Status: coments are appreciate thanks!!!

Perfect Blood


My short fingers fumble with the string pulling it up trying to find little sensor that was around my neck. Finally I got ahold of the long, thick and shiny device. With my hands still shaking I swiped it across the doors sensor .i hear the familiar click of the door and I turn the slick knob. I hold my breath as I walk through the door in to the porch. I can see my father sitting at the table waiting for mouth starts to dry up like I had a huge cotton ball on my tongue and even when I swallow it is still arid. Was I to tell it even any of their business to know .made they already know. I my mind was flying a million different ways. I stood there tell I made my mind up. I was going to sneak up stairs to my room maybe lock my door and read a book and if anyone asked I will tell them I ate something bad. Yes that is what I will do. I slipped my way out of my father’s vision to the stairs I was hafe way up then I her my name being called. I looked down there was my 11 year old brother niek.his blond hair swiped across him big brown eyes and his face in a smile. I made a hush noise but that’s when my mother walked in. “sage the food is on the table will u come and sit down.” It was more of a request then a question. “ya sure mom” when I get to the table I sit at the far end right across from my father. He was sitting there reading his newspaper still in his officer almost made me uncomfortable to see him in it.not that I have a problem with officers or anything it’s just my dad isn’t the strict kind of person hes more of a kind fun loving person but in that outfit it makes him look a lot more harsh. But as almost as I was going to look away he peeked his head up a bit and winks at me.that made me relax and smile just the thing I needed to calm my nerves. Then niek,rose and my mother came and sat down around us. “So sage anything exciting happen today?” My dad said while he shoved his mouth full of food. I could hear my mom snarl at his manners he just shrugged.i guess if im going to tell them I was going to have to say it now. “ya I you know how PB woman can’t have kids and stuff.”i tryed to finish the rest but my mother interrupted “o sweetie you know one day this matter would come up.” My mom said.I could feel both of them starting to lean in on me. “you know you don’t have to have kids to be happy I mean take up some kind of hobby or something” my father wasn’t a very good a making people feel better. I guess I need to tell them the whole story before they get all mushy on me.”well Dr.White said in was the only PB girl that can have kids.” I could almost hear my whole families’ jaws fall open
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thanks for the coments <3