Status: coments are appreciate thanks!!!

Perfect Blood


I sat on the hospital bed with my legs hanging off the edge swinging back and forth some times hitting each other while I day dreamed about the newest adventure book I was reading.then there was a I look up to see the door shut and a old man with shiny gray hair a long white coat and a huge grin on his face sitting in his chair. “O hi Dr.White.” I smiled to. “sage my dear how are you?” he walked over and squeezed my leg like always and asked the say questions like always.i have know this man since I don’t even remember when he was always a friend of my family and when I was born he became my doctor. he Is like the grandfather never had to me. “well im doing fine.” I answer while he rapped the blood pressure tester around my arm. “well that’s good” he then proceeded to do his normal doctor test. “ so is this a check-up or done I have to give blood to day?”. “ what do you think?” I huffed I hate giving blood.
o have I not told you why have to visit the doctors so much so I will have to tell you what all the history books tell use now.
A few hundred years back people use to be able to pick their jobs or find who to marry or have as much children as they like. the world was not at its greatest people where homeless, starving and it was starting to crumble under their feet. No one really noticed how bad it was tell The Disease hit. This illness wasn’t just a little sickness it wiped out hafe the planet in a few years tops. This virus was virtually incurable and anyone who got it was left for died. No one knows where it came from but people believe it was just nature taking its curse from the world getting to over populated. But after a while after the dieses was at its highest it just disappeared leaving the old world crumbled and collapsed. Soon people started making a new kind of government one that would in force laws about who to marry and how many children can you have. They started researching more about genes and blood making people healthier and less prone to dieses. after centuries of people breeding with people they were matched with they had made a person with a new kind of blood type and a different immune system which made them almost unable to get sick this kind of people are called perfect bloods o PB.Ths. kind of people are still very rare there was may be 3 born each year. And every one of the people who are PBs is made to give blood. See the blood of a PB is very potent and when people are sick if you transfuse a bit of a PBs blood it will give your body a bit of a boost. The way you can find out if you’re a PB is by their eyes PB eyes are a very dark unusual color with speckles of different colors in them plus they are all naturally beautiful because there face is symmetrical because it is a way of telling the rest of the population that they are healthy. This is why people gawk a PBs and like to get real close to them.
“sage you know that test we did last month?” me and Dr.White where sitting now in his office. him in front of me with a desk between us. I shook my head hardly listening my eyes where focused on window looking outside “well it was a fertility test.” I ground my teeth agaist my cheek I was ready for this I knew I wasn’t going to every be able to have kids all woman PBs are infertile.i just don’t know if I can take someone telling me that I will never be able to get married or have children out loud just because of my blood. I guess sometimes I like to dream about me being a different person being able to have and raise children being able to have that bond the unstoppable love. But those dreams are hurtful and clearly unrealistic. “mmhh.” I looked down at my shoes again maybe if I concentrate on something different I wouldn’t start tearing up. “Well sage congrats you’re the first ever female perfect to be fertile.” For a second I thought I heard him wrong then I looked up and he was smiling. I flug out of my chair almost tipping it over. What does this mean? How did this happen? I wanted to ask him a million questions at the same time but all I got out was “What!?!?!”
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thanks for reading plz coment and tell me if i could make any thing better thanks!!!!!!!!!