriously Ames, the least you could do is try to look presentable." I glared harder at him, hating that smug grin.

"Whatever," I said getting up to get another cup. He followed.

"You know, I honestly and truly feel bad for the man that marries you. I mean look at what he'll wake up too: another man who's snappy and watches nerd shows."

"You know your comments would hurt me more if you actually meant something to me, but you don't. So why don't you, my coffee that you took, and your little penis leave before I chop it off." I gestured towards the knife block within my reach and maneuvered around him.

"Because you would know the size of my penis." He said before walking to the dining table with a plate of leftover pancakes from the night before. Seconds later Spencer walked in.

"Stop being an asshole to my sister Aiden. Oh and by the way, dad wants to see us in 20," He paused, glancing at Aiden. "All of us..."

"Are you eating those cold..?" I asked.

"Why me?" Aiden asked.

Spencer shrugged, everyone ignoring my question.

"Maybe he's acknowledged the man slut in you and wants to warn you about the values you need to have to be in the same house as me," I said as I walked to the sink with my bowl.

"That's totally it," his voice sounded like it was coming closer. I turned around and saw how close he and his smirk was.

"What!?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Oh no, please don't I just took a shower..."

"You have 20 minutes that enough time..." his smirk turned into a full grin as he squirted syrup all over me. I let out a shriek pissed off, before running up to my room in tears. It was my time of month okay?

I knew I was overreacting, I knew right from when the tears were at the edge if my eyes. But honestly when it's my time of the month I go on overload with emotions. You can ask anyone that's close to me, and some that aren't. To this day I still overreact on stupid shit when it's that time, I can't help it, and I love my family dearly for putting up with me for so long. So when I had finished my second shower of that day, I felt like the biggest idiot in the world.

I stood next to my closet looking for something else to wear when there was a knock on the door. I yelled a come in expecting Spence, to come in and tell me dad wanted us.

"Hey Ames, so apparently it's not just your dad, mine i-Holy shit! Warning much!" I turned around in shock. Aiden just stood there starring.

"Get out! Get out, get out, get out! You perv!" Regaining his sanity he slipped out the door with out another word or sound. I sat leaned against the post on my bed breathing heavy from the very unneeded and embarrassing occurrence just now. After a few minutes I ran down the stair - fully dressed- and ready for whatever was awaiting me in my fathers office. As I took the last few steps I came face to face with an awkward looking Spencer and Aiden, the awkwardness reeking as if one of them had just laid the 'I'm gay' egg on the other.

"Did I miss something...?" I asked raising an eyebrow. They both snapped out of their trances, looking at me.

"Ready?" Spence asked. I nodded stepping on the ground floor and turning to me left to head through the many long halls that lead to my fathers office.

"How do we never get lost?" Aiden asked, breaking the nerve racking silence. Nobody really answered, it was more there as to show this was a place we were all comfortable.

This would have been a normal situation if it was Aiden dragging my brother into something idiotic and I was there to cover for them, but they hadn't did anything this time. But even then, for us to get called in was somewhat scary as when my father was home, he rarely said a word to us. Sometimes he would be home and we wouldn't even spot him. With all the different ways to rooms and places in this giant house, it's not surprising. If it had been I would have had a way out of the situation but when I walked into that door things changed forever and one day I might end up approving of them, but at that point I honestly was ready to throw the hair dryer into the bathtub.

Arriving at the door we stood awkwardly seeing who would be stupid enough to touch the door, the looks the boys gave me said it wouldn't be them to grow the vagina.

"Babies.." I muttered as I knocked. There was a booming, "Come in!" from the other side and yet again I was the one left to do the dirty job.

"Sit," My father said as we filed in. Right away I noticed Aidens parents, and my hands became clammy. They were sat on the love seat in the room, three separate chairs sat on the far end I sat in my usual spot on the end of the three, Spenc in the middle. "So shall we begin?" Nobody said anything, I assumed someone nodded as he began to talk a second later. "Obviously it's very rare for you to see me," is what he started with. "And I'm sorry for that, but I can promise you now I will try to me more of a frequent member in your lives," I almost snorted. "What's about to happen is something I can't explain, one day you will both understand, but for now what I have to tell you, you will have to deal with it and there will be no question about what is about to happen. And no matter how much you'll hate me Amelia, I'm doing this because I love you."

"What is going to happen is something that was planned a long time ago," Aidens dad started. "There are things both of our families are connected too, and although some of us haven't quite....accepted it yet.." Aidens dad glanced at him. "It is going to become and major factor in your life, we will have many things the both of you will need to do."

"Okay, not to be rude but can you get on with whatever you have to say? I'm starting to freak out." Aiden said, interrupting his father. His mom glared at him in a way only Maura could.

"Aiden, Amelia, you're getting married and there is ab-"

"What?!!" Me and Aiden both demand as we stood from our chairs.

What happened next was a big mess of yelling and stuttering. I can't even recall half of what happened, at one point we were screaming and pointing at each other. I vaguely remember listing off to my dad the horrible qualities Aiden had, 90% of them being made up along the way because, let's face it, there was practically nothing wrong with Aiden besides how jerky he is. He was almost perfect, looking at it now. My father never even explained the whole situation to us, after a good 10 minutes of screaming he finally got us to sit down. Steam pouring out of both of our ears, I sat cross legged leaning into the side of my chair when he handed us both giant packets that apparently "summarized" our duties. Even now, looking at them, I'm pretty sure he just gave them to us so he could kick us out. Which is what he did.

As my father's office door shut with a thud I looked at my brother.

"If he thinks, I'm squeezing a kid out of my vagina that is conceived by your so-called best friend, then he better find a surrogate because I refuse." I said before me and my packet walked down one of the many long halls.

"You're going to have to warm up to me at some point babe!" Aiden called down the hall, I flipped him off before turning down another. A few minutes later when I got to my room I jumped onto my bed angrily sighing and running my hands over my face. 'What am I going to do? I can't go through with this, what is going through my fathers head?'

After thinking for several minutes I decided what I needed was my best friend. I grabbed my phone off of my nightstand and texted Avery asking if she wanted to meet me at the mall. I shoved the packet of whatever my dad gave my into my bag, grabbed my make-up, wallet and keys and put them in it as well. As I was slipping on my fabric Uggs I heard my phone ping from my back pocket, nearly falling over while slipping the last one on I grabbed my phone. It was Avery saying that she would in fact pick me up.


"So you and Aid-.....I never really thought that would happen," Avery said.

"Well, it's not exactly like I want it to." I said sifting through a rack of clothing.

"So completely not to piss you off or anything but have you actually thought about it? You guys could, like, become friends again it could be good for you. Cause we all know Jake isn't." At first I paused to think, starring at a shirt on the rack. Jake was great. He was my boyfriend and I thought he was the best thing since sliced bread. No one else did, though. Especially Avery. She had given up flat-put hating him and now pretended to tolerate him, but I could tell how much they despised each other.

"Not really, I don't really want to go back to being friends."

"But he was always so sweet, at least from what I saw."

"Yeah, but I don't want that. And the Jake thing, Av's, I know you don't like him but I need you to accept that I love and want to be with him."

"Well I can't." I glared at her as she shrugged.

"Let's go get something to eat."



20 minutes later we were sitting with our food, I started to pick at my salad a bit and sip my soda.

"So I have this theory on Aiden." I raised an eyebrow egging her to go on. "I'm pretty sure he's a Vampire, and I know that's weird for you, but why else would he piss you off consistently? When did you guys start to not get along, when your mom died. How old were you? 12. That's only enough for puberty, vampires get pissed off pretty easily but don't actually turn until 18, sometimes 19. But when they hit puberty a good sign they are for sure going to be one is anger problems." She gave me a look like she totally had it figured out.

"Okay, not helping the marriage situation."

"And speak of the devils." She nodded, smiling, behind me. Spencer, Aiden, and Vinny were all walking swiftly towards us. I rested my head on my hand.

"Hey ladies," Aiden said as he sat in the seat to my left. Spence was to my right and Vinny took a chair from an empty table pulling it up next to Avery.

"Don't mind if we sit right?" Spence asked.

"Nope!" Avery said, popping her 'p'.

"Who's picking up Thea, Spence?"

"I believe it's your turn."

"Seriously, I really don't want to right now. I'm mentally fried. Please Spence for me?"

"Sorry I have practice in an hour."

"I'll take you, Amelia dearest," Avery grinned. "Sally has been feeling neglected and could do with a drive. I freaking love that car..." I sort of spaced out, trying to decide if Avery's hand was on Vinny's knee or not. She suddenly moved her hand, noticing where my eyes were.

"You wanna go now?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah, uhm, sure."She left to go pull the car around and I was stuck with the guys, walking slowly to the front of the mall, talking.

We stood outside, Spencer not wanting to leave me until Avery showed up with the car. Suddenly, her voice sounded behind me.

"Sally got towed because I parked in a fucking haaaaaaandicap spot," she pouted. "I didn't fucking know. Rude disabled people putting their parking spots where they shouldn't be. Gaaah."

So that's it for now I guess. What else can I say? I guess I did just sort of jump right in, but it's where everything started and that's what you asked for. There are lot's of things you don't understand and I know you want to ask questions, but we'll just have to continue later. I know how much you guys want ask questions but, you'll just have to keep your mouths shut for now, and enjoy the ride. Because I didn't and I paid a horrible price.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is a new story. Joy<3 Me and my best friend started writing this in seventh grade and are now revising it and posting it on the internet. Hooray! Reading what we had written before... we can't decide if we were high or delirious. Whatever we were, we obviously didn't have basic grammar skills or a dictionary on hand. But I hope you enjoy. BTDubs, my character is Avery, and she is my pride and joy. I hope you love her as much as I do.