Status: coments are appreciate thanks!!!

Perfect Blood


I was going to die lonely, friendless, and isolated. Well at least that’s what if felt like some times.
I click the toe of new sneakers against the frosted over window .slouched over in a chair my feet rest on the window seal. Myself engorged the newest illnesses and fatal dieses book my mother had brought home to me.i grad a pen and a sticky note and right down the word hypochondria and then below it the meaning-a mental condition in which someone worries a lot about their health and thinks that they are ill when they are not. I spin my chair around and then stick the paper to the all most filled up yellow wall of illnesses and dieses I might have. Yes I know there are a lot of them but they remind me to ask my doctor to check for them just in case I have one even thought I never can get sick your still better safe than sorry.
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sorry it isnt very long :( i swear its going to get way better..